

After a leisurely stroll through the picturesque neighborhood, Eloise and Lilith finally arrived at their destination, Lilith's charming house. The exterior of the house exuded a warm and inviting aura, with its well-maintained garden and various games scattered about, giving it a playful touch. As they approached the entrance, Lilith turned the key in the lock and swung open the door, revealing a glimpse of the welcoming interior.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Lilith exclaimed with a playful chuckle, gesturing for Eloise to enter first. Stepping inside, Eloise was immediately captivated by the exquisite beauty that adorned every corner of the house. The walls were adorned with delicate decorations and an assortment of photographs, each capturing different stages of Lilith's life. Among the cherished memories was a photograph of Eloise and Lilith together, causing a warm smile to grace Eloise's face.

"You've created such a beautiful space here," Eloise complimented, her admiration evident in her voice as she looked around the lovingly decorated house.

Lilith beamed with gratitude, her eyes shining with pride. "Thank you," she responded graciously, basking in the appreciation of her efforts. "Come with me; I'll fetch you some ice for your nose," she offered, leading the way towards the kitchen.

As they rummaged through the freezer, Eloise located an ice pack and gently pressed it against her sore nose, seeking relief from the discomfort caused by her recent injuries. "Thank you," she expressed appreciatively, grateful for Lilith's hospitality and care.

Curiosity soon got the better of Lilith as she observed Eloise's injuries, her brows furrowing with concern. "What happened to you? How did you sustain all these injuries? Your right arm looks broken," she inquired, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Eloise took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and determination. "Well, it's quite a tale to tell. Firstly, I was accepted into the magic school of my dreams. Recently, I found myself confronting a member of the prestigious Council of 10, and our clash resulted in my current state," she explained, her voice brimming with a sense of accomplishment. The battle had been intense, but Eloise had emerged stronger, even with her injuries.

Lilith's response was a mix of admiration and desperation. "You've always possessed such unwavering confidence in your abilities, Eloise," she remarked, her words tinged with a touch of longing. She couldn't help but feel a pang of envy, wishing she possessed the same level of courage and determination.

"And what are you up to?" asked Eloise, genuinely intrigued by Lilith's life.

"Well, I'm living well. In fact, I've also been accepted into a magical school, but it's not as reputable as yours. I wanted to keep it discreet," Lilith admitted, a hint of excitement lacing her words as she opened the fridge to retrieve some orange juice.

"You want some?" she asked Eloise, taking out two glasses from the cabinet.

"Yes," replied Eloise, accepting the glass offered to her. Lilith skillfully poured the refreshing orange juice into each glass, filling them to the brim.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" Lilith asked sarcastically, a playful glint in her eyes.

Eloise paused for a moment, a puzzled expression crossing her face. "Yes and no," she finally answered. "I love someone, but this person prefers us to remain friends, don't you, Lilith?" she questioned, hoping to gain some insight from her friend.

Lilith sighed softly, a flicker of sadness passing over her features. "No, I don't have anyone at the moment," she replied honestly, her voice tinged with a hint of longing. She kept her own romantic desires hidden, perhaps afraid to admit her feelings to herself and others.

"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be at your local boarding school?" asked Eloise, startled by Lilith's unexpected presence.

"I just came to pick up a few things of my own and then leave, but I saw you on the way. It's been such a long time since I've seen you, Eloise, and I thought I'd spend some time with you," Lilith explained with a warm smile.

"Oh, I see. In that case, you'll be leaving again soon," replied Eloise, a tinge of sadness in her voice. She had hoped for more time to catch up with her dear friend.

"Yes, and I'd better hurry. My train leaves in an hour, so I'll go and gather my belongings. If you want, you can walk me to the station," suggested Lilith, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. Eloise couldn't help but smile at the prospect.

"Of course, I'll come with you," Eloise responded happily.

Lilith headed up to her room, and Eloise could hear the faint sounds of rustling and packing. After a few minutes, Lilith emerged from the room, carrying a bag that surely contained her essentials for the journey.

"Let's go," Lilith said, taking the lead as they exited the house. Before they set off, Lilith locked the door, ensuring everything was secure. Together, Lilith and Eloise embarked on the walk towards the station.

As they strolled side by side, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and familiarity. Eloise and Lilith engaged in lively conversation, their voices carrying through the air as they laughed and reminisced about their shared memories. The years had passed, but their bond remained strong, despite the physical distance that often separated them.

Upon reaching the station, Eloise and Lilith approached the departure board to check the train schedules. Lilith's train was due to arrive in fifteen minutes. They found a nearby bench and settled down, continuing their conversation with undiminished enthusiasm. They spoke about their dreams, ambitions, and the experiences they hoped to have in the future.

As the hands of the clock neared the departure time, Lilith reached into her bag and retrieved a small box. With a gentle smile, she opened it, revealing a silver bracelet adorned with a star-shaped charm. She extended it to Eloise and said, "This is for you. I want you to have something to remember me by. You're my best friend, Eloise, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

Eloise's eyes shimmered with emotion as she accepted the precious gift. She delicately fastened the bracelet around her wrist, appreciating its beauty. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she embraced Lilith tightly, whispering, "Thank you so much, Lilith. This is truly beautiful. You're my best friend too, and I'll always be here for you."

Just then, an announcement echoed through the station, signaling the imminent arrival of Lilith's train. They rose from the bench, their steps heavy with a mix of joy and sorrow. It was time to say their goodbyes, albeit reluctantly.

Lilith pressed a tender kiss on Eloise's cheek and said, "I'll miss you, Eloise. Take care of yourself, okay? And don't forget to write to me."

Eloise nodded, her voice filled with affection, "I'll miss you too, Lilith. I'll write to you as soon as I can. And make sure you have a wonderful time at your school."

They shared one final embrace, clinging to each other as if trying to prolong the moment. Eventually, Lilith stepped onto the waiting train. She found a window seat and turned to face Eloise, waving her hand in farewell. Eloise returned the gesture, her smile masking the ache in her heart.

As the train began its slow departure, Eloise experienced an overwhelming urge to chase after it, to express something she had kept hidden for far too long. Ignoring her inhibitions, she dashed alongside the platform, her eyes fixed on the receding train.

Lilith noticed Eloise's frantic pursuit and a pang of longing tugged at her. She realized there was something she needed to reveal, a secret that had remained buried for years. Opening the window, she shouted with all her might, "Eloise! I love you! I've always loved you! And I hope to see you again soon!"

Eloise halted abruptly, her eyes widening with astonishment and joy. She stood there, rooted to the spot, gazing at Lilith's fading face in the distance. Summoning her courage, she called out, "I hope to see you again soon too!"

The train gradually disappeared from sight, leaving Eloise standing alone on the platform. She clutched the bracelet on her wrist, feeling a sense of solace and connection to Lilith.

With a serene smile on her face, Eloise whispered to herself, "Until we meet again."

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