
 A new leader.

Five hours later.

The two groups have successfully defended their respective chambers against the monster tide.

Finn ensured that the pheromone bombs would lose effect after five hours, thus giving them room to breathe in between battles and polish their strategy.

As soon as they came back to the Midden for a strategy evaluation meeting, Mikael noticed the brooding silence that enveloped the other group.

'Huh? Something's wrong with them, it seems…'

Finn also noticed this and so he casually asked, "Did anyone die on your side?"

"None. But we do have minor injuries…" Sir Conor replied.

Finn's icy blue eyes landed on the weeping teenager whose left foot was torn off.

"Hmm… that's too bad." Finn unsympathetically remarked before moving on to the next topic, "So, did it work?"

Finn's eyes sparkled excitedly as if he was more interested to know whether his plan worked than the welfare of the members. He looked like a nerd collecting the results of his little experiment—except, his experiment involved human lives.

At this, Dame Nora stepped out, glaring hard at Conor.

"Oh! It worked out alright, but I refuse to do it again." She declared, "At least, not under the same leader."

It was Dame Nora who rescued the runner from the pool.

To her, Conor's reluctance to save the runner already disqualified him as a commander.

Despite being uneducated, the Dame adhered to the Knight's code of chivalry.

The code of chivalry stated that one must always protect the weak and defenseless, speak the truth, be brave, be honorable, and obey those placed in authority.

When she first heard about this code, Nora became fascinated with knights. She wanted to be like them so she lived by their ideals.

This was also the reason why she dived into a pool of monsters to save the runner. Of course, aside from her personal vow of protecting young boys as if they were her brother.

Just like Finn, Dame Nora was stubborn.

She was so stubborn with her principles that she refused to follow someone she doesn't acknowledge.

'I may not have had a choice when I was born, but I will choose how I live.'

"I believe Sir Conor is not fit for that position. So, I suggest we vote another."

After saying her piece, Dame Nora approached Deon in large strides.

'I shall choose my liege.' She thought.

"I nominate the prince!" Nora politely pointed at Deon with an open palm.

'WHAT? ME?!' the young prince looked at her in surprise. He did not expect Nora to dump such a heavy responsibility on him.

On the other hand, Mikael smirked mischievously.

This was an opportunity that they cannot miss!

'If we do well this time, I'm sure these people will have a new and better opinion of Deon. Then, after escaping this place, they will tell fantastic stories about him… Yes! gossips are the best way to change one's image!'

Mikael swooped beside Deon, his ghostly lip almost touching the prince's ear.

"Kid, agree with her! Volunteer yourself!" he whispered like a demon urging a poor lamb to do a sinful act.

"But… I don't know if I can do it, sir…" Deon quietly responded, his brows deeply furrowed.

"It's okay. You have me." Mikael assured.

Deon thought deep and hard about it.

While it is true that he wanted recognition for his efforts, the young prince could not readily accept the position.

'Can I really lead them? What if they all die because of my bad decisions?'

'I'm scared…'

"Kid, if you think that you can't do it, you can just lend me your body. I will do it for you." Mikael offered.

'But is that really okay?' Deon internally questioned.

"Would anyone else like to volunteer?" Dame Nora asked the members of the second group.

When no one raised a hand, she turned to Deon and gently smiled.

"I know you can do it, your highness. I believe in you."

Her smile, her words, her trust… Made Deon want to return the favor and not disappoint her.

Mikael saw the change in Deon's eyes.

'Good. Be brave, partner.' He proudly smiled as he entered the Medium. He had a strong feeling that things will soon get interesting.

"Sir Mikael, can you help me? I-I want to try… if not fully, then at least partially." Deon sent his thoughts through direct message.

To which Mikael gladly replied, "Of course, Partner. Use me to your heart's content."

Mikael meant every word that he said.

It was his way of treating Deon better. It was also an apology for taking advantage of the naïve boy. He wanted to get rid of the bitter, dirty feeling that gnawed his phantom heart – The guilt.

'Use me as much as I use you.'

Deon swept his gaze around the Midden, his eyes blazing with hot resolve.

"If you would have me, then I shall answer." He said with uncharacteristic dignity, "I promise that I will do my best not to let anyone die."

Their lives were now in the hand of the young prince.

Although most of them are worried, they could only hope that the royal will deliver on his promises**.

Meanwhile, Sir Conor was relieved.

With his last blunder, he had lost confidence in himself as a leader.

'If the same thing happens again, I'm not sure if I can take the burden…'

The weight of people's lives was far too heavy for the combat Almagi.

He looked apologetically at the runner whom he almost sacrificed then his gaze turned to the young prince.

'I hope you are not like me, prince.' He thought, skeptical about the new leader.

But when he saw Deon's determined eyes, he quietly chuckled, 'Who am I kidding? He's already different from me the moment he decided to save us from the Repletes.'

'I will also do my best to support you, young prince.' He vowed.


"Okay. Now that that's settled, let's start the strategy evaluation. Shall we?" Finn loudly clapped his hands to get the member's attention, "So, how did it go?"

Nora recounted their experience like a consumer representative doing her report.

"The only problem is that the more monsters we slew, the higher the water level rose. Which made it hard for us to use electric spells in the latter half of the battle when the water rose to our ankles. Also, the Water Almagi had nothing to do after setting the trap."

"Ah.. yes. if you used electric spells then, you would've been electrocuted as well. While the water spells can't be used since that will only add to the pool of water." Finn contemplated, "Hmm..."

But no one could help him think of a better strategy.

After all, he was the smartest in the group.

While listening to this discussion, Mikael moved out of the Medium and stared hard at the map drawn on the Midden's floor.

'Ah! Yes, we can do that!'

He immediately swooped beside Deon,

"Hey kid, let me take over for a second. I have an awesome idea."

--Chapter end--


** Deliver on your promise means to do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. In short, you follow through with your promise.

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