
Mother's Love

"What?" Huang Bo blinked up at her.

"Look at the glass slides. You can see here that her blood is type O, Rhesus negative. Now look at the chart I made as to who can donate to which blood type and who can receive it."

The three older men looked at the chart.

"O negative. It can only give and receive to people with O negative as well." Fu Ning said.

"What a coincidence! For Madame Huang Dan and Princess Consort Song Yimu to be of the same blood type then.." Ding Shun clapped his hands.

"Is the Princess Consort's blood really O negative?" Huang Bo asked.

Although Huang Bo knew that Song Yimu's real mother is Huang Dan. He was still doubtful that it could be proven with this.

"Yes. Last time I checked, it was." Song Jia nodded. "Would you like to confirm it again?"

Huang Bo was put in the spot. But he wanted to be sure that what Mistress Luna was really saying was the truth.

"Why don't we go check?" Fu Ning suggested.

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