
the battle with the bandit boss

Realsing the arrow at the man, he used his thick armour to block the arrow, causing it to do little to non-damage

"[Sacrifice magic: Blood Spikes]!" the man drained more blood from the body and hit the ground, causing Red spikes to erupt from the ground and rapidly come towards Zalak

Zalak quickly chanted paper magic and flew in the air, dodging the spikes that were trying to home onto him

"[Blessed magic: Marytn's sphere]!"

a water dome was made, trying to drown the man since his defence was too high

the man slammed his hands against the sphere, causing it to collapse

Seeing him stumble a bit, Zalak took advantage of the Opputnity

"[Paper magic: Demonic Paper blades]

(Note: changed into that from The paper blades of the demon or something)

thousands of inscoupious pieces of paper arose into the room, looking like normal paper

"Release," Zakai said, inputting mana into the piece of paper, causing them to look like swords

"[Blood Sacrifice: Gods Forituide]"

this man is not simple, Zakai could tell. he had cast a lot of magic, meaning he had a background or was a noble

Meanwhile, Zakai was running out of magic. he could only pray that the attack was going to kill#

Zakai swiped his hand down, causing the thousands of paper blades to shoot down

the man's spell was ready, as a massive castle wall made out of blood slowly raised, trying to block the attack

Zakai swung his arms, directing the Paper blades to go from the sides, which hadn't been complete

the man seemed to lose more and more sanity and the screams turned into laughs

the paper blades cut down the man, who was trying his best to defend it

after the brutal attack, the man was still alive, his wounds heavy and deep

he seemed to regain a fraction of his sanity as he said

"Not bad... for a kid." He panted "But I have one last attack in me." he said, clasping his hands together "[Sacrifice magic: Blood Sacrifice]"

The man started screaming, his blood being burned as fuel for his last attack

Whipping out his bow, Zakai said

"Me too."

He conjured up a Magic Spell, one that couldn't be matched by anyone else

His grimoire flipped, revealing a new spell

"[The Wind demon's Final Gambit.]" Zakai said, watching as his mana was burned off to compensate for the lack of mana

A mana arrow far bigger than normal Zephr arrow appeared, as The man's spell, appeared

A Burst of blood erupted from the body of the man seeping into the ground

Zakai was on high alert, even though he was losing conscious

a large rumble came from the ground, causing Zakai to clench his muscle's

large blood like sword appeared, its edge pointed at Zakai

Breathing in, Zakai Released the Overly large arrow at the Sword watching as the two clashed

The blood sword clashed with the arrow, as it looked like it had sentience as it tried to slip around the arrow and kill Zalak, but was blocked by the large arrow

"Go and kill him Blood sacrifice-" The man shouted, interrupted by an arrow lodged into his chest

looking at the overside of the room, he looked as Zakai had his bow in a shooting position, obviously just shot

"You think I'm going to wait and see who's better?" Zakai said, drawing 2 more arrows that he hid for emergency

2 more arrows were lodged into his vitals, as he watched the blood sword fade, leading to the arrow to come his way

"I failed you, my king." The man shut his eyes, watching as the rapidly approaching Arrow came, slicing his body into ribbons.

the arrow didn't stop, however, as the wall of the room was instantly pierced by it and still continued one

That was the only thing Zakai saw as he lost conscious


The villagers from the village that needed rebuilding due to the bandits watched as an overly large arrow pierced through the wall of their base, which they never vowed to go near

the only noble house in the village sent their guards to see if his daughter was still alive

They weren't the only ones who detected the mana, however.


When Zakai woke up, he found himself in a Luxiouros Hospital, the god known where

Quickly finding a mask he put on before, he was about to jump out the window before his body was stopped, unable to

2 men came down, both of their Grimoire's out

"Mr Zakai, we recommend that you take a seat." They both said, sitting down

sighing, Zalak quickly sat down and looked towards the grimoire in his soul, which was disguised as a 3 leaf clover

"Smart play." He said in his soul

"Now, you tell us the events that happened 1 day ago." They both said , one closing there eyes

"Whats wrong with him?" Zakai said,

"Mr Azelf here has Lie Detecion magic." The other man said, "Matters like this are important to the clover kingdom, so measures like these are important for yours and the clover kingdom's safety." The man said, whipping out a sheet of questions "Do you have any connection with other Kindgoms?"



"Are you a spy?"



"Why did you kill the bandit leader?"

"Guild mission."


the man lifted up a stone, one that shined with mana

"Do you know about mage stones?"



"Did the man say anything before his death?"

"Something about a king."


The man nodded, before saying

"Did you go into the base with good intentions?"

"To do the request for the guild and my own personal agenda"


"What was your agenda?"

"To get stronger."


"Why do you want to get stronger?"

"To protect me."


Zakai deliberately is saying the truth but not all of the truth. he uses was to get new magic, but it seemed


the man got up and said

"That's all, Mr Zakai." He nodded "Your free to go, although you will be put under Surveillance when in the capital."

"Will I be able to go to the Magic knight selection?"

"Yes, it starts tomorrow."

Zakai nodded, before jumping out the window and going out


Seeing him gone, The 2 men nodded

"Time to report."

They walked out of the building and walked into the Minister Building, where the Magic king lives

The door's shut, activating the anti-spy magic


Zakai looked at his healed wounds and healed magic and sighed

"They obviously got a good healer."

Zakai went into his room and saw a note and a large amount of money.

"Thank you for saving my daughter."

Zakai sighed , remembering that girl that was locked up

Zakai shrugged, enjoying the extra money

although he didn't get any new magic, he did get a new spell , that was pretty good

"How did they heal my burned mana?"

once you burn your magic, you cant use it once again. but they found a way to heal i

"Magic is busted, my god"

sighing, he looked towards the bow that carried him

something was strange. a small gem had appeared once more, its appearance red and smaller than the other gem on the bow.

"I wonder where I got this from," Zakai said in a confused expression

sighing, he was thinking of what to do if he ever got upfront in a battle

"I can't rely on my Bow all the time"

and the normal dagger isn't cutting it for bigger and stronger foes, causing him to go find a blacksmith and buy a new dagger

he wasn't looking for something fancy, but something that could block a blow and a half. when he gets more magic he's sure he won't need it

he's still salty by the fact that he couldn't get any magic

but first, he needed to do some preparations for the Magic Knight Exams

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