
Other Civilizations

"Your world is too dangerous," concluded Tsunade, shaking her head.

"No place is completely safe," countered Edward. "You saw the intervention of the Otsutsuki Clan in the Fourth Shinobi War. Without Naruto, Sasuke, and Hagoromo, your world would have been in trouble.

"However, what you don't know is a dozen years later, the peace of the Ninja World was again broken. The Otsutsuki returned, Sasuke died, and Naruto lost the Nine-Tails and was sealed.

"The world had to rely on Naruto's son to save it."

Tsunade quieted for a moment. She knew the Otsutsuki Clan would never give up a world full of life like the Ninja World since it's the perfect place to plant the God Tree and condense a Chakra Fruit.

So, what would the fate of the Ninja World be without Edward's appearance?

Maybe a savior would be born to save the Ninja World, similar to Sasuke and Naruto. Or maybe, the Ninja World would be destroyed.

"Is it a sin to be weak in this vast universe?" asked Tsunade with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, it is," replied Edward. "It's been a long and tired day, so rest. We will return home in a few days to continue researching the Chakra System."

Tsunade nodded before leaving. Meanwhile, Edward continued working. He took a few potions to recuperate from the battle. Then, he began to work with Morgana to analyze the new Willpower Coating Technique and the other things he learned during the battle.

However, Golem AD contacted him the next day, saying it was urgent. So, he had to see it.

"What's the matter?"

"Three civilizations send an ambassador to see us; they are waiting in the room next door," explained Golem AD.

"Oh, who are they?"

"The Sage Clan, the Automatons, and the Chakra Race."

"Interesting names," muttered Edward, as he had never heard of these things from Naruto. So, it's most likely things related to other galaxies, not shown in the manga or anime.

"Let's see them in the throne room," he ordered. "Also, send me the information we have on these clans."


Edward sat in a golden throne room, calmly waiting. Soon afterward, three unique individuals appeared before him: an enormous snake, a human-sized robot resembling Gundam, and another towering beast with twelve tails. Immediately, he realized they were all Tier 7 and was a little surprised.

"Salutation to you, your majesty," said the giant Snake, and the others followed to show their respect. White waiting for Edward's appearance, they learned a few pieces of information about the Empire and proper etiquette for meeting the Emperor.

Typically, these people would not care about things like etiquette. Unfortunately, the so-called Arcane Empire single-handled annihilated the Otsutsuki Clan.

"At ease," said Edward as he observed each individual. From the snake, he sensed an enormous amount of Nature Energy.

'The Sage Clan, huh?' thought Edward as he remembered the three places in the Ninja World where people can learn Sage Art. According to his theory, the Great Toad Sage from Mount Myoboku did not become the way it was because it was a unique race.

He believed the latter was only a regular toad but was very sensitive to Nature Energy. After discovering Mount Myoboku–a place with tremendous concentration of nature energy– by accident, or maybe born there, the toad absorbed Nature Energy, evolving to gain intelligence. Then, it gathered other toads with similar talent, and Mount Myoboku became what it was today. The same was for the other two Senjutsus places.

Edward previously believed these three were a unique case in the Ninja Planet. However, he now understood this was not true. A similar thing occurred in different parts of the universe.

Then, as these creatures became more powerful, they began to explode the universe and discovered each other. They banded together and became the Sage Race.

Edward then observed the robot while overviewing the information he knew from the Otsutsuki Clan's database. The origin of the Automaton Clan is simple and cliche: a technology civilization created artificial intelligence. They gained sentience and wiped out that civilization before making their own.

The only interesting thing about them is a branch of their civilization originated from Chakra Puppets who gained sentience.

Finally, it was the Chakra Race. They were created by the Otsutsuki Clan and were essentially the same as Tail Beasts in the Ninja World. However, they revolved against the clan and became a separate race.

"I'm glad you are all here," said Edward after taking less than a second to analyze all these people. "However, I would like you to be blunt about your intentions."

The Sage Clan and Chakra Race frowned. Meanwhile, the automaton did not mind Edward's directness since it valued efficiency above everything else; it did not want to waste time on pleasantries and talking around the bush. Although it has programs that allowed him to partake in these activities, it did not mean he wanted to use them.

"We have two primary objectives," said the Automaton, looking directly at Edward. Although no emotions were displayed on its face, he would be frowning if possible. Countless data flashed in its eyes as it tried to analyze Edward. However, a unique and powerful field around the latter obscured all his programs, frustrating him a little.

The only thing he could discern was the latter had a massive amount of energy inside his body.

"Objective 1: Contact the person capable of wiping out the Otsutsuki.

"Objective 2: Discover their intention and attitude towards other civilizations."

Edward nodded before saying, "Then, I will answer you. The Sage Clan and Chakra Race can integrate into the Empire. You will be my citizens and have all the rights of other races, species, or ethnicities."

"What? Are you serious?" asked the snake. However, Edward did not answer him but looked at the automaton.

"Your civilization should have a Source Code."

If the robot had a heart, it would skip a beat after hearing this. The Source Code is the highest secret of their civilizations; it is the source of all Artificial Intelligence and the reason for their existence. So, no one–including the Otsusuki Clan–should have known about it.

"Hand over the Source Code, and you can be spared."

"That is impossible." Anyone who controlled the Source Code could control all the automatons of the civilization, basically becoming the master of the entire civilization.

"Then, prepare for annihilation," said Edward calmly. He was paranoid about any robot civilizations because of their rapid possibility for growth given the right environment and circumstances. As such, even though his Arcane Civilization has many ways to prevent the rise of artificial intelligence, he never lowers his guard against them or gives them any chance.

Otherwise, Edward believed the Arcane Empire would have developed even faster than it currently was.

He looked at the other two again and continued, "I will give you the coordinate to our main planet. You can send ambassadors to see how the Empire integrates humans, Sage Clan, and even Chakra Race into one.

"You can also take this opportunity to experience our laws, customs, and cultures. Afterward, if you still refuse to surrender, you can prepare for war.

"However, you can rest assured. We are not the Otsutsuki Clan. In the upcoming war, we will not kill all of you and ensure the war ends as soon as possible; all we want is your surrender."

The two ambassadors swore they had never had to use so much effort to control themselves. They hated how calm and reassured this so-called Arcane Emperor was; it was like fighting with their civilization was child's play.

"I hope your majesty's arrogance is warranted," said the snake, snorting before gliding out of the room. The Taill Beast groaned before leaving. The automatons calmly left, but he was the most worried.

Edward calmly watched them leave before muttering, "I've been here for too long. I don't want to waste time with you people."

He summoned Golem AD and said, "Prepare for battle. Tomorrow, we will conquer the Automaton Race and capture an Immortal God."

"Yes, commander."

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