
Warlord Azuka Bladefury & Shadow Hunter Kajassa

Shortly after his little dungeon run, Harry found himself once again setting out on another quest. He'd returned to his Garrison, only to be asked to look into infiltrating a meeting between the Iron Horde's Warlords, said to be taking place at Mok'gol Outpost in Nagrand. Now to be fair, Nagrand was a beautiful, sunny location, Harry had to admit. Very green, very lively. The rolling plains of Nagrand were truly gorgeous.

Of course, Harry wasn't there for sight-seeing, as amazing as the sight very well might be. He was sent there to rendezvous with a Shadow Hunter named Zasta, who had apparently been on deep reconnaissance behind enemy lines for weeks now, while Harry had been galivanting all across Draenor.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Zasta's work had caught up with him. Arriving at the location of the Shadow Hunter's camp, Harry has found his corpse. As he leans over the troll, inspecting him closer, he finds a piece of leather parchment looped around Zasta's neck. On it, scrawled in undeniably angry and savage script, is Orcish.


Harry grunts, brow furrowed, but before he can decide what to do next, a low chuckle alerts him to the fact that the orcs he had already felt waiting in ambush have finally decided to make themselves known. Straightening up almost languidly, Harry turns around to find himself face to face with a small squad of the hulking alien creatures. It's the one at the group's head at he most has eyes for, however.

"Well, well, well. Look who's walked right into our trap. I see you found our message, pinkskin."

Azuka Bladefury brandishes the blade of her forefathers and smirks cockily as her guards all bring up their own weapons. Harry had only been told about this one right before he'd left his Garrison. The newest Warlord of the Burning Blade Clan, replacing her father after he was slain by a turncoat orc named Lantresor of the Blade, alongside one of their operatives.

She's certainly an impressive specimen in a number of ways. The Burning Blade Banner she has on her back certainly gives her more presence, as she sneers at him. Her eyes sparkle with greed and she grins ferally.

"Take him alive. He will be my gift to Warchief Hellscream."

Harry just smirks at that, bringing up his hands as magic begins to spark from his fingertips.

"Not likely, my dear."

Undaunted by his display of magic, Azuka's guards rush forward with snarls etched into their monstrous faces, their blades aiming to disarm him, likely literally. But Harry is no simple human mage. He's nothing they've ever faced before. The first of the orcs die before they even get a few steps, slumping over and dropping to the ground without any sign of what killed them.

When that causes the others to falter, Harry goes a bit flashier and creates a blazing inferno in an instant, annihilating the rest of Azuka's guards with but a snap of his fingers. Once the magical flames clear away, it's just him and her left, with the Bladefury Warlord's eyes wide in shock and awe at his impressive display and the incredibly swift demise of her orcs.

Still, she's no coward, Harry is pleased to know. After but a moment of shock, Azuka's face firms up, contorting in an expression of anger and rage… of fury, just like her clan's namesake. With a snarl, the Bladefury Warlord rushes forward, her sword held high over her head as she lunges at him faster than most humans could follow, intending to bring her blade down upon him.

If the blow had landed, she likely would have cleaved him in twain. It's clear that she's abruptly decided she can't or simply won't abide by her own instructions of taking him alive. She means to kill him, not subdue him. Luckily for Harry, what she means to do matters little. Stepping forward, he crosses half of the distance between them in a single foot, and before Azuka can adjust and bring her blade down upon him from on high, he's burying his fist in her gut, attacking her wide-open center before she can defend herself.

To be fair, the Warlord is clad in armor, so a single fist to her abdomen shouldn't be capable of doing much damage, if any at all. Except Harry is no normal human man. He's not even a normal human mage. Azuka chokes on her own spit as she doubles over his fist, her armored chestplate giving away before his flesh and bone instead of the other way around.

The pain and surprise of the blow causes the swordswoman to drop her sword, amusingly enough. No doubt she's as accomplished with the blade as anyone in a clan called Bladefury would be, but Harry can tell… she's not entirely used to her sword yet. Probably because it was still her father's blade until a couple of days ago.

Pulling his fist back, Harry twirls his fingers, and the ancestral blade of the Bladefury Clan disappears into a pocket dimension through a portal that appears right underneath it, vanishing it away. Azuka, meanwhile, drops to her knees, doubled over still, coughing and hacking. She's not done yet though, not out for the count… but she can't fight as she currently is because of the damage Harry has done to her chestplate.

