
The land of the rising sun

After paying for a boat, it was time to go to Land of the rising sun, the homeland of the current captain of the black bulls.

"Hmm, they both share seconds names and magic."

Zakai felt a little curious about what the foreign countries and continents look like, although he isn't going there for shits and giggles, he's going there for a reason.

"The bone and the magic stone." I muttered, before looking at the dryad "Wouldnt it be better just to leave the magic stone abroad?"

The dryad gave a mutter, before saying "If the eye of the midnight sun reaches the stone before us, there a high likely chance that they would murder innocent civilians." The dryad muttered

Zakai gave a nod, before looking hearing a voice

"First time on my boat?"

It was the captain, walking from the deck of the ship

"Yeah," Zakai said, looking towards the captain

"If I was you, I would have second thoughts about going to the land of the rising sun." The captain said, sitting on the seat next to him and taking a swig of Alcohol


"They're not a massive fan of those Clover folks', besides , they're not a massive fan of our culture and stand behind their ancient practices with pride."

"Oh?" Zakai looked towards the man "What are their practices?"

"Well first, you need to call people by their second names." The man took another swig of alcohol "Then, their clothing is different." The captain muttered, "Men wear Hakama and women wear Kimono's." The captain looked like he was fantasizing, before muttering "My wife used to look lovely in a Kimono...." He muttered, a hint of sadness present in his eyes

"I see." Zakai muttered, "Can you show me what a Hakama looks like?"

(Im not Japanese, and I'm not claiming to know their clothes very well, since I'm not a weeb, so ill leave the meaning and picture in the description)

the captain showed a black shirt, folded into what seemed to be a long white skirt, followed by a jacket that covers the arms of the shirt

"I used to wear it back in the day." The captain patted his chest, before looking at me "You can have it if ya want."

Zakai declined, before creating one with his creation magic

"Excuse me."

he walked into his room and changed, before looking at himself in the mirror.

his amber eyes went along with the white and black Hakama he made, as he made the jacket like clothing piece and put it on

"Looking fine," Zakai muttered, before walking out on the ship deck

"We will be landing in around 2 hours." The ship captain muttered, before looking at me "Watch out since the folks do not like the clover kingdom people."

the captain and I talked about their traditions and clothing before the ship landed, of which Zakai got his first taste of the country.

their building style was.... different. they apparently used something called Nihon kenchiku, something he learned of the captain. they were simple wooden structures, elevated slightly off the ground, with tiled or thatched roofs.

sometimes the roof scaled from widest at the bottom and then the curved roof would get smaller at the top.

different smells hit Zakai's nose, as he walked past this massive red gate thing, someone calling it a torii gate.

the people in this land spoke a different language, which made Zakai sigh. he didn't know the language, so he will have to find what he needs on his own

the image shows a crypt, where there is a magic stone being held. he didn't know where it was, but it was a start

"Excuse me, do you know where the auction for the bone is?"


"Yeah, I figured so," Zakai muttered, before walking around the beautiful city he was in

he was in the capital, of which the auction was being held. he wanted the bone.

walking down the street, Zakai saw the weapon that the people use, Katana's were single-edged blades with a circular or squared gu

the people looked more different than the clover kingdom, with darker skin and more pronounced features

locating a noble and asking for where the auction will be held , he muttered that it would be in the largest building, and he shouldn't interrupt his tea-time.

Zakai looked towards the biggest building, belonging to the "Hiro merchants group" a bunch of powerful rulers that rule the country secretly with their power. they will be doing the auction, so Zakai walked into the large building and had a look

the inside was luxurious, with gold plates and expensive gems encrusted into every nook and cranny

seeing my looks, a maid came along

she spoke Arcahic clovic , what the people spoke in the clover kingdom

"Hello, what may I do for you today?" She gave a bow, causing Zakai to mutter

"Please bring me to the section where powerful beast bones are withheld."

"Do you mean the eight-headed dragon? sorry sir, the only way you'll be seeing that is at tomorrow's auction." She gave a bow

"No, I meant general strong beast bones." Zakai cleaned up the confusion

"Oh, I see." She muttered, before saying "Follow me."

she started walking through the different hallways, before Zakai found himself in an area with all different bones, encased in strong magic protection gear and with a price tag on them. the Hiro group uses both Yul and Yen, the currency belonging to the clover kingdom and land of the rising sun respectively

the most powerful was a bone from a Kraken slew a hundred years ago and a bone of a 3- headed Cerebus

"Hey, do you want to be a Cerebus?" Zakai muttered to Fenrir, who was resting in his soul

"Cerebus are ugly." The dryad muttered

"Did I ask you?" Zakai responded, causing the worker to think he had gone mad

A whimper came from Fenrir, meaning no

"I'll take the Kraken bone," Zakai muttered, feeling the dense amount of mana from it even when there were countless mana protection charms on it

"A good choice sir." The worker said, touching the case, causing it to teleport to somewhere else

"Please come with me." She muttered, going back to the main hall and going to what seemed to be a cashier

"#234" She muttered to the cashier, causing her to nod and bring out a bone, still in its case

Zakai felt some hostile eyes to his back, but ignored it, brought it and put it in a backpack he was wearing, the mana restricting case still on.

Zakai walked out of the building and walked to a secluded

"I was waiting for you,"