

Zoar and Ami enter Galgale Forest to see beautiful trees, colorful plants, and wonderous wildlife.

"Wow, this place is beautiful!" says Ami as she runs up ahead of Zoar.

Zoar continues to walk in silence as he looks around the forest. He sees slight shimmers of sunlight shing through the forest trees.

He also sees glowing plants that illuminate a fair amount of light.

"Hey Zoar." says Ami, still ahead of him.

"What?" Zoar says with no intended emotion.

"Why are you looking for your parents?"

"Isn't it quite obvious that we were separated?"

"Well yeah, but how recent was this?"

"I was kidnapped when I was 12."

The forest is very quiet as the wind blows softly through the trees.

"How old are you now?"


"See, that's the main reason behind my question. Do you even remember them?"

Zoar and Ami stay silent for a few seconds.

Zoar speaks.

"No, not a single memory. I can't even make up their faces. For a year, I sat in a forest alone and scared. I eventually grew fond of the forest and began actually living there. I have self awareness. I know I'm emotionless. I haven't felt any true emotions in so long that I can't even remember what they feel like. So one day I began thinking that I need closure. maybe finding my parents will help me. I hope that answers your question."

Ami doesn't respond.

They continue to walk then a sudden rumble starts to grow.

"Zoar, do you feel that!?" Ami says, freaking out.

Zoar dashes ahead of her and draws his sword.

"What the hell?..." Zoar sees a silhouette of a creature charging towards them.

"Zoar we have to run!" Ami says backing away from the scene.

He doesn't move an inch.

"Zoar!" Ami yells at him.

The silhouette starts to disappear as it gets closer and Zoar sees a man running away from it.

As they got closer he could hear the man yell.


The man had a rough beard, short black hair, lightly tanned white skin, seemed to be roughly 160 centimeters tall. He wore a dark green tank top, a bullet proof vest, and black cargo shorts. He also appeared to be a little overweight.

The man ran past Zoar and yelled "YOUR A DEAD MAN!!!"

Zoar dashed up in the air above the monster.

It was about 230 centimeters tall. It had razor sharp teeth, 8 arms, 4 legs and 5 eyes.

It screeched loudly as it looked up at Zoar.

Zoar pointed his sword down wards as he began to fall in the air.

Right before he was in reach of the monster he drew his sword back and sliced the monster right down the middle.

It slowly spilt apart as blood rushed out of it.

"Holy shit!" the man yelled.

Zoar wiped blood off his sword with a rag he kept in his back pocket.

"Damn boy that was awesome!!!" the stranger yelled.

"Not really." Zoar put his sword away and tucked the rag in his back pocket.

"Whatever man. My name is Maurice Falcon! I may look alot older than I am, but I'm really 34!" he grinned and held his hand out.

Zoar ignored his hand.

"My name is Zoar. Zoar Malite." he says and turns to Ami.

"Let's get going." he says.

"Wait a minute! I wanna know more about ya!" Maurice says running up to Zoar.

"Like what?"

"Like why in the Hell are you out in a forest with a girl younger than you?"

"She decided to be burden upon me and tag along."

"Hey, I'm not a burden!" Ami buts in.

"Now where are you two going is the big question." Maurice says popping a knuckle.

"It's none of your-" Zoar is interrupted.

"He's looking for his long lost parents!" Ami says.

Zoar sighs "I guess you can tell him the rest."

• • •

"YOUR FATHER IS NEAL ABRAIN!!!???" Maurice screams.

"Yeah, I don't know him. I was told about the rumours surrounding him so don't pull anger out on me." Zoar says they walk and talk.

"Damn, I tell you all those rumours on that son of a bitch are true! He's nothing but a dirty business man!" Maurice punches a tree.

"I've learned."

"Well, now that I know what's going on...." Maurice jumps in front of Zoar.

"It looks like your gonna have another burden boy!" he says the laughs.

"For the love of Cyrus..." Zoar just keeps moving.

"Why are you coming Maurice?" Ami asks curiously.

"Well, I got a bone to pick with this boys father! I'm gonna kick his ass!" Maurice says and hits his chest.

Zoar then realizes how long this trip would be.

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