Recovering swiftly, the Bladefury Warlord quickly undoes the straps and buckles on her armor, tearing it off of her so that she can get air back in her lungs. The lower front of the chestplate is caved in, visibly, and the glance she gives it as she throws it aside and stumbles to her feet is incredulous. Still, she's a fighter at the end of the day, and she refocuses on him a moment later, a snarl returning to her face as she lifts up her hands and curls them into fists. However, her ferocity is undeniably diminished, both by the ignoble blow she took, and the loss of her weapon.

"Give… it… back!"

Her panting breaths are uneven, and Harry just chuckles as he raises a single brow at her.

"Sorry, what's that? Give what back?"

Needless to say, needling the orcish woman is exactly the right thing to do. With a rage-filled roar, Azuka lunges at him again.


And needless to say, Harry is there to meet her. Once again, his fist meets her gut. He holds back a bit this time, not wanting to go right through her chiseled abs and out her back. That would be such a pain to clean up as well as heal. He definitely breaks a few ribs though as she once again doubles over his fist in the span of a handful of minutes at best. Choking, gasping for air through shattered ribs, Azuka Bladefury collapses.

Harry heals her, of course, reforming her ribs in an instant with his magic. Before she can react to the sudden loss of pain and revitalization of strength however, he's bound her, tying her arms behind her back and restraining her ankles as well. Then, he floats her up in the air, leaving her helplessly squirming in place as she snarls at him angrily.

"This will be fun. I've been looking to add more orcish clans to my… mm, dominion."

Azuka stiffens at that, and glares at him balefully. Her voice is scornful even as she struggles in her binding. Perhaps he's healed her too soon, because she's much too defiant, even now.

"You speak of the Thunderlord Clan. I had heard rumors of their defection, of them having a new Chieftain. You will find that the Bladefury Clan is not so easily broken by an other-worlder such as yourself!"

Harry just raises a brow at that, smiling plainly as he slides his eyes up and down her body.

"Is that so? You seem to have already begun stripping for me though. I suppose given your bound state, I shall have to help you the rest of the way."

Azuka growls at that but can't stop him. All she can do is strain against her restraints as Harry tears off the rest of her armor, like a kid unwrapping a birthday present. At the same time, internally, some small part of Harry reflects that his behavior is… abnormal. He SHOULD be unnerved by the callous disregard he'd begun to show the female enemies he encountered at this point.

He'd grown accustomed to bending and breaking women to his will, hadn't he? He… he hadn't engaged in such behavior back on Azeroth had he? Surely it was just a Draenor thing… right?

Of course, deep down inside, Harry knew the truth. He knew this was a Harry thing, and it had been since even before he'd left Earth. For as long as he'd had the power and authority to do so, he'd dominated and conquered the women who entered his sphere of influence. Of course, what Harry doesn't know is what else is now lurking within him. Or at least, he doesn't yet understand the depths of what he's becoming.

Still, as he yanks Azuka's flailing legs apart, tearing his own bindings on her ankles away while doing so, there's something absolutely delicious about sinking his massive prick inside of her. Something preens within him in delight as Azuka Bladefury screams in anguish at her defilement, roaring in fury… impotent fury, at that.


Azuka's screams become choked grunts within moments as the hot, fat prick pounds incessantly against her cervix before she even has a chance to try and adapt to the human's size and girth. As he holds her aloft with his unnatural magical, he uses his equally unnatural physical strength to pin her legs up against her head.

She'd known already that he was strong for his size. And faster than her as well, as much as it pained the Bladefury Warlord to admit it. She had only had the mantle for two days, and already she had been defeated by some small pinkskin. But surely… surely this wasn't normal, or they would have lost to the other-worlders already. Surely, if this human was the norm, the Iron Horde would already be defeated, rather than merely being pushed on the backfoot.

His fist had demolished her chestplate, ruining her armor on the spot. His second blow had clearly not had the same force as the first to it, but it had still done incredible internal damage to her, and for a moment Azuka had feared that she was dying. Not that she feared death… only that she had no desire to be the shortest living Bladefury Chieftain in history. She did not want such an ignoble fate to be passed along by the shamans, she did not want her story to become one of scorn and mockery.

