
Chapter 754 - Call Me Ryley

Sean couldn't deny the shock that surged through him as he stepped out of the door, his hand nearly slipping from Yves' grasp as he took in the unexpected sight of unfamiliar faces crowding his corridor.

But Yves held their intertwined hands firmly, providing a reassuring anchor.

"Come on," the blond urged with nonchalance, his voice tinged with excitement. "They've prepared delicious dishes near the beach. I can't wait to share them with you."

As Sean walked forward beside Yves, a question had teetered on the edge of his lips, ready to be voiced.

He had wanted to know what Yves had done to make his guards vanish, but the futility of such an inquiry hit him like a wave.

The answer was glaringly evident, and articulating the question seemed superfluous.

The corridor was now bustling with the presence of unfamiliar faces, a tangible confirmation of what had occurred.

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