
29) Surprise


It had been a day since I had slept in Edwards room. Him and I had barely spoken the previous day and it was not his fault. For some reason I just seemed to avoid him at all costs and I could tell it had him conflicted. He knew I did not like to be pushed and respected it. I felt awfully guilted at how I was acting, but I could not help it. 

I was embarrassed. Embarrassed about the nightmare I had when we slept together. It was the first time we had properly decided to share a bed in this new chapter of our lives and I had messed it up. To make things worse I barley remembered what the dream was about. All I could remember was that my father was in it and whenever he appeared in my dreams it was never good.

Yesterday was emotionally draining since I had to pretend that I was all good and dandy in front of everyone else. I was never extremely social unless I was drunk or super comfortable with the people around me. Unfortunately I was yet to get comfortable around Edwards brother in laws and friends. The more I thought of it I kind of regretted joining this trip. Maybe I should have just waited for Edward to come back in London and we could figure out whatever we had going on, alone and in private. 

That was why I had decided to spend most of my day in my room. I just needed a moment to regroup mentally before I had to face the world. Edward had mentioned we would be in Greece tomorrow morning so this was the perfect time to freshen up before anymore activities. I had skipped breakfast and asked if it could be sent to my bedroom. No one had bothered to check on me yet and I figured they all assumed I was just exhausted after yesterday. 

It was one p.m and I heard a knock on my door. With a heavy sigh I walked to the door and opened it. Edward stood there with his hands in his pockets and was looking down to the floor. 

"Hi," I smiled gently and moving out of the way for him to enter. 

"I didn't see you at breakfast this morning. I just came to check on you," he smiled softly. He was dressed in black formal pants and a white tee shirt paired with white sneakers. Even though the outfit was simple he looked extremely handsome. 

"I just felt like resting a bit today, before we get to Greece," I hoped my excuse sounded logical. 

"Are you avoiding me?" He suddenly asked and sat down on the couch. 


"No Vasili. I know I may not be the most attentive, but I can tell when someone is avoiding me. I told everyone else you aren't feeling too well just to cover for you. Did I do something wrong? Did we move to quickly when I asked you stay with me the other night?" He stressed running his fingers through his hair. 

"No you didn't do anything wrong Ed. I'm just not feeling all so great," I sat down next to him. 

"Was it because of what happened the other night?" He was referring to the nightmare. 

I did not know how to respond to it. I could easily lie and just say I was sick, but with the way his eyes were pleading, how could I lie to someone as caring as him? "Yeah. Look I don't have nightmares often, but when I do it really shakes my world. I just need you to understand that."

"Ignoring me was not the mature thing to do," he huffed and folded his arms over his chest. 

"Like how you ignored me for two weeks? You know it's a bit hypocritical for you to say that," I only noticed what I had said once it was out in the air and I was beyond mortified. 

Edwards face immediately contrasted into a snarl. "You choosing Mary over me was a reasonable excuse for me to be hurt! You just randomly ignoring me because I witnessed you have a nightmare is completely different. I hoped we would get closer during this trip, but it just seems everything is a shit show."

"Edward I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way," I tried to reach out for him, but he stood up. 

"I was here to ask you if you wanted to go into Italy with me since I had to meet a business partner for a few hours then we could go out for dinner. Just the two of us you know. But since I can tell you don't want to be around me much I'll just go alone." 

I felt like a huge jerk for being rude to him. "I'm sorry Ed."

"I'll leave you be. If you want anything the guys are here. I won't be back for a while," he gave me one last hard look before walking out my room and shutting the door closed. 

I sat on my bed absolutely crushed at how I lashed out to Edward. My immediate reaction when I ended up being vulnerable with someone was too close them off before anything could even begin. I thought with Edward I would be able to end the pattern since we were both doing this new thing together, but it seemed nothing had changed. I had given Edward hell and back for the past two weeks. The first chance I get at being happy I end up ruining it all because of my ego. 

For a few minutes I sat there loathing in my self pity then I decided to actually do something about it for once. This experience had to be different. Edward was different. He deserved to be treated like something that was meant to be treasured. He always tried to make me happy and it was time for me to put on my big boy pants and make the effort as well. 

Since most of the guys were in the upper decks in the games room no one really noticed me sneak around the yacht. I went down to the kitchen and asked the chef if he could make me chocolate covered strawberries. I covered it with a lie that we were playing truth or dare. I knew he would not question it. Afterwards I asked a maid if she could arrange for me to get red roses and in two hours they arrived on a separate boat. I grabbed a bottle of wine from the cellar and two wine glasses then proceeded to Edwards room. 

I threw rose petals on the bed and some on the floor creating a path to the bed. After that I jumped into the shower and scrubbed my body in the Jasmine vanilla body wash he seemed to love so much. With vanilla lotion. Deciding to be a bit seductive I put on my ballet shorts that really seemed to get a reaction out of him from the last night we were in his penthouse alone. I decided to run back into his room and wear one of his formal shirts. Women always did that in the movies and their partners seemed to love it. 

His shirt was just a tad bit bigger on me creating a lovely sneak peek effect with my tights. Whilst I made my hair look a bit messy I heard the loud helicopter above the yacht indicating that Edward was back. I ran around the room having no idea how to 'present' myself to him in a completely seductive way since I normally never played this part. Women made this look so easy on television. 

Finally deciding to lay on my side on the bed to create the effect of looking a bit seductive. What I was not expecting however was the door opening to not only reveal Edward, but Marco as well! Edward instantly gasped and we all kind of froze and stared at each other. 

"My god," Marco breathed looking like he had just witnessed a murder. 

That seemed to get Edward functioning again as he quickly pushed Marco out the room, "never mention this to anyone!" He yelled before shutting the door. He leaned against the door and closed his eyes as he tried to just regulate his breathing. "My soul Vasili what is this?" 

"An apology," I grinned, but my face was still extremely flushed from that awkward encounter. 

"Even though I am very flattered. I think we just traumatized Marco," he chuckled walking towards me. 

"He will get over it," I chuckled as I sat on my knees towards the edge of the bed. 

He stood in front of me and I ran my hands down his chest as he looked down to me, "if I knew your apologies resulted in my room covered in roses and those shorts, I'd allow you to fight with me more often."

"I felt really bad and I just wanted to surprise you. I hope it makes up for this afternoon," I smiled. 

"It most definitely does," he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

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