
CH92 (456), Hopes For The Future

The week that followed was pretty much uneventful, with the sole exception of Mewday. On that day, Charmander ended up reaching the (high) iron stage, which was wonderful news. Osiris/Marowak was especially happy when his little bro became stronger, and he put on a dance performance out of happiness.

Charmander reaching the (high) iron stage also meant that he was one step closer to his evolution to Charmeleon, which would happen once he finished his first round of limit-breaking since that was the optimal evolution point for him and those like him.

Once that happened, he would be one step closer to becoming a Charizard, which would be awesome for a multitude of reasons. One of the biggest ones was probably the possible evolution of Osiris to Skellibra.

Nonetheless, it would take years before Charmander was at that point, and Osiris would definitely be at the gold stage by then since it made no sense to delay his breakthrough once he managed to finish his limit-breaking.

I mean Osiris' breakthrough was something that could happen any moment because he only had to raise a single parameter to SSS value to complete his limit breaking, and he has been working on that one for a few months now.

Hence, that parameter truly could reach the SSS value at any given moment, which was why I said that delaying his breakthrough to the gold stage would make no sense. He would simply have to do his potential/hopeful evolution to Skellibra as a gold-stage Pokemon. I had been believing there to be a strength requirement anyway, so the development fit into my expectations.

Anyway, aside from that happy event on Mewday, the rest of the week was calm, and the same was true for the final week of the month as well. The 20th month of 2182 finished off on Arcday in an uneventful fashion, and Mewday started off the new month just as calmly.

Unfortunately, the rest of the week was not much different, but I did receive a call from the foreman working on my property on Kyoday. He called to inform me that they had managed to complete 80% of the water channel system.

That included the sub-stream channel I had gotten permission for, which was how my plot/property was able to get a flowing water stream/channel around the whole plot in the first place. He added that they had also already constructed most of the "land" bridges, which I had initially marked on my map so that the nonwater types could cross the channel without getting wet.

Anyway, according to him, they were going to plow the whole plot, once the channel system was complete. Then they would be starting on planting the trees I wanted. He hung up after I thanked him for the report. I briefly considered whether I should take a look at the place, but I decided to shelve it until the initial work was complete, which meant that the trees were planted, had properly settled, and the grass had grown.

Compared to the first, the second week was more interesting. At least, it was for me, partially, since even I had to wait until Dialday for something fantastic to happen. For me, that was when Osiris/Marowak asked me to check his status after I entered Utopia that evening.

It seemed the moment I/we had been waiting for had arrived, and a quick check confirmed, that his Energy Capacity had finally reached SSS as well. He was now ready to break through to the gold stage. Obviously, Charmander was hanging out around Osiris, and I saw the eyes of Charmander glistening in delight when I made that declaration.

He rushed up to Osiris and gave him a happy hug. I saw Osiris smile indulgently while patting Charmanders head. While those two were having a bro moment, I announced Osiris impeding breakthrough throughout Utopia.

Once I did that, we made our way over to Osiris's place and waited for everyone else to arrive. After I made sure that no one else was heading over I told everyone to form the circle while I went up to Osiris and wished him luck before joining the others.

I knew that Osiris would normally attain light aurora potential during this breakthrough, so I was not surprised when his breakthrough took a bit longer and he lit up a bit, which was due to the slight upgrade of his body as well as the unlocking of a third ability.

Still, the whole thing went pretty smoothly, and as soon as the breakthrough was over I made my way over to him. Still, Charmander who cheerily ran up to Osiris made it to him before I did and he was already happily chattering at Osiris when I arrived at their/his side a few seconds later.

I patted Charmander's head a bit, which helped calm him down somewhat before congratulating Osiris who looked pretty happy. The others also arrived and began to congratulate him, so I did my usual thing and checked his status while they were all busy with each other.

'Name: Osiris

Species: Marowak

Gender: Male

Age: 11+ Years


Type: Ground

Potential: Light Aurora (15.71%)

{Purple (69.69%) -> (71.42) -> Light Aurora (15.71%)}

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Rock Head, Lighting Rod, Battle Armor*

Talents: Conduct Current

Affinities: Ground


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirks: None



Stage: Gold Stage (mid)

Vitality: E

Strength: D

Endurance: C

Agility: F

Energy Capacity: F

Energy Density: D






Poison (Minor), Rock (Minor)



Grass (Minor), Ice (Minor)



Water, Ice (in progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy



Ground Energy Manipulation (Advanced)



(Unofficial) Initial:




Take Down (new), Thunder Tail (C)



Growl, Tail Whip, False Swipe, Leer, Thrash, Endeavor (+), Rage (+), Rock Slide (new)



Mud-Slap, Headbutt, Retaliate, Fling, Endure, Focus Energy, Protect, Sword Dance, Flamethrower, Thunderstrike (C), Brick Break, Thunderbolt (+), Club Rush (C), Dig (+), Wild Charge (new), Iron Head (new)



Stomping Tantrum, Double-Edge, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Earthquake (new)



Bone Club, Bone Rush, Bonemerang (+)



Thunder Strike (Proficient), Club Rush (Proficient), Thunder Tail (Novice)'

Well, as expected his potential did reach light aurora, along with an extra 15+%, which was not bad. Still, I/we had expected that, and since he did not unlock any modifier the potential upgrade went smoothly.

