
24) Electricity


This was not a good idea. This was probably the worst idea I had ever had in my lifetime. Actually this was one of the worst ideas Pablo had had in his lifetime. I was not to blame for this whole situation. We had left London four hours ago and it was only 2p.m. It seemed it was all it took to get Arsenio and Pablo drunk. They were running around the yacht like five year olds whilst the rest of us matured members of society were sitting indoors by the special relaxation area I had made specially for this yacht.

Arsenio had tried multiple times to get Vasili drunk, but he kindly rejected any sort of heavy alcohol till later. At least he had some sense. If Vasili got drunk I would surely be in for a ride. From the last party I was with him it already had me stressed from here to Jupiter. Strangely he was a bit reserved around everyone. He interacted with them yes, but I could tell he would much rather be locked up in his bedroom watching whatever new season of anime he was obsessed with. 

Sasha was outside by the pool getting a tan on since he had been in New York for the past two weeks. It was detrimental to his Italian skin as he put it. To me he looked exactly the same as he did every other day. That left Leonardo, Marco, Vasili and I sitting on the cloud soft couches. Vasili had his head on my lap and even though I tried my hardest not to touch him. I found myself playing with his hair ever so often. Not that Marco and Leonardo exactly cared. 

"So what do you want to do later?" I asked the men. 

"Lazing around would be perfect today. Delunca has started teething and it's been hard to get three hours of sleep in without him whaling his eyes out," Marco sighed as he spoke about his and Amanda's son. 

"Marco we did not come here to laze around," Leonardo looked at his older brother as if he was the most boring thing on earth. 

"How about water sport? That always use to get us going," I suggested looking down to Vasili who I was not sure if he had fallen asleep or not. 

"Edward we are nearly forty. I don't have energy for that," Marco sighed. 

"I'll go with you," Vasili said opening his eyes and looking up to me. 

I could not help, but smile as his beautiful blue eyes connected with mine, "well that's one. How about you Leonardo?" 

"Count me in. Unlike old man Agassi here I have stamina," he chuckled. 

"Fine fine. Peer pressure is disgusting! I'll join you. Let me go ask Sasha if he is interested," Marco stood up and walked out the room. 

"Let me go find Pablo and Arsenio. Hopefully they haven't jumped off into the sea yet," Leonardo left soon after leaving Vasili and I alone. 

"If I knew this was going to be a middle aged let's do nothing trip. I would have stayed at home," Vasili chuckled sitting up. 

I rolled my eyes, "not all of us are twenty-five and filled with life Vasili. All we need is some drinks in us and we will be good to go." 

"Good. I'll go change into my swim trunks so long. Are you coming?" He asked from the door way. 

"I have to ask the crew to get the jet skis ready," I smiled. He nodded then left for his bedroom. 

After making sure all the jet skis were ready and speed boat I went to change as well. Vasili was yet to emerge from his bedroom so once I was done I went to check on him. 

"Come in," he responded after I had knocked on his door. When I walked in I found him sitting on his bed with his swim trunks and shirtless body. He was busy typing away on his phone so I sat next to him not wanting to disturb. 

"What you doing?" I tried to peak over his shoulder and noticed he was texting his brother. 

"Yavok was just checking up on me. Apparently not texting him back in two days made him think I was kidnapped," he shook his head annoyed with his brother. 

"You could tell him I kidnapped you," I smiled. He gave me a short glare, but the smile on his face betrayed him. 

"And give him a heart attack no thank you. He stresses too much," he sighed. I had no idea what happened for Vasili to seem a bit tense with the mention of his brother and kidnapping, but I quickly changed the topic to lighten the mood. 

Very gently I kissed his cheek which caused him to blush and shy away from me. "Come on," I chuckled and pulled him closer to me. I kissed his cheek again as he desperately tried to wiggle his way from my arms. "Don't you enjoy my kisses," I teased. 

"Don't start with me," he breathed out and very quickly kissed my cheek as well. 

"Don't be shy," I brushed my nose with his enjoying the smell of his jasmine scent. I had no idea how we shifted from teasing to breathing so heavily as we toyed with one another. 

"I'm not going to kiss you," he said stubbornly, but made no effort to move away from me as my lips gently brushed against his; tempting him. 

"Well I want to kiss you," I smiled and gave him a quick peck. 

"Well you'll have to do better than that," he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my neck. Feeling adventurous I easily lifted him up to sit on my lap as we faced each other. Slowly I traced his neck with my lips and once in a while pressed a kiss against his Adam Apple. He gasped softly as my hands held onto his waist and gave it a small squeeze. "Edward," he whispered testily running his fingers through my hair. 

"Is this better?" I asked before sucking on the skin of his neck and gently biting down. Hurriedly Vasili pulled me away from his neck and connected our lips. We both instantly moaned as our lips moved against each other's. It had been hours since I had last kissed him and it was euphoric to feel his lips on mine again. He always tasted just a bit sweet with a slight taste of mint. Even though it sounded simple it was utterly intoxicating. 

He pushed me down onto the bed and straddled my hips then greedily connected his lips onto mine again. I would have never taken Vasili as one to take control, but I was thoroughly enjoying it as my hands ran up and down his back before settling to rest on his arse. He moaned softly as I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He did not even bother to fight for dominance, but allowed me to take full control of him. 

In my mind I could imagine a bundle of electricity forming around us ready to explode at any given interval. I had never felt that way with someone in my life. That instinct connection that I could never get enough of. I always wanted more of him. I always wanted to be closer to him. For him to breathe me in and leave me to be nothing. My own thoughts shocked me as our kiss grew more desperate and pleading. 

"Ed more," he breathed as he moved down to kiss my neck. Without hesitation I flipped him over and nestled myself between his legs. 

"You sure," I looked down to his now dark blue eyes that seemed to be hypnotic without even trying. His skin was obviously flushed despite his tattoos covering his neck and chest. 

"Yes," with that he pulled my face down to connect our lips again. I took his hands in mine and put them over his head. With my other hand I balanced myself so I did not crush his body under mine. Experimentally I ground down onto him where both our anatomy pressed up against each other. He bit his lip to prevent himself from moaning loudly and I loved it. Seeing that he was enjoying himself I thrusted onto him again. It was slow, but the pressure was just perfect. If you had told me a year ago that I would be in my yacht, dry humping against a Russian man ten years younger than me I would have probably punched you. 

Yet as our breathing intensified and we reached closer and closer to climax I could have not imagined it any other way. "Ed," he whined freeing himself from my hands to place his hands onto my shoulder. I knew he was close. 

"Wait for me," I whispered then pressed my lips to his as I felt myself getting closer and closer. 

"I can't," he moaned digging his nails into my skin as his back arched from the bed. A patch of wetness formed on his blue shorts and just the sight alone had me undone. Before I could probably come down from my high we