
Chain Reaction VII

"Jun-san." Yasaka called out.

"Welcome to my humble abode once again." She added but then, her goddess took over.

"I am glad to finally meet the man of the hour, around which great change seems to endlessly revolve." Amaterasu greeted.

"Greeting the esteemed leader of the shinto gods like this also gladdens me greatly Amaterasu-dono." Jun greeted back, showing the same degree of respect shown to him, something that left the goddess facing him quite pleased.

'It seems Haikami Jun's recent heavy handed moves were likely a response to provocation and not something born of his sole initiative.' Amaterasu concluded, from his general air and attitude, that seemed to be the most likely explanation in the goddess' mind.

As expected of an experienced ruler, she was an understandably great judge of character, finding out a key trait of Jun's right away.

'So he returns both good and ill will but is rather overzealous when it comes to returning the latter it seems.' Amaterasu deduced, and once again, she was quite right. It was a wonder how she could tell so much from so little.

Jun did indeed had a history of being far more "enthusiastic" when it came to returning ill will, even though he was quite responsible when returning good will but his girls would say it is just a part of his charms.

After the causal but measured greetings, Jun sat down across Amaterasu with Yasaka between them as if she was the bridge connecting the two parties. And so, the real conversation began.

"So Amaterasu-dono. To what do I owe the honor of this invitation?" Jun inquired.

"Well, your recent actions and demonstration of power have left many worried, myself included, and so, I decided to make sure of your intentions due to the friction between your people and some of our subordinate forces. Even seek a stabler relationship if possible." Amaterasu replied with honesty she knew he would appreciate.

And right she was. For all she could give out as a reason, both of them knew the meeting was only happening because of the power his group showed in their clash with the Devils.

As such, straightforwardly claiming that to be the case could only earn points from Jun who appreciated that kind of way of dealing with things.

"In case, I think the frictions ended nicely, so long as we don't receive further harassment, I believe there will be no problems on that front." Jun positively replied.

"Excellent. How about an alliance then, a solid relation between our two forces?" Amaterasu proposed.

"I believe it is a great idea." Jun once again positively replied, somewhat surprising the Amaterasu and even Yasaka who both did not expect he would be so forthcoming about an alliance with the Shinto Gods he had never even met.

"I can see you are surprised Amaterasu-dono." Jun commented.

"Yes to tell the truth. I did not think you would reply so positively to the proposal of an alliance between our factions if I am being honest." Amaterasu truthfully responded.

Jun nodded in understanding.

"In actuality, if my deal for a ceasefire with the Devils goes through, which I believe it will, All of their assets in Japan will be mine. I was thus thinking of actually setting up in this country and so, having good relations with other forces based here seems like a good policy." He then revealed.

"Oh! I see." Amaterasu's burning sun like, golden eyes lit up with understanding.

'He is a dangerous but extremely valuable neighbor to have. Well will probably have a staunch ally when it comes to foreign intrusions if things go as he plans." Amaterasu thought to herself.

"Then I will be happy to be your second local ally after the yokai who by now, I'm sure you've realized are affiliated, at least partly with my faction." The goddess declared.

Jun gave her a small bow which she returned and the alliance was cemented. Now, all that remained, was to work out the specifics of what said alliance entailed exactly but the most important requirement, the willingness of both parties, was already there.

And so, another link in the chain reaction was more or less done but Jun was still going to be sought after, this time, by one of his longest standing cooperators in DxD though after the actions of one of his lieutenants, relations had soured a bit, azazel and his Grigori, the Fallen Angel faction.

Lately, Azazel who was a great seeker of peace, for the ample time it provided for his research and hobbies, was deeply worried about the combative tendencies shown by Jun, tendencies that, with his growing power, might serve as the trigger for another great war, one possibly even more destructive and widespread that the last one.

This was something he wished to avoid at almost all costs and so, he tried setting up a meeting with Jun who he had not seen in a while so as to try and sound out his intentions.

To this end, he tried establishing contact with Jun through the old method which was no defunct. Azazel then tried personally going to Kuoh, ending up being received by an Asako, one of her bodies, who promptly informed Jun who was just about finishing up with Amaterasu who was about to take her leave.

After saying temporary goodbyes as the goddess needed to further discuss the alliance with her cohorts and having heard Azazel came around looking for him, Jun promptly decided to have a date with Yasaka first.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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