Obviously, the 3rd ability was unlocked as a result, and I could not say I did not expect to see Battle Armor as his third ability since I knew that Battle Armor was one of the three abilities the Marowak species had in its ability pool.

Yet, even though I knew that there has been a 99.99% chance for that to be the case, I could not help but be slightly disappointed to see it on his status screen since I did not like that ability all that much. It was not a bad ability per se, since it prevented penetrating/critical damage, but there were so many other abilities out there that could have been much more useful.

Nonetheless, Battle Armor was the one we got, and it was not like we were completely out of luck. Osiris still had his evolution to Skellibra ahead of himself, so there was a good chance that some of his abilities would be swapped out for others during the evolution process.

Honestly, the only one I wanted him to keep was Rock Head since I actually liked the effect of that one, and yet Rock Head was the one that probably had the highest chance of being replaced since Skellibra freed his/its head from the skull helmet during the evolution process.

As for Lightning Rod, I felt that it was a bit redundant by this point. Osiris' ground typing already gave him an electric immunity, and his Conduct Current talent allowed him to do just that. The only thing that would be gone if Lightning Rod was replaced would be the Energy Capacity/Sp. Atk bonus he got each time he was hit by an electric move.

However, unlike with Lightning Rod which I would not mind if it stayed, I was really hoping that the new Battle Armor would get replaced by something more useful once Osiris evolved.

Unfortunately, we would have to wait for a few years before that could happen, so I continued looking through the rest of the status screen to see if anything else had changed as a result of his breakthrough to the gold stage, but not before sharing the news with Osiris and the others.

I obviously did not let my slight disappointment regarding Battle Armor show even the tiniest bit and congratulated him for both attaining light aurora potential and his third ability.

Nonetheless, I moved on to the parameter section and saw that he was starting from the (mid) gold stage, which was no real surprise. His individual parameter values were not too good but they were not bad either. Still, I was expecting him to probably take more than a year to reach the (high) gold stage.

Next up was his type relation section, and unfortunately, his breakthrough did not push his ice resistance training to completion. Well, it would have been nice but "that's life for you" as they say. We'd have to finish it the classic way after all, and I/we really wanted to standardize his ice resistance before his evolution to Skellibra since his weakness would grow from a minor one to a major one if we didn't.

If we did succeed before his evolution, it would simply turn back into a minor ice weakness instead, which was still miles better than a major one, especially since it was always easier the train the resistance for a minor weakness compared to a major one. That was why he has been working on his ice resistance for the last 2 plus years.

Anyway, I moved on and saw that his move section remained unaffected by his breakthrough as well, so I closed the status screen and turned to my Pokemon. I declared the start of the celebration, and since tomorrow was Kyoday, I allowed the party to continue past midnight.

The next morning we had a slightly late start since the part went on till 2 a.m., but that was fine since we spent the rest of the day relaxing anyway. On Grouday, I did my usual weekly status check, but nothing stood out. I also checked up on my various ongoing projects but those were in the same situation.

The following week began pretty calmly, but Giratiday ended up being a rather grand day for everyone on our project since another group managed to finish their Leafeon evolution trigger. Sadly the trigger failed to actually work as intended, but it still brought us closer to the completion of the Leafeon project since only one group project was left, so it was still a great occasion.

After that, all members of the Eevee project were officially working on the final Leafeon evolution catalyst. Still, the rest of the week went by and the work was still not done, and none of us knew for sure how long exactly it would take us to finish.

Regardless, unlike the situation at the lab, I did get some good news during my weekly routine status check on Grouday. I saw that Prime/Beedrill was done with his second round of limit-breaking, which meant that he had officially begun his final round. I felt that was a great way to close the third week of the month.

Unfortunately, the rest of the month did not have any further good news for me, neither at the lab nor on the personal front. Still, we were hopeful that we would be able to finish the last Leafeon catalyst during the new/22nd month, and I was expecting some good news on the personal front as well.


***A Big Thank You to John Markop for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

Currently, the first goal has been completed, so for the duration of April, the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, I will release 2 bonus chapters on webnovel, and the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on will be 8, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 12.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/4 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to John Markop for becoming a Patron***

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


Azrail93creators' thoughts
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