And yet, she wasn't sure she was going to get anything but at this point. Even as the small human pins her legs back against her head and piledrives into her cunt harder and faster, Azuka soon hears the same slick squelching that he does, announcing her body's surrender even as her mind rails against it. The human grins wickedly, while Azuka finds herself bemoaning the fact that she was born female. It's not the first time that she finds reason to loathe herself for her gender, to hate that she was born as the weaker sex.

Though, such thoughts have never come right before a mind-blowing orgasm before. With a hoarse shriek, the orcish woman cums upon her captor's cock. This was supposed to be HER triumph, he was supposed to be her prisoner, but somehow the tables had been turned on her in truly spectacular fashion, and now Azuka was the helpless one.

Cumming explosively for the first time on his massive bitch-breaker of a member, Azuka shudders, her cunt contracting tightly against the invader as she whimpers. This wasn't how any of this was supposed to go. This wasn't how she was supposed to begin her illustrious career as a Warlord of Draenor. She can't… she can't… oh SPIRITS!

Azuka Bladefury's head is thrown back, her eyes going crossed in her skull from the reluctant, unwanted pleasure. She can't escape it though. Small though the pinkskin initially looked, he's large where it counts, as Azuka is rapidly coming to discover, and there's absolutely nothing she can do whatsoever as he lowers her from her position floating in the air to the ground.

He's soon piledriving into her from above instead of from the front, and his cock goes even deeper as Azuka's eyes go from crossed to rolling back in her head, her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth… as he slams past her cervix and conquers her womb itself with his massive phallus.


His current captive orc might assume he laid her out just so he could fuck her deeper. That's not the case, though it's certainly an added bonus that Harry is taking great pleasure in. No, the reason Harry laid Azuka down on the ground to continue his domination and conquest of her gorgeous, muscular body, is because they have an audience, one that Harry only noticed as he tilted his head up and let out a loud groan.

There, not so hidden amongst the foliage any longer, is a female Troll unabashedly masturbating to the scene. They'd locked eyes, the two of them, and Harry had wasted no time in making sure she was friendly with a bit of Legilimency.

Shadow Hunter Kajassa was indeed friendly to him, though not even she herself knew it. She wasn't actively hostile, but the troll wasn't expecting a human to show up. Harry was just that special, he supposed. Regardless, the female troll was assigned with Zasta to spy on the Iron Horde. She was the one who'd managed to hide when Zasta had initially been caught and tortured to death.

In her mind, Harry can glean with ease that she did intend to warn whoever came looking for them of the trap Azuka had set, but because Harry wasn't who she'd been expecting, she'd arrived too late to warn him before Azuka had attacked. Instead, Kajassa had gotten a front row seat to him defeating and then subsequently humiliating a Warlord of the Iron Horde so completely that Azuka was squealing and cumming on his cock.

After taking all of this from her surface level thoughts, Harry just gives the frozen masturbating Shadow Hunter a wicked smile and signals her to come to him, beckoning her forward and also giving her mind a light push in his direction as well. It's quite easy to use Legilimency these days, Harry is finding. As if the minds of mortals are more open to him and to corruption by his hands then they ever were before…

Of course, Harry isn't looking to do any harm to the beautiful Shadow Hunter. He just wants to… include her.

Crawling forward on her hands and knees, Kajassa eventually comes to a stop before him and Azuka, the latter having not noticed her approach thanks to the utter ecstasy she's being forced to endure. Eyeing the Shadow Hunter's wet cunt hungrily, Harry ultimately directs her to sit… on the face of his captive. Harry can only smile, looking on, as he watches Kajassa's fat troll ass engulf Azuka's head, causing her to let out a muffled squeal of surprise, her weak protests quickly stifled by troll cunt as Kajassa sits right on the orc's face.

As the Shadow Hunter moans expressively, Harry grins and makes small talk.

"So… what brings you to this neck of the woods, Shadow Hunter?"

Panting, mewling a bit every once in a while, Kajassa looks at Harry with heavily lidded eyes, even as she rides Azuka's mouth, forcing the female orc to eat out her cunt or asphyxiate under her fat ass. If the Shadow Hunter is disturbed by her easy acceptance of the eroticism of this encounter, she doesn't show it. If she's disturbed by how easily she's succumbed to his direction, she doesn't show that either. Groaning, she spits out a response, though there's no bite to it.

"Something tells me you already know, human."

Chuckling, Harry inclines his head in acknowledgment of that fact.

