
My Shaky Ass Told Me So!

When Jayce finally left his spot, some residual pressure from his presence was left behind and most of the Baldies haven't recovered yet.

They were suffocated as if their souls were sucked dry. Everyone is just staring at each other in silence, replaying the scenes that have transpired.

They could not admit that one man is capable of destroying them whenever he wanted. Luckily for them, they only suffered humiliation, broken limbs, and some bones almost breaking. Nothing is really a threat to their lives since Jayce did not fire his gun or killed anyone. As such, most of them were sitting in silence, contemplating and embarrassed how cowardly they acted.

However, through this suffocating silence, Spencer is the first one to break it.

"That punk! Who the heck does he think himself?! Why is he looking for me?!"

He turned his fierce gaze to Harak.

Dazed for what just happened, before slowly registering what Spencer said, Harak could only helplessly sigh. It's because he did not have the slightest clue why.

"I don't know, perhaps he knew about you?"

Harak speculated but he did not consider it serious, to begin with. More importantly, what he really wanted to ponder about is why the hell would Jayce the Tiger would openly seek someone with such urgency, even so willingly give that amount of money?

Jayce had been famous for his lonesome air, his eyes that doesn't care about anything or the world. Except with his interests or men being threatened.

'So why does he cares for those sacked people?'

There must be something, Harak seriously thought.

The rumors were true. It is truly difficult to grasp The Tiger's thoughts or to even try to understand them.

Harak buried this thought as he ordered his men to evacuate this place. As much as possible, he wanted to erase his trace of being here. Although he chooses the side of money this time, the men in black suits are dangerous! For these men belonged to the current hegemon Gang group in the entire region that Ragoria City is a part of, The Bleeding Colt.

"Alright, boys! pack what you can and we'll leave immediately. That's an order."

And with that, rumors of Westside Diamonds Gang's sudden disappearance to their turf began spreading across the hood in no time.


Meanwhile, the lonesome creature described by Harak and the cause of the WSD Gang's humiliation slowly entered an abandoned building.

It is exactly the place where Carlo hinted in his message.

But upon entering the building, Jayce is greeted with a grand welcoming party.

He is startled to witness a sudden burst of bullets raining down on him, glowing dots that drew crackles like fireworks in the air.

Without having time to think of anything, he ran towards the blocks of cement nearby to shield himself.

Engulfed in the barrage of bullets and the suffocating stench that came after the gun powders were disintegrated into dust, Jayce is desperate to close the distance.

'Ah, They are too excited to meet me huh? Too bad I can't reciprocate your warm greetings'

In that current state, it was amazing that he could even half-assedly joke about it.

A big part of it is that he knew that his gun is practically useless because he does not know how to accurately fire his gun. He is left with a thought of wanting to immediately dash in but there's also this shaky feeling of fear getting hit by the bullets.

"Hey... my hands are actually shaking? Hahaha"

Jayce mockingly mutters to himself, unsure of his body's reaction as he slaps his knees that might have turned jelly from getting scared.

"Hmph. So I'm scared huh."

Jayce confirmed to himself.

Who wouldn't be scared?

One bullet could potentially end your life in a second, it was crazy to even think that it won't be scary.

But Jayce being Jayce, reckless at his nature, once he accepted that he is afraid, he did not deny it and just accepted the quivering sensation of terror crouching inside him.

He clicked his tongue before smiling then said,

"Well, Whatever! Today might be a good day to die huh."

He decides to run towards the enemies in a quick yet calculated maneuver.

Some guards who got wind of what he intended to do, instantly fired their gun at Jayce which Jayce easily anticipated as he crouched then rolled forward.


Jayce caught a bullet!

One bullet manages to scrape his torso, making him bleed.

'My shaky ass told me so! I'll get hit... Damn it!!!'

Jayce complained in his heart but it is too late, he had already been hit. This level of difficulty garnered more worry in Jayce as he thought about the ex-dean, Fiel Bancroft.

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