
Still Got It

As his opponent waits for him, Leo makes his way to the ring alongside Frank. As the young fighter looks all around, taking in his professional fighting return and smiles as the crowd chants "welcome back" at him. Leo gets into the ring, takes off his robe, and stands in his corner, staring down his opponent, Joshua Conor's, a heavyweight who has an eight and two record.

The ref makes sure that both fighters are ready and as the two nod yes, the bell rings. Meanwhile, William and Sunny Morgan are both watching at the gym.

Connors quickly makes his way to Leo, throwing a leg kick that misses. He then throws a few punches, with the returning fighter easily avoiding them. Connors tries to go for a head kick, but Leo blocks it and punches him across the face. Joshua quickly recovers and throws a right hook, but Leo catches it, hits him with a backhand, and flips him over with a firemans carry.

As he gets up from the ground, Connors goes for a leg sweep, but Saint just lifts his leg up to avoid it and hits a spin kick across his face, knocking him into the corner. His opponent comes out of the corner and starts throwing strikes that he easily blocks. Connors goes for a kick to the gut, but Leo slams his elbow into his knee. He then follows up with a right hook across the face and a high knee strike in the side of the head. Connors regains his footing and jumps into the air for a superman punch, but Leo lands a tornado kick in his gut while he's in midair.

As he stumbles back, Leo runs at him and dropkicks him in the chest, knocking him into the corner. As Conor's slowly gets up, Leo hits a three sixty reverse hook kick, knocking him out cold. As the ref raises his hand in victory, everyone in the arena, especially Danielle and Frank, cheer for Leo.

"What a dominant performance by Leo Saint, scoring the knockout victory without Joshua Connors even landing a single punch." One of the announcers says as Leo celebrates in the ring.

Frank soon joins him, hugging the young fighter.

"Ya did it kid! Now, we celebrate all night!" Frank yells.

One hour later, Frank is asleep on his couch, snoring loudly. Danielle puts a blanket over him and talks to Leo.

"Looks like he's out cold." Danielle says.

Leo chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess ten o'clock is all night in his case."

The two share a laugh together.

"So, how did it feel to be back in the ring?"

"Well, I know it might sound cliche, but it felt right. Like, for the first time in a really long time, I was finally myself. I owe you and Frank for that."

"No, Frank was the one who did the heavy lifting. I didn't really do anything."

"Come on, you were the one who scheduled the fight. Who believed that I could comeback, even when I didn't think so. I'll always be grateful for that."

Danielle smiles and puts her hand on Leo's face.

"I'm glad I could help."

The two stare into each others eyes for a moment, then share a kiss. Leo pulls her in close and picks her up off the ground.

"Wait, wait, hold on." Danielle says.

"What's wrong?" Leo asks.

"What about Frank?"

"What about him he's sleep."

"He could wake up."

Leo looks over and sees Frank still snoring on the couch.

"I'll close the door."

Danielle smiles and kisses Leo again as he carries her upstairs. As they close the door of the guest room, Frank's eyes open slightly and he smirks.

"Kids." He says to himself.

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