

I was an average rich person I was a 19 year old boy but most called me "The nicest guy in the world" and that was mainly cause I donated most of my earnings to people in need. I donated so much that h to e homeless rate when for 1.9% to 0.7% which means I helped millions from being homeless. I also invested a lot of money into different businesses most of them were business that helped other people

But their was one thing I was worried about and that was my family they never cared for me before I was rich they treated me like trash and treated my brother like he was some sort of god and now they constantly call me saying how they should get my money because they used to pay for me but just cut contact with them

Currently I was watching That time I got reincarnated as a slime it was my favorite anime recently i have read the entire series and watched the anime several times but while I was enjoying it I suddenly hear a bang and next thing I know I'm on the ground and hear

"You should of just gave us the money after all your nothin compared to me I was destined to be the greatest you were just pitiful scum so now you need to die"

And the next thing I know all I could see was white I look around and see an old looking dude in front of me and he speaks

???: Hello their Im the supreme deity but you earthlings call me god

Aki: if you're god does that mean this is where I get judges to go to heaven or hell

God: if it is a normal person they go to heaven or hell but your karma is so high that you have the option to reincarnated with your memories

Aki: REALLY?!?! Do I get any wishes or anything

God: yes you get 5 wishes

Aki: hmm alright but how high was my karma

God: yours was 12,682,081,010 the average person has 1000

Aki: Really how did I get such high karma

God:hmmm I guess I will explain the first thing you did was save millions of lives through your donations which boosted your karma the second thing you did was help a lot of companies that were really important like one of the companies is going to cure cancer and another is going stop world hunger

Aki:hmm makes sense but one more question before I make my wishes. What happened to my brother and parents

God: they were hunted by several major world powers after all you made huge contribution to society and they also had the people that you saved looking for them they had bounties on their head and it reached $56 million until eventually they got found and they got tortured until they were publicly executed and they even named a day after you


God: I believe you said that was your last question

Aki:oh yeah now for my wishes

1st wish is to be reincarnated as milim's twin brother from that time I got reincarnated as a slime

2nd wish is that I want to make it so I have infinite magic Ike's and I will never run out

3rd wish is when I name people I want to choose their evolutionary path like if I name something I choose what they evolve to

4th wish is I want is a skill like curl where it can give me any knowledge I want and also I want it to be a manas with the name of aiko

My final wish is I want the appearance of satoru Gojo but with red eyes

God:hmm that can be done have a good rest of your life

And suddenly everything goes black

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