
Dance the Night Away

With the war of the abominations finally over, Valiant finally could formally mourn and celebrate.

After a ceremony honoring those who were lost in the battles at Oblivion and the Great Lake, Aurora held a great banquet for those who had shown bravery in defending the human race. The palace was filled with banners of blue and white, representing the great empire under Aurora's rule.

Medals of Valor were given and speeches made. Brinn and Alvar, in all their golden glory, wished all of Valiant a thousand years of peace and harmony.

Even Gandr, who usually hid his strange pallor and semi-pointed ears, showed his true form to praise the human leaders and those who fought so bravely against a mighty foe.

Fashionably late, Reyan flitted to a seat beside the Empress, his large gossamer wings blowing Aurora's fiery hair into her face. The wings did not retract when he landed. Instead they were shown proudly like an emblem of freedom.

The old curmudgeon immediately stood. "I have something I would like to say! Although they are not here, I would like to make a toast to the winter fairies who came to the rescue and brought all of you the much needed final push to victory."

Aurora laughed at the self-serving gesture, but she really could not disagree. The fairies had been invaluable in stopping the enemy from escaping and preventing further loss of life.

Without them, the casualties would have been much higher—including the Empress's own life.

"To the Fairies," Aurora lifted her glass. The rest of those in the massive banquet hall echoed her words.

The tables fell into quiet conversation as they did in between each speech. The food kept coming in an endless supply, so all of the guests were able to snack and chat in equal measure.

Down the table, Junayd and Nurlan were seated side by side. The General had not wanted to be seated at all. He felt much more comfortable standing behind the Empress, watching her eat and then having his own food later, but Aurora would not hear of it.

So Nurlan munched at his food and surreptitiously searched for any sign of danger.

"Enjoy yourself," Junayd patted him on the shoulder. "Security is well in hand."

Nurlan arched his brow. "But what if…"

Junayd would hear none of it. "Eat, drink and be merry! Dance the night away."

"I don't dance. If you are so keen on it, you danc—" Nurlan caught the words as they were coming out of his mouth. He looked down. "I am sorry."

"For what?! I have a fancy new chair made by the prince himself, and the Empress even offered me my own litter with four servants to carry me around any time I want. And don't get me started on all the attention from the ladies. I'm living better than a king!" Junayd took a bite and groaned with pleasure.

While the winsome man had regained some of the feeling and range of motion in his legs, they would never support his weight again. There was just too much damage. But Junayd wasn't going to let a little thing like walking dampen his mood. He was a hero, after all!

A hero who was about to have his turn at recognition.

Aurora called everyone to calm once again as she began her next speech. Her mouth was going dry with all the honors, but she could not let this one go without doing it proper justice.

"Many of you know Advisor Junayd as a hero from Cafer's war. He was badly wounded in that fight while saving the Emperor's life. Well, history has repeated itself, only this time it was my life that was so graciously spared. For that, he earns the highest honor we can give to the living. A second Medal of Valiant."

A servant brought a medal on a pillow down the table and placed it around the handsome advisor's neck. The announcement was met with thunderous applause.

Junayd waved and bowed in his seat before rolling away from the table and towards the head. Devrim raised one eyebrow as he approached. All of the others had spoken from their seats.

"I would like to thank the Empress and Emperor for this high honor. I came from nothing and I'm sure most people thought I would amount to nothing. Yet hear I stand…well sit… a hero among men and magic folk. The Emperor has graciously requested, nay, he has begged me to do a song for this esteemed company." Junayd paused as Devrim choked on his bite.

"All I did was ask if you planned on doing one of your nonsensical little ditties!" The grey-eyed man wagged his finger playfully.

"No need to be modest, Your Majesty. Everyone knows you are my biggest fan." Junayd smiled so big that his teeth glittered in the chandeliers' light.

Motioning to a mysterious figure in a black cloak—which was very unfestive for the atmosphere—Junayd held out his hand and waited.

The Guardian reached into the darkness of his cape and froze. He seemed to be having a moment of difficulty but in the end he produced a stringed Oud and passed it to the musician.

Junayd strummed a few notes, adjusted the tuning and then hummed a pure tone. But Aurora was not fooled. The twinkle in the man's eye said that no ballad would be coming from his lips tonight or any other night.

His voice was rich and full,

"I finally met a lassie,

Who's worthy of my soul.

She looks just like an angel

Pure as a newborn foal

I pledged my love undying,

She put me to the test

Such feats of strength and valor

She never let me rest

At last I won her hand,

Then whispered in her ear

Of all the things I'd like to do

Now that I have her near

She blushed redder than crimson

She Chastised me with grace

"Oh dear, You sound just like a hound!"

She cried with lamb-like face

I howled, "You've no idea

Just how dog like I can be!"

I carried her with wolfish grin

Fetched her away with me!"

The tension in the room evaporated, those around roaring with laughter and applause. Even Nurlan, who often acted like he hadn't heard the other man's songs, seemed very amused. It was a rousing success.

For a moment, Junayd smiled, his canines showing prominently. The look reminded Aurora of the creature he had briefly been. She was glad he could joke about it. It meant that healing was occurring.

And everyone in the room needed that.

The rest of the evening went off pleasantly. Slowly but surely the diners finished their meal and turned to dancing.

While there was no formal dance announced, the musicians were called in and Mairwen and Renat broke the ice by taking to dance in the empty space of the banquet hall.

Aurora laughed thinking of how scandalous this kind of action would be in the elven court. But here, the Empress had set up the room for just this exact purpose.

Those who wanted to dance could, and those who would rather play cards or other table games could do so at the long tables after they were cleared. And those who were too tired could sneak away without anyone being offended.

Aurora and Devrim took to the floor as well. "Remember our first time dancing?" The Empress smiled shyly.

"How can I forget? I was so nervous and jealous beforehand. I had been practicing forever, and I had no idea you were being held captive by Gandr." Devrim could laugh about it now.

At the time it had not been funny.

"I am glad we have had many dances since then. Though I still get nervous every time." The grey-eyed man inhaled deeply as he spun his wife out and back into his arms.

"Want to know a secret? I get nervous when you hold me as well. But a good nervous. Like the world is about to begin again." Aurora always thrilled at the touch of her husband.

Some of the married women at court had assured her the feeling would fade eventually. But in over a decade she had not found it to be true, nor did she ever want it to be. In his arms would always be her favorite place.

"Let's retire and move far away where the world doesn't need saving," Aurora said while nestled in her husband's embrace. "Find an island, open a little store and live on the beach…"

"Sounds nice," Devrim agreed. "I always wanted to sell coconuts."

Aurora tilted her head up and raised one eyebrow, unsure if he was serious. "You have never once mentioned that."

"I love that you still get to discover new things about me then!" Devrim winked. Aurora's knees went a little weak when he looked at her that way.

"A lifetime is too short to know you fully, my love, but I intend to try." Aurora kissed her husband, unconcerned with anyone who might be watching.

The song ended and the next one began. Then the next. And the next.

Finally, even Mairwen and Renat had to concede and head to bed, leaving the two lovers alone in the early morning light.

Aurora dismissed the musicians, yet still the two swayed to music only they could hear. It was perfect.


The doors to the banquet hall flew open and a creature with pale blue skin trudged in. Her clothing was dirty and the ethereal glow that usually surrounded her was gone.

Hanna spoke only four restless words into existence.

"The magic…is dead!"

This is the end of volume 5. There is only one more volume to go! Thank you for coming on this journey with me. Stay tuned for. “A World Without Magic”

NobleQueenBeecreators' thoughts
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