"The name's Harry Potter. I suppose I'm the Commander of the Alliance Garrison over in Shadowmoon, though sometimes I wonder, given how often they send me on missions. Still, I've always been a hands on kind of guy… when I heard that something was going on in Nagrand and our allies needed my help, I figured I'd show up."

His conversational tone belies the way he's currently plowing Azuka Bladefury silly. His massive cock bulges out of her rippling, flexing chiseled abs as she groans and gasps beneath Kajassa's cunt. And yet, Harry isn't panting, he's not even remotely out of breath. His voice is as steady and controlled as ever as he demolishes and humiliates one of the Iron Horde's Warlords. Newest Warlord that she might be, unproven as she might be, she's still a Warlord… and that makes it all the more delicious.

Still, Harry can tell that the Shadow Hunter sat across from him doesn't fail to notice his physical stamina and strength. The way her eyes flicker from his smiling face down to his massive cock as it pistons in and out of the Bladefury Warlord make it clear she very much appreciates what she's seeing and what she's hearing.

"I've, mm, heard of you. You are, nngh, the one they call Harry Potter then. I have heard, ah, that you have done much to keep the, mm, Horde and Alliance from splintering since our arrival on Draenor."

Harry inclines his head as he accepts the praise. He gives Kajassa a self-deprecating smile, even as he reaches forward and grabs and squeezes Azuka's tits. The orcish woman can't stop cumming around his cock, and every time she screams into Kajassa's quim, she makes the Shadow Hunter cum with her. Both are growing more and more… enamored with him, Harry can tell. It's only a matter of time before he adds another pair of notches to his long belt of conquests.

"Well, Lady Liadrin and I are old friends, so it only made sense for us to work together."

The mention of the Horde Commander has Kajassa nodding in understanding. The two continue to exchange small talk with one another, and when Harry hears how Zasta died, how Kajassa was forced to watch every moment of the male troll's torturous death, he knows what he has to do.

With a hoarse groan, Harry unloads inside of Azuka finally, filling her battered womb with a hot, thick load of his virile cum. Her entire body seizes up as a result, before the beleaguered Warlord collapses back to the ground, panting noisily from beneath Kajassa's big fat troll butt. However, while the Bladefury Warlord might think her ordeal is done for now… Harry's cock is far from soft, and he himself is far from finished with her.

"Would you like to help me get revenge for your friend, by breaking in his murderer?"

Kajassa's body freezes for a moment, and then a positively savage grin spreads across the Shadow Hunter's face. Harry can see from her surface thoughts that she truly hadn't thought of that until he brought it up. That did make him wonder where all of her sexual aggression towards Azuka was coming from though. Was it just him? His mere presence was enough to draw a trained Shadow Hunter out of her hiding place and bring her to him, masturbating and needy?

It was a startling thought, but Harry brushes it aside, instead focusing on Kajassa. After all, what the Shadow Hunter is doing in the face of her new epiphany is frankly… fascinating. Reaching back with one hand, the troll grabs Azuka by the head and redirects her questing tongue further back as she shifts forward… forcing the Bladefury Warlord to begin tonguing out her asshole.

Needless to say, Azuka isn't happy about this, but Kajassa isn't giving the captured orcish woman much of a choice in that front. Leaning forward from her new position, the Shadow Hunter then proceeds to shove two of her large troll fingers into Azuka Bladefury's already stuffed cunt. Harry grunts as her digits come in contact with his much larger cock, but in the end it's Azuka's tight cunt walls that have to give way before the newest intrusion.

Pinching the engorged clit between them with her thumb and third finger, Kajassa grins a truly wicked grin and savors the shrieking vibrations going up her spine. Then, she gives Harry a nod, one that he understands easily thanks to his viewing of her surface level thoughts. Pulling back out of Azuka, he watches as the troll curls her thick fat fingers into the Bladefury Warlord's gaping cunt and yanks, lifting Azuka's hips up into the air, pulling back on her cunny and aligning her virgin ass with his throbbing, pulsating cockhead.

Able to tell what Kajassa has in mind, Harry just smirks and holds his cock steady, allowing her to do the honors. The Shadow Hunter wastes no time and shows no mercy as she shoves Azuka's ass down onto his massive pillar of cockmeat with BRUTAL force, absolutely SLAMMING the Bladefury Warlord down.

