
How to kill a Demi-God

(AN: I just realised that I have forwarded the events of Pacific Rim a little. But meh~ I feel too lazy to correct that. And who cares anyway about dates?)

Stacker was introducing Rayleigh to the new base for the Jaegers, the Shatterdome. After showing and describing every single of the Jaegers finally Rayleigh asked him,

"Why did you bring me here?"

Stacker sighed a little and asked Rayleigh to follow him while he is explaining himself.

"To kill something."


"Two years ago you remeber when your Gipsy Danger was taken away by a metal Kaiju?"

"...yes. How can I forget that day?"

"Well, two days ago that Kaiju which we named Driller was heading towards the The Breach. I ordered the Russian Jaeger Cherno Alpha to intercept that Kaiju. I also provided Cherno Alpha with tens of battleships and hundreds of jets..." Stacker then reached a room in the living quarters and opened the door. He walked inside followed by Rayleigh who looked around the room and saw Stacker start up a computer and search the files on his device. After finding the suitable file he opened it up. The file contained various texts about the newly discovered Kaiju and various pictures.

"... After Cherno Alpha engaged the target, Driller emerged from the water and coiled itself. But instead of attacking a "being" came out from inside the Driller. The being has been given the name "Demi-God.""

"Demi-God? Really? After fighting with Kaiju for so many years you name an unknown being a Demi-God?"

"Don't make the mistake of underestimating it Mr.Rayleigh. It has the power to back up that name. It single handedly destroyed the whole fleet and erased Cherno Alpha with a single flick of his hand."

"What do you mean by 'erased Cherno Alpha'?"

"You will understand..." Stacker then picked up a remote and started playing a video on the large screen beside the computer. Immediately the video footage of the fight between the "Demi-God" and the Cherno Alpha fleet.


After watching the video Rayleigh turned towards Stacker and asked with a trembling voice, "That is a joke right? That cannot be true right?"

"Unfortunately Mr. Rayleigh that whole thing is true."

"But defeating something like that is impossible!"

"No it is not. Both Sir Newton and Gottlieb have made some convincing points that can help us fight that."

"But tha- Wait, you said this video was from two days ago. Where is it now?"

"The Driller has wrapped itself around the Breach and to the Demi-God was last seen at the Breach two hours ago."

"*sigh* What is that thing?"

"Frankly, we don't know. We thought it was the master of the Kaijus but apparently it is not. The Driller is not even a Kaiju itself."

"How did you know about it?"

"Newton and Gottlieb drifted with a Kaiju brain."

"Drifted with a what?!"

"I understand your suprise but please don't shout Mr. Rayleigh. They both drifted with a small part of a Kaiju brain and they discovered many things. Firstly, the Kaiju are created by alien creatures to kill us. They want to kill us to take the planet for themselves. Secondly, the Kaiju have a Hive mind among themselves. You must have realised how the Kaiju have slowly become stronger and harder to kill over the years? Well that is because they use the Hive mind to send the data to newer version of the Kaiju to evolve them and make them stronger. And third, the Driller is neither a Kaiju nor a is the Being controlling the Driller is the creator of Kaijus. But they discovered something odd from the Hive mind, the Kaijus are unnaturally afraid of the "Demi-God" and it's pet Driller"




Inside a conference room, many people were seated on the benches. A few of them were the Jaeger Pilots of the Jaegers still operational. Some were the Managers of the Pilots. But most of the people in the conference room were Jaeger head engineers and Command Officers.

The lights in the Conference Room dimmed a little and a three men stood on the stage. One of them had a little haggard appearance and was walking using a cane, the other person also had a haggard appearance and was wearing a shirt and had thick lense glasses over his eyes. The last person was a dark skinned man who was wearing a blue business suit.

The one walking with the cane finally walked forward and started talking, "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Gottlieb and I am one of the scientists researching on Kaijus. This guy is my colleague and his name is Newton. I presume everyone knows why we are here?"

Everyone nodded a little and Gottlieb continued talking, "The only thing I am going to say to battle the "Demi-God" is to attack him together all at once, because..." He nodded towards Newton who started playing a specific part of the video "... he can't use all of his abilities at the same time. If you see this scene, then you will notice that before redirected the missiles back to the fleet, he had released the telekinetic hold he had on Cherno Alpha. There is also a limit to his created black hole, because if you see the next scene, disregarding the long firing time of that black hole, you will notice that the black hole pulls in everything within a 2 kilometer radius of itself. The Battleships were only 400 metres away from it. The 'Demi-God' could have easily used that ability to completely destroy the fleet but didn't use it. And another point is that it's own pet is not immune to the effects of the Black Hole, because of you look closely right here, you will see various parts of the Driller is seen getting pulled out of its body. So the only thing I will suggest is stay close to it and attack it all at once."

(AN: I have an exam tomorrow... So no more chapters for today~

Anyways, thanks for reading~)

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