

Waking up in the hunter's Cabin, all he saw was the book missing and The hunter's body, which had slowly begun to decompose

"What?" Zalak muttered, looking around the room in a state of panicked "Where is it?"

thinking about its appearance ,a book suddenly appeared before him, causing Zalak to jump back and roll

"The boo-" Zalak said, before looking at its cover, his eyes expanding "A Grimoire?"

it was obviously the same book as before, as it was the same size, the same texture, but when stood out was the 5 leafed grimoire engraved onto the top of the book

"A demonic Grimoire?" Zalak said, cautiously putting it down and thinking about his options

he could leave it, but he knows he will regret it. or, he could go and ignore everything Father Orsi and Sister lily said about demonic Grimoires and keep the book, having a high chance of gaining more powers out of it.

opening the book once more, he realised that he didn't need to touch the book anymore, as it levitated the air, surrounded by a thick red magical aura

most Grimoires had their colour of magic surround it when casting spells, as it help identifies the kind of magic used. green for wind magic, blue for water magic, red for fire magic.

but this was different.

Its colours resembled a Crimson red, a colour that Vermillon's noble house could even dream of achieving

a new page appeared, one filled with Knowledge of tracking magic

reading the page and then looking at the spells, Zalak looked at the bottom of the page with shock in his eye's

4 spells were presented, much unlike the 1 he gets from consuming the page

it was all the spells the late hunter knows. although 4 is a measly amount compared to other peoples grimoire, he wasn't complaining.

"i need to keep this a secret..." Zalak said recalling something somebody said a long time ago

"A man wearing a jade ring will become a criminal." The quote was something he read in the small libabry of the city in his meantime

Anyway, back to the 4 spells, they were as follow

"Tracking interference." Stops yourself from getting tracked, something a criminal would die for

"Temporary track." Small usage of mana for a limited target timespan, the hunter said something about how it was an hour and a half before the tracking mana will automatically break down

"Permanent track." tracking mana that stays on the target forever, but no other tracking magic can be used or the magic is terminated

and finally, the ultra spell of the tracking magic

"Tracking Sphere." A fake domain of sorts that gives note when something comes into your radius, and it's a growing spell, meaning that it will grow over the course of its lifespan

although it currently only had 10 metres and it drained his mana exponentially quick, it was still a useful ability to have

looking at the book that didn't move, he asked

"What are you?"

"Your best Ally." A voice responded, sounding as if scratching a fork onto a plate existed as a voice

After looking around and at the book, he asked

"How did you do that?"

No response.

thinking of the Grimoire disappearing, the book disappeared and entered who-knows-what kind of his body

looking at the decomposing body, he quickly ran over to seigh and told him that he fainted when he died, making him unable to come to him when he died

"No problem, you're a kid." He said, "Blood is a hard thing to get used to."

It was a quick process as sleigh quickly put the body into a body bag and prepared it for a private cremation

this cabin .... will be his home.

but first, he needed to clean the place up. humming while using Holy magic, it instantly cleaned all the dust and mould that had been building up due to the hunter not being able to reach there because of his sick health

Whistling while cleaning it, a knock on the door was heard

opening the door, he saw the same Stewart that was there before

"Good evening, Sir hunter." He bowed to a 6-year-old, this man obviously is humble and plain... Zalak likes it

"Oh, how may I entertain you?" Zalak asked

"We are here to see if the contract is fully bound to your soul." His eyes gazed upon me "The previous hunter got you to sign a contract, right?"


"how long?"

"Till I turn 15'"

the man gave a sigh, before putting his hand on my shoulder

"Your incredibly young for this type of job, so if you have difficulty reaching the target, ill help you hunt the meats." the steward sighed "Half" of the meat will be sold to the noble family I serve, the Uniquas noble household."

the Uniquas household, apparently, specialize in offensive water type magic and there name was derived from the undine water spirit, something their ancestors worshipped according to the books in the Libabry

"If you sell anything more to the noble family, you will be paid per the beast you sell us."

Zalak nodded , before looking at the Steward

"What about a magically enhanced beast?"

"Your far too young to be thinking about that." He said, before looking at the house "You know the taxation rules, yes?"

"5000 yul every year?"


every 2 months he needs to sell 10 animals, 5 to the nobles for free and 5 to the countless shops and people that desire meat

a Boar is 1500 yul, but that was the main animal in the forest

a rough estimation for a rabbit is 250 yul, a deer maybe 1100 yul, foxes 300 yul. if he sells 4 rabbits, 2 deers, 3 foxes and 21boars a month, he will be left with

1000+2,200+900+1500 leads him with 5,600 yule every 2 months.

Bread is normally around 45 Yul per loaf, meaning that if he got that amount of wild beasts and paid the tax immediately, he will be left with 600 yule, which isn't that much. luckily for him, the tax was paid last year and if he managed to meet the criteria of wild animals, he will be able to produce quite a bit of money

"Damn, the people weren't bluffing when they said the hunter was well off."

after sending the Steward off, he removed all the garnets and changed everything in the house for his needs.

he had already told Sister lily that he will inherit the place, so she knows he hasn't suddenly just disappeared and went missing.

it was going to be an interesting next couple of years, that was for sure

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