Azuka's shrieks of agony and weakened cries of outrage are muffled by Kajassa's ass cheeks, even as the troll overshadows them with her wanton moans as her fat trollish bubble butt ripples and vibrates from the force of the noise Azuka is now making. With her fingers still hooked and dug quite deeply into Azuka's gaping cunny, she drives the orcish woman's ass further and further onto Harry's cock, until finally her chiseled, muscular butt cheeks are loudly smacking against Harry's hips.

It's a classic case of painal if Harry has ever seen one, but as much agony as Azuka is no doubt in, all orcs seemed to like pain at least a little bit. In no time at all, she's orgasming explosively from the brutal anal sex, and a torrent of her quim juices combined with his seed explode out of her cunt and drench Kajassa thanks to the way the Shadow Hunter is holding her up.

Needless to say, Kajassa doesn't mind this one bit, even using her other hand to bring one of her tits up to her mouth so she can lean forward and lick and slurp the combined fluids off of her own flesh. Harry watches this with throbbing excitement, even as he continues to allow her to pick the pace of which he's fucking Azuka's ass. After all, it's the least he could do for the poor troll. Not only had she lost a friend, but she'd been in hiding for days now, just trying to survive until someone like him could come along.

She's lucky he did, but even more so, Harry can't get enough of watching her take her revenge on the murderous orcish woman beneath her. The only thing that would make all of this better, Harry finds himself idly thinking as Azuka's ass muscles clench around his cock, is if the dear Shadow Hunter were to dedicate all of her actions to him. If she were to dedicate this moment to him, as a form of worship… that would be especially tasty.

Harry blinks at the random thought and shakes his head, putting it aside as he instead refocuses on what's happening. As Azuka cums again, it proves to be the final straw for all of them. Kajassa cums hard as well, both from Azuka's screams and her tongue up the troll woman's asshole. Harry, meanwhile, lets out a groan from the flexing of the Bladefury Warlord's seriously tight anus and proceeds to fill her with his seed once more, this time dropping a truly massive load right up her rear.

As the two of them come down from their respective pleasure highs, they slowly begin to push themselves up, pulling themselves off of the shivering, trembling mess of a female beneath them. What was in fact an Orcish Warlord… had been utterly ruined, and Harry can't help but grin as he gazes down upon his work. Kajassa is grinning to when he glances towards the Shadow Hunter, and it makes his smile sharpen, seeing her so… pleased with what they've done.

Azuka's eyes are rolled back in her skull, and she's burping up Kajassa's pussy juices, gurgling on them in fact as her nostrils flare desperately and instinctively for air that she's now finally getting more of. Meanwhile, her body is splayed out, her arms still tied under her back, and her legs spread wide. They twitch and tremble, as if she's still trying to close them, but she can't quite bring herself to do it.

The reason why is obvious, given the way both her cunt and her ass are agape at this stage. Filled to the brim with his cum, both holes are slowly overflowing with white, hot spunk. Much of his first load ended up on Kajassa as a result of Azuka's first painal orgasm, and the Shadow Hunter is still licking up the fluids from her front, scooping them with her fingers and then sucking those fingers clean eagerly, as if she can't get enough of Harry's seed… frankly, she probably can't from what Harry has noticed in the past.

Slowly but surely, the orcish woman begins to come to. Her eyes start to roll forward in her head again, and her twitching and trembling starts to come to a stop as she claws at the grass beneath her. She recovers, bit by bit… and Harry decides to give her a choice. Frankly, he can take or leave her at this point. So why not let her decide?

Opening a slice in reality beside himself, Harry just smiles as Kajassa's eyes go wide at the casual display of magic. No incantations, no hand movements. Harry can tell that his actions are just as impressive and surprising to the Shadow Hunter from Azeroth as they are to the orcs of Draenor. Reaching in, he grabs hold of a familiar hilt and pulls free Azuka Bladefury's sword, the ancestral sword of her clan, passed down from Chieftain to Chieftain.

Kajassa watches on as he lifts it in both hands with ease. Despite it's immense size and weight, Harry barely feels it, even as he turns it, so the point is facing downwards, towards the defeated orc between them. Just as life and comprehension is beginning to return to Azuka's glazed over eyes, just as she's starting to come back to herself, Harry drives the sword downwards.

