
A Farewell Barrette


"Find Lady Aisha at once and bring her to my Chamber," King Leandro commanded him in a whisper, as the royal ministers went tumultuous because of the sudden revelation of the royal guard. 

Emilio could note anxiety in the King's voice as he unconsciously shook his head. Beads of perspiration also formed in King Leandro's forehead, which was unusual because the room was cold as the crisp evening air crept inside from the open windows.

It seemed like the others were also heated up with their own temperatures as they all heard the disappearing act of the suspect of the meeting. The already quieting down of the room went clamorous again as each expressed their own opinion regarding Lady Aisha's vanishing.

Emilio's shoulders curled in as well, as he was still shocked that Lady Aisha turned out to be the mastermind behind the anarchic case that he was solving.

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