
The first magic stone

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after scanning the mission board with his eyes, he found himself looking at the one and only Sosshi quest

" magical Boar extermination quest

Task - kill the 24 magically enhanced boars that reak havoc on the magically inept villagers of Sosshi

Maximum time span - 1 month.

hurrying up to the receptionist and ready to leave the base, a voice sounded out from behind him


it was veronica, and she wasn't happy

"First the bear task and now this?" She said, "I thought were meant to do this as a duo."

"This is more personal though." Zakai said, "I need to do something there, I ain't going to slack off."

Veronica sighed before looking at the quest description

"Sosshi huh?" She said before handing me a token "that was where I was born."

Seeing my unwavering determination of not letting her come, she sighed and looked at the token she gave me

"I Made it using shadow magic." She said, "I don't know what you're doing, but if you're in trouble break it and it will alert me." She said, before walking off, only to turn around again "And next time you better take me with you!"

She stomped off, obviously upset

"Im sorry veronica," Zakai said. something in his body was screaming to retrieve that soul immediately or something bad was happening

but on the other side of his body, something wants him to leave the stone and watch was happens

"I'll listen to the former" Zakai muttered, before chanting the magic "[Paper magic: Wings of the demonic angel]

the familiar wings popped up, Causing Zakai to go east.

it will at least take 3 weeks of travel for anybody travelling to the royal capital to the forsaken realm, but with enough mana, he will get there in a week

He's seen that stone before, somewhere. but he couldn't remember where he saw it


5 days later

after arriving in a small village, Zakai went up to "Farcray travel agency" which are a group of spatial magic mages that can help you teleport anywhere for a fee

after paying for a 2 way trip to Sosshi, Zakai watched as the spatial mage made cast a spell and said to Zalak

"After you."

2 days will be saved from this, and it's worth it

Spatial magic was strange and rare. a portal between an area is made, but people described it as "Linked"

some Spatial mages can teleport where they want, some need to go there and then be able to teleport, and some can even make a "Link" of sorts. the "Link" is where the spatial mage goes to the location and leaves a large amount of spatial mana and then goes to a different location. then, the mage can go to the area he/she linked with little to no mana cost. there are some drawbacks, such as a cooldown, limit of "links" etc, but a kindgom without Spacial magic is not a good one

after walking into the portal, Zakai noticed himself in the direct position that the man came from, like the dream he has been going through for the past 5 days

the location was too specific, Zakai could tell that it wasn't a centimetre off, nor a millimetre away

"Im sorry but orders order." A voice rang beside him as a group of blue-robed grunts came out all similar to the dream

"We have to block all entrance to Sosshi," the leader said to the unwilling grunt that didn't want to hurt me

scanning the bunch, they all had large mana reserves, which made Zakai sigh

"What organisation do you belong to?"

"You don't need to know that kid."

One spatial mage, one water mage and some other unknown magic grunts. they were in a group of 5, which made Zakai frown

"Ill test their combat capability's and retreat if I have to."

Ubenounced to the group a small inconspicuous piece of paper slowly slid down Zakai's trouser leg and slowly moved to the spatial mage while Zakai was casting some normal paper, not mana encased so they didn't detect it

feeling the piece of paper goes behind the spatial mage, Zakai laughed as he input mana into it, making the piece of paper cut the guys head off


a mage was first to respond as he shot a fireball at Zakai, which he dodged with speed

throwing the paper shuriken that he made, the leader of the grunts cast rock magic and deflected the paper, causing Zakai to sigh as fireballs and water bullets came his way

Casting wind magic on himself, he looked towards the previous bunch.

"See in a bit." Zakai teased, enchanting himself with wind magic and grabbing the dead Spatial mages book before it splits

Blinking and seeing the boy gone, the leader sighed

"Follow him!" he screamed "We must not let him interrupt our plans!"

grunts were chasing after Zakai, but he was already out of the forest and over a cliff

"Spatial magic huh?" Zakai laughed before offering it to the Grimoire, who happily consumed it

A new page arose with 2 spells, which seemed to be a common occurrence now. one seems to be inherited by the original user and one tailored for my personal use


Spatial magic

Long-range teleport

The Spatial tag of the Demonic demon


"The spatial tag of the demonic demon?" Zalak clicked his tongue. why are these names so ominous man

basically, it lets you create a tag that costs his whole mana reserve to even create a quarter of, you can teleport once using it and

put it on weapons, not to mention it doesn't cost any mana but has restrictions of its own

"I need to make one." Zakai sighed "Could be useful."

first, however, he made a Link in his current location and waited until his mana was fully restored before jumping off the cliff that overlooks Sosshi

using wind magic to neutralize the impact, Zakai used his precious 10 seconds and asked

"Where is it?"

"The church," The calm voice said, before going silent again

nodding, Zakai used wind magic to become quiet as he scanned the church like an assassin for the stone

after looking for a while and avoiding all the Nun's and priests that roamed the halls of the church, he found himself in a room with a golden pedestal surrounding a purple stone he saw in his dreams

after checking there was no mana source for trap magic, Zakai picked up the stone and looked at it, even inputting some magic into it

"Huh?" Zakai felt droozy as he suddenly teleported outside and into the inn using Spatial magic



the familiar scene of an elf holding a woman was there, but this time a man was at the opposite side of the elf shouting

"Licht!" He shouted, "Don't do this!"

the man picked up a baby from the arms of the dead woman and cradled it, before looking at the king and his servant, Secre swallowtail

"Look after my son." He said, throwing the small crying child before tears dropped down from his eyes "Please...Please kill me...."

On a necklace, 11 magical stones were on there, the last slot reserved to the stone licht was holding

"LICHT YOU BASTARD DON'T DO IT!" The man screamed "DONT DO IT! YOU PROMISED THAT ELFES AND HUMANS WILL LIVE TOGETHER!" The man screamed, watching as his friend input the last magic stone on the necklace, causing the dream to end


Zakai woke up, teardrops in his eyes

a woman came in, looking at the crying man before sighing

" I would have just kicked you out if it wasn't for the money you put up on the side of the bed."

Zakai sighed hearing this before saying "I put a week's worth of money onto the bed, what's the problem?"

"You were unconscious for nearly a week and a half." She said "You didn't have any injuries nor my magic detected any mental problems so I left you there"

"A week and a half..." Zakai muttered "Shit."

that would mean those men are coming soon, something his dream predicted

after paying the rest of the money, Zakai said

"[Spcaial magic: Long-range teleport]"

jumping down from where the previous people he came, he watched as a fresh batch

he seemed to be right on time as a slender white-haired man came out and looked at his pocket watch as he said

"Right on time."

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