… Right into the earth beside her head, planting it there as he looms over her. Much to his amusement, while Azuka does look to her ancestral sword, returned to her after he'd so easily taken it away from her in the first place like a parent taking away a toy from a disobedient child… she also looks to his cock, where her traitorous body's juices still glisten at the head of his monstrous member.

"You told me before that the Bladefury Clan would not be so easily broken as I broke the Thunderlords. Consider this your chance to prove me wrong and you right. Take your blade and let's end this, shall we?"

It's a simple choice, one that he can tell Azuka Bladefury understands immediately. She's not going to kill him, obviously. There is no way out of this, for her. No escape. Not even if reinforcements showed up in this moment would she be able to get away. He would just slaughter them all, and they'd be right back where they started.

Of course, Harry is in her head. He knows there's no reinforcements coming. The choice before Azuka is very clear and very binary. She either takes up her sword and dies as a warrior… or she submits, surrendering and living as a slave. HIS slave though, which might just make all the difference.

Of course, like was already said, Harry is in her head. So even as she climbs to her feet, he already knows the decision she's going to make, a wicked smirk spreading across his face.


"What of you, Blackhand?"

Grommash's words draw a disgruntled grumbling from one of the larger orcs in the meeting. Of course, most of them are quite large. It's a meeting of Warlords after all, the Warlords of the Iron Horde, and most of them are the peak of physicality for the orcish race. They have to be, to maintain their positions. Blackhand growls before shrugging his shoulders.

"Alliance and Horde forces continue to strike at the Foundry… but they are nothing I cannot handle!"

Even to Azuka's ears, his words sound like false bravado. Whether that's because of her recent experience, or because it's simply easy to read Blackhand, she cannot say for certain. She is… distracted though, that much is true. Still, she tries to focus, tries to present the front that she needs to in order to keep her peers unaware.

Grommash Hellscream, Warchief of the Iron Horde, sneers a bit at Blackhand's response, shaking his head with a growl.

"More attacks, Blackhand? All I hear from you are excuses."

The orc in question bristles of course, but Grommash is already turning away from him, already turning towards… her. Azuka straightens up as he lays his eyes on her.

"Azuka, how goes the search for the alpha?"

Bowing her head, the youngest Warlord at the table is pleased to be able to answer in a positive manner. It would not do for her to draw Grommash's ire.

"Well, Warchief. We need only the Heart of Gorgorek to give it life!"

The barest of savage grins graces Grommash's face at that, and the Warchief nods.

"Good. I will have you deal with the other-worlders who attempt to stand in our way as well. Or… do you lack the bloodlust of your forefathers?"

It's a test, and one Azuka would have been well-prepared to face if not for the events that had directly preceded this meeting. Still, she focuses up here and now as well, knowing that she must be fire, lest she make the other Warlords think they smell blood. The way to do so hits her a moment later, and she very purposefully looks over at Blackhand as she answers Hellscream's question.

"My skills with the blade SURPASS those of my sires, Warchief! I assure you; I will clean up Blackhand's mess!"

The hulking orc's eyes go wide at that, even as there are guffaws of surprised laughter from around the table. None of the Warlords expected their newest to go after one of them in such a… biting way so early on. Whether they thought she'd be docile, or simply subservient, Azuka is neither… not to any of them, anyways.

Once his shock has worn off, rage takes its place. Blackhand snarls and slams his fist into the table as he leans forward, glaring across at her.

"Hrahh… I will slice your tongue out for that!"

And yet, he doesn't actually rise to carry out his threat. He can't, and they all know it. This right here is a meeting of Warlords, a meeting of equals. If any started a fight here beyond mere words, it would be on their heads. Only Grommash himself could probably get away with violence if he both succeeded in committing it swiftly enough to not allow retaliation and labeled it as physical discipline or something.

As is, Blackhand cannot carry out his threat against her, at least not here in now. But nor does he get censured, as Grommash laughs along with the other Warlords and gives Azuka a much larger, approving grin.

"Ahahaha! Bold words from my newest Warlord! Very well then, Azuka. Carry forth your ancestral blade. BATHE it in the blood of our enemies. Show me it's legendary power!"

Azuka inclines her head in a respectful nod, and Grommash gives a grunt of approval before gazing around the room one final time.

"Come! You all have your orders! I ride for Tanaan Jungle!"

