
Chapter 781 - Manipulating His Innocence

Confusion clouded her fading consciousness as she struggled to comprehend why death had chosen to veil itself in the form of her late husband.

With the last flicker of life within her, she summoned the remnants of her failing strength, beseeching her own dying heart for an answer, a plea for clarity amidst the tumult of her final moments.

Yet, instead of unearthing a revelation, her consciousness drifted back to a truth she had long evaded—the unspoken verity she had buried beneath layers of grief and regret.

Bradley had always been her only salvation in a world steeped in cruelty and deceit.

As her lips curved into a fragile smile, a gesture of reconciliation with her own fate, the vision of Bradley's welcoming embrace became her sanctuary.

In that serene moment of acceptance, her chest heaved with the weight of a final breath, and with a bittersweet sense of peace, Medea surrendered to the embrace of eternal slumber.

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