
Reality Marble

Reality Marble: a magical domain that some people in this world — primarily some Servants — can create by replacing reality with a mental construct of their inner self. And in this domain, they can change the laws of physics and the rules of the world. Each Mage's Reality Marble reflects their inner self, desires, goals, ambitions, or who they were.

"In other words, this reality marble is the same as the second-type Domain I created, which projects the Soul Dimension into reality," said Edward excitedly. The Noble Phantasm that Akasha allowed him to create was a reality marble, so he was studying it to see if he could help his Arcane Path, and it did.

One of the major flaws of this type of Domain was that the Soul Dimension Projection had no power on its own and needed the Arcanist to build a pocket dimension and fuse with it. Sadly, not many Arcanists can instantly create pocket dimensions.

The solution Edward came up with for this solution was the creation of Void Marbles (yes, he copied the name from Reality Marbles even before coming to this world)–an artifact capable of creating the pocket dimension for the Arcanists. With this thing, most Arcanists can have their domain after learning how to project their Soul Dimension. However, he was not happy with this solution, and it was not simply because of the costly price of Void Marbles.

He wanted magical domains to be a natural ability of Arcanists, something they could achieve after years of training and learning. He did not want only Space Arcanists to have this ability or rely on foreign artifacts for this ability. Now, he finally found a way: Reality Marbles.

The core of reality marbles is projection magic elevated to a high enough level to rewrite reality, creating a world within a world. Furthermore, the true core of this technique is powerful enough magical energy or mana to change the projection from unreal to unreal.

'One thing Arcanists do not lack is mana,' thought Edward with a smile. With this method, the bottleneck on domain technology has been broken, and once he returns, this technique or ability will become commonplace.

'The reality marbles are truly like a miniature world, meaning they are more than enough to compete with the real Divine Kingdoms of the Gods,' thought Edward, smiling to display his satisfaction.

"Just this technique is enough for this trip," muttered Edward with a smile, but he soon sighed as he missed Morgana. Times like this make him miss the little elf's voice in his mind.

The next day, Tohsaka had school. While walking in the hallway to work, Edward began to complain, "It's been more than 1500 years since I attended school. I can't believe you're forcing me to go."

"1500 years? The Arcane Empire lasted only a hundred years."

"Time is relatives, little girl," replied Edward. "The Empire might have only lasted that long, but most people were older than that. Otherwise, do you think we could achieve all this in only a hundred years?"

"That makes sense," nodded Tohsaka. "It must have been a wonderful time if you guys could play with time as you see fit."

"Of course," said Edward with pride, even though he had absolutely no knowledge of this world's version of the Arcane Empire.

"So, are we skipping school?"

"No, and you must stay by my side in case I'm suddenly attacked by another Master."

"Fair point, but you should be productive here."

"Do you want me to spy on Mr. Souichiro?" asked Tohsaka. Edward said the latter was a master doing shady things with the Caster Servant.

"No, you need to beat up Shinji Mato for maltreating his sister," explained Edward. Tohsaka frowned, "Although I despise that guy, I cannot intervene in their family affairs — especially since she would deny his action."

"It seems you truly do not know."

"What are you talking about?"

"His sister — Sakura Matou — is adopted. Her previous surname was Tohsaka. In other words, your sister."

Tohsaka froze as her body trembled, "You're not lying to me?" She raised her voice, garnering the intention of the people around since it appeared she was talking to herself.

"I would not lie about such a thing," continued Edward. "This girl has suffered terribly at Shinji and the Matou family's hands."

Tohsaka seemed to think of something horrible, and her eyes turned red. Without hesitation, she rushed toward Shinji's class.

"Do you want to calm down and not do anything rash?" asked Edward.

"Can't you erase people's memories of what I do?"

"Yes, I can," replied Edward, chuckling.


"Tohsaka?" asked a blue-haired young man. "Why are you screaming so early in the morning?"

Unfortunately for him, Tohsaka did not answer. She activated her magic circuit and rushed toward him. With the first punch, she broke his jaw and most of his teeth. Then, she proceeded to pummel him with tremendous prejudice. After the third punch, Shinji's face was disfigured beyond recognition, and after the fifth one, he should have died due to the sheer force of Tohsaka's punches. Sadly for him, Edward was secretly providing him with healing spells, preventing his death and prolonging his suffering.

Screams echoed in the classroom as the students were scared and did not know what to do; even the teacher was baffled and frozen out of shock and fear.

"Tohsaka, stop," yelled Shirou, who finally reacted. He rushed forward, but Edward materialized before him.

"Don't interfere with things that don't concern you."

"She's going to kill him!"

"Because he deserves it," said Edward plainly.

"Nothing is worth such brutality," rebutted Shirou, who took a step forward toward Tohsaka. However, with one look, he felt his body bearing a tremendous weight, immobilizing him.


Saber materialized in the classroom with her sword in hand.

"If she makes one move, I will use a large area spell to kill everyone present," threatening Edward; his voice was so calm and composed that it sent chills down Shirou's spine.

"You!" The look in his eyes told Shirou that this man was capable of such a brutal act. So, he stood up, frozen as the beating continued for close to a minute. Then, a voice finally spoke:

"Rin, stop."

Tohsaka finally stopped as she recognized that voice. With her face bathing in blood, she looked at Sakura, her eyes finally displaying a hint of humanity, love, and regret.

"Why didn't you tell me about him? Why didn't you tell me you were my sister?"

Sakura trembled before she lowered her head, "I thought…you had abandoned me."

"How could I do such a thing? I simply never knew," replied Tohsaka, her voice laced with deep sorrow. She stood up, still holding the half-dead Shinji in one hand.

"You can clean up this place, right?"

"No problem," said Edward, who used a Repairing Spell to repair the damage she caused before using the Obliviate Charm to delete everyone's memories. They walked out of the school while Sakura and Shirou followed.

"Why is he with us?"

"Sakura and Shinji are my friends; I need to know what will happen to them."

"Shirou-senpai can come with us," said Sakura timidly.

"By the Arcane Truth, the Tohsaka family must have been cursed with terrible taste in men," complained Edward, and Sakura blushed after hearing this. Rin turned her head to give them an odd look before continuing home.

Once they arrived, she threw Shinji on the corner like he was a piece of thrash and glanced at Sakura. "Tell me everything the Matou Clan did to you."

Sakura did not immediately answer but looked at her brother, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Don't worry about this piece of human garbage," sneered Tohsaka. "What I care about is you and only you."

Sakura lowered her head but did not say anything. "Do you still want to protect them?" She still did not say a word.

"You don't have to worry about Zouken or the worms he placed in your body," reassured Edward. "It's not a problem to remove them or deal with him."

"How…do you know?"


The MC just landed in the MCU in today's chapter in Patreon. So, this arc will end in ten chapters.

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