Azuka stands, but stays behind, watching the other Warlords file out of the room, one after the other. Blackhand is the first to leave, clearly in a huff as he departs back to his Iron Foundry. Frankly, Azuka doesn't expect him to survive long enough to carry out his threat. She doesn't know if she expects any of them to survive much longer, really.

For all that her words were as fiery as ever and maintained her cover… the truth was, she felt none of the fire she'd once held within her. Not after… not after her Master had opened her eyes. A shiver goes down Azuka's spine, graduating into a full body shudder as she waits until she's alone… or rather, until all of the Warlords have left.

Once they're all gone, she begins to strip out of her armor. None had noticed that her chestplate was brand new. Perhaps they expected it to be on account of her youth and her relative newness to the title of Warlord. But no, it was brand new, completely untested in battle, because she'd had to replace her previous chestplate entirely, damaged as it was by her Master.

She could still feel his fist in her stomach twice over. Doubling her over his arm, breaking first her armor, and then her ribs. He could have killed her easily, but instead he'd seen fit to heal her, to spare her. Because… because she had use to him. Because she belonged to him, even if she hadn't known it quite yet.

As she finishes removing her armor, as she strips out of the last piece, leaving her naked in the middle of the war room, Azuka holds her ancestral blade in her hands, gazing down at it for a moment… before callously and casually throwing her once-treasure sword aside.

Meanwhile, in the back of the war room, sat upon the Warchief's Throne appears her Master, Harry Potter, and the troll, bouncing loudly atop his cock.

"Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder, human! I need it mon! I need your big fat cock inside of me!"

Azuka startles a little at the sudden barrage of noise, and her eyes widen at their incredibly ballsy positioning. While she had been aware that her Master and the Shadow Hunter would both be spying on the mission, she hadn't been informed of exactly what that meant. She hadn't known whether they would actually be present or looking upon the meeting via some magical means.

Magic, as Azuka had come to realize, was the Iron Horde's greatest deficiency, to debilitating effects. They had rejected both their shamans AND Gul'dan and his warlocks in order to embrace technology, in order to embrace war. Hence the Iron Horde. All the same, the power that her Master wielded was beyond any that Azuka had ever heard of before.

Frankly, she'd imagined him using some small bit of his power to look through her eyes as the meeting took place. After all, she was expendable, so even if it was discovered, she would be the only loss. But no… Azuka supposed she should have realized her Master wouldn't shy away from possible physical confrontation with the strongest orcs of the Iron Horde. She should have realized that he would want to be present himself at the meeting.

And indeed, the chance of physical confrontation was incredibly high given where her Master had chosen to fuck his other conquest. While Azuka wouldn't put it past her Master to somehow know that Grommash preferred to spend most meetings out of his chair and striding about the room and around the war table, there was still always a chance that he would sit down upon his throne for whatever reason.

If he'd tried to sit down today however, he would have been met by a shrieking, orgasming female troll and the human wizard she was bouncing up and down upon like her life depended on being dicked. The fight that would have followed would have been as ridiculous as it was legendary, of that Azuka Bladefury had absolutely no doubt.

Regardless, having discarded her armor, having tossed aside her ancestral blade, the Warlord of the Bladefury Clan… drops to her hands and knees, crawling forward as the Shadow Hunter bounces up and down on their Master's cock, while he enjoys himself suckling on her massive tits. Azuka crawls, because she knows she's not worthy of walking in her Master's presence. Nor is she worthy of armor of weapon. She crawls, naked and bared, because she belongs to her Master, and now that she's had her eyes opened by his massive cock and his overwhelming presence, she can do nothing else.


Suckling on troll titty for a moment longer, Harry finally pulls his mouth away from Kajassa's nipple with a pop, leaving her to groan out in disappointment, only for that disappointment to immediately be replaced with more ecstasy as he grips at her fat buttocks and continues to bounce her up and down on his dick.

As the Shadow Hunter rides him to kingdom cum, her cunt walls squelching around his thick shaft and his cock driving up into her womb, Harry glances around Kajassa, to where his newest conquered pet is crawling her way towards him. He grins a little as the natural sway of her gorgeous chiseled ass reveals the brand new lightning bolt brand on one of her ass cheeks.

As she reaches the throne, Azuka Bladefury, broken down and dominated and turned into his latest slave and conquest here on Draenor, sits back on her haunches and juts out her chest, offering herself to him even as she kneels there and prepares to wait patiently for him to call upon her. Harry considers making her way for a little while longer, and he even does so… but only minutes, rather than hours.

