
Hardy Empire 1945 Chapter 16: : Let's do it formally! Hardy

These two days of fighting between the Jewish gang and the Irish, I feel very comfortable.

   Because of him, he was in it.

  Daily delivery is extremely cautious, guarding against attacks by the Irish at all times.

   He has only three people now, and to be honest, Sean and Ryder are working hard, but their combat effectiveness is really average.

   If you encounter something, you can only deal with it yourself.

   For these two days, I have been thinking about it easily, and I should find some helpers.

  The kind of combative helper.

   hasn't been to see Bill for two days. After delivering the goods in the morning, An Yi drove to the Murphy Clinic and came to Bill's ward. He pushed in without knocking on the door, but when he opened the door, he saw a scene that surprised him.

   Bill was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes closed with a look of enjoyment on his face.

   The quilt on his body bulged high in the middle.

   A lower body appeared beside the bed, white nurse uniform and close-fitting flesh-colored stockings, while the upper body was under the quilt.


   An Yi coughed slightly.

   Bill opened his eyes suddenly.

   The quilt that was shaking violently froze. A woman quickly got out of the quilt and took a quick glance at Yi Yi. Seeing that she was not in the hospital, her expression relaxed a lot.

   The woman quickly tidyed up her untidy hair, and said a little embarrassed: "I'm cleaning him."

   "You have a friend here, I'm coming to see you this afternoon." The woman said to Bill.

   "See you this afternoon."

   Bill and the woman said goodbye with a smile.

   "It seems that you are recovering well and energetic." After the woman left, Bill An Yi teased.

This guy,

   I almost died of blood loss a month ago, and now I have the energy to play with women.

   Bill chuckled,

   "Her name is Monica. The nurse in this hospital is a good girl and she serves her very hard."

   "Well, it is true."

   A few joking words, and when talking about business, "Bill, do you know the conflict between the Jewish gang and the Irish in the past two days?"

   "I know, there are many reports in the newspapers." Bill said.

   groaned comfortably and said, "After the last time we were attacked, I felt understaffed. The conflict has escalated in the past two days. I have been very careful. I have an idea in my heart that we should hire more people."

   Bill became interested immediately.

   "What do you think, Jon?"

   "Sean and Ryder work very hard, but their combat effectiveness is not good enough. I think we should find someone with combat effectiveness, such as veterans like you and me." An Yi said.

   "Who are you going to find?" Bill asked.

   "You can find our brother from the original alliance. During the treatment, I also met many people. Maybe I can try with them."

   Bill was silent for a long while, watching An Yi very solemnly said: "Jon, I have a proposal."


   "Jon, let's do it formally, you come to be the boss, I will assist you, we will recruit a group of people, I believe we will become the strongest member of the Jewish gang!"

   Bill looked at ease hopefully after speaking.

   Formally do it? !

   An Yi took out a cigarette, gave one to Bill, and the two lighted the cigarette to smoke.

   has been in this world for more than half a year. After getting a preliminary understanding of the world, Anyi initially set the goal to work hard in business.

   Even though there are many differences between the two time and space, he has the insight that transcends the times, and he believes that he can succeed.

   But during the days when he joined the gang, An Yi understood one thing again. He had no foundation and it was very difficult to get started.

   Even if he develops in business in the future, in this cannibalistic society, having wealth may not be able to protect him.

  Even if you have money-making projects, how can you get started?

   Funds, connections, social rules, government departments.

   Anything is a big hurdle.

   After you have developed through all the hardships, you will inevitably be watched by someone with a heart, and many people will rush to bite you like a hungry wolf.

   And these hungry wolves are often very powerful. Entrepreneurs will fall at this level in all likelihood.

   Go further, there are even stronger predators waiting for you. They are powerful and are leaders and rule-makers in every industry.

   How difficult is it for you to get out of the siege.

   "Das Kapital" said that the primitive accumulation of capital is full of blood.


   may not be a way out.

   If you can really become famous on this road and have your own power, you can become your own power to protect your wealth in the future.

of course.

   In this process, he must take care to protect himself from being caught in prison.

   There is also machine washing at the right time.

   The cigarette burns to the end.

   An Yi has already made a decision.

   looked up at Bill.

   "Bill, would you like to be my partner?"

   Knowing that An Yi agreed, he felt happy in his heart.

   "Of course, just like on the battlefield before, you lead me to charge together, and I will be your deputy. We will definitely make a lot of money Hardy."

   An Yi held out his hand to Bill.


   Bill's hand was patted heavily on An Yi's hand.

   An Yi was about to leave, and before leaving, he said:

   "You guy will get better soon. By the way, you must pay attention to temperance. Don't try to raise a little nutrition and waste it on women."

   Bill smiled and waved goodbye.

   went back to the residence.

   Anyi pulled out the suitcase from under the bed and found a notebook.

   opened the notebook, which recorded densely packed names, addresses, and contact information.

   Now that you have made up your mind, let's do a good job. An Yi is ready to put out all the energy and invest in the underworld cause.

   And An Yi also made a decision. From now on, he will hide his previous name and will be called Jon Hardy from now on.


   Orange County.

   Inside a restaurant.

   Richard was washing the dishes in the back kitchen. The piles of dishes in the basin in front of him became mountains, and his eye sockets began to itch again. He straightened up and rubbed the back of his hand.

   At this moment, the fat restaurant owner walked in and saw that Richard was resting. He immediately shouted:

   "Richard, don't be lazy, there are many customers in front, everyone is busy, you can see how many plates you have not cleaned."

   Richard looked at the boss with his left eye, lowered his head and continued to wash the dishes.

   The fat boss left Richard aside, and said in a sarcasm: "Richard, if you hadn't asked me at the beginning, I would never leave you a cyclops for me to work. You have to know that some people are looking for jobs now."

   "If you don't have a job, you can only sleep on the street and eat garbage, so you have to work harder to know, people should be grateful."

   Richard lowered his head and said nothing.

   The fat boss felt bored and turned and left.

   Richard brushed the dishes silently.

   One year ago, he was fighting with the Japanese on the Asian battlefield. He was a sniper in the team and didn't know how many enemies he killed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But in a battle, he exposed his position and was retaliated by the opponent with a mortar. A shrapnel hit his left eye. Although he did not die, he lost an eye forever. He stayed in the hospital for half a year. Retired from the army and returned to his hometown.

   His eye injury is not good, and he will get inflammation from time to time. The continuous treatment has spent all the veteran money. Richard lives in a rural area and his life is very difficult, and he can't support his treatment at all.

   Richard endured his illness and went out to work.

   A disabled person.

   can only do the lowest job and get the lowest salary.

   Being scolded by the boss is already the norm.

   He can only bear it,

  Because I don't want to lose this job.


   Hardy walked into the restaurant.

   A waiter came over and asked Hardy what he wanted to eat.

   "I want to ask someone, is Richard working here?" Hardy asked.

   The waiter heard that he was looking for someone, and his face was a little impatient, "Richard, I don't know." He turned around and left.

   Hardy frowned slightly.

   Before he went to Richard's house first, his family told Hardy that Richard was working in this restaurant. How did the waiter know?

   "He has one eye injured." Hardy said.

  The waiter suddenly,

   "Ah, you said one-eyed, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot his name is Richard, and he is washing dishes in the backyard."

   One-eyed is not a respectable name.

   It seems that he is not doing very well here, and he is not respected.

   "Can you call him out for me, just say that his friend is coming to him." Hardy said and handed a $2 tip.

   The waiter smiled immediately when he saw the tip, "No problem, I'll call him."

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