As he digs his fingers into Kajassa's gorgeous troll ass, groping and kneading her bubble butt while fucking her deliciously tight quim with his bitch breaker of a cock, Harry looks down at Azuka and gives her a smile and an approving nod.

"You did well, pet. You've provided your Master and his allies with considerable intel thanks to this meeting."

A small smile spreads across the orcish woman's face, and she bows her head in subservient acceptance of his faint praise. Gone is the angry, furious Warlord with something to prove that he'd met a couple days before. In her place is a broken bitch who knows that she belongs at his feet, serving him for the rest of her days. Something in Harry sings at this latest addition to his collection. His cock inside of Kajassa THROBS with delight.

Speaking of the Shadow Hunter… reaching up, Harry grabs hold of Kajassa by her ponytail, yanking her head back to get the troll's attention. She gasps and looks at him through heavily lidded eyes. Not seeing the sort of focus he's looking for, Harry rears back with his other hand and…


His palm lands on one of her fat butt cheeks with singular focus, and Kajassa squeals as she orgasms explosively all over his cock from the blow. He's half-wondering if he's going to have to spank her again, but once she's done cumming her brains half-out, the rest of said brains rallies, and he sees intelligence return to the troll's beleaguered gaze. To be fair, while it's a lot more… consensual, he's not let Kajassa get much rest since they met atop the Bladefury Warlord that they broke together. She's loved every last moment of it of course, but Harry does wonder if she's still… functional.

"I do hope you were listening to all of that, Shadow Hunter. I'm expecting you to report this all back to Lady Liadrin. Your Commander and I will be discussing this intelligence within the week, and if she's not informed, I'll know who to blame, won't I?"

It's a little unfair, because HE'S the one who's been distracting Kajassa from her job so damn much. Still, life isn't fair… and Harry is pleased when Kajassa lifts her head, showing she still has her pride, showing she can still function as more than just a meat-puppet fuck-toy.

"O-Of course, sir. You can, mm, count on me, mon. Lady Liadrin will hear all about da Iron Horde's plans."

She grinds her ass down on his lap as she speaks of course, clearly wanting more, clearly hoping they'll continue. Grinning, Harry decides to give his two latest conquests a reward. Spinning Kajassa around with a strength that belies his small frame, he easily lifts her off of his cock, revealing a stream of white seed that shows he came inside of her at least once during the meeting with the Warlords. As Azuka watches on in awe and wonder, Harry proceeds to sink the Shadow Hunter down his fat cock… causing her to half-moan and half-wail as her thicc ass is plundered by his bitch breaker of a schlong.

As Harry begins to fuck Kajassa's ass on his well-lubricated meat-pole, the bouncing, babbling troll makes quite the mess. Making eye contact with Azuka, Harry gives his new orc pet a single command, one that she swiftly moves to follow.


Without hesitation, Azuka begins to lick the trail of cum off of the dirt before his throne. Because it is HIS throne in her eyes now, Harry can see that in the broken orc's mind. He is her Master, and everything on this world, as well as every world in the cosmos, should belong to him. Such was Azuka's loyalty and devotion that the Bladefury Warlord would happily help him conquer every planet he could gain access to, if that was what he wanted from her.

Eventually, her tongue leaves the ground and travels up his leg, before finally moving to Kajassa's squirting cunt, gushing with both pussy juices and Harry's cum.

He can see in Azuka Bladefury's mind's eye as she digs in that she's fully satisfied with this reward for her hard work. More than that, he can see that she's fully satisfied with her new lot in life. She's his now, mind, body, and soul.

And yet, at the same time, even as he wraps his hands around Kajassa's body from behind to maul her big fat Troll titties some more, even as she bounces up and down on his cock, impaling her own ass again and again… some small part of Harry is a bit concerned. It's becoming so much easier to do things this way. So much easier to invade the minds of mortals, to not just peer into their thoughts… but subtly and slowly bend their will to his own.

Technically, Harry supposed he could always do it. But he was getting better at it now, and he wasn't sure what that meant. Only that after everything that had happened to him since coming to Draenor, it was obvious things were changing rapidly. HE was changing. And he wasn't sure what he would be, at the end of this… metamorphosis.

Only time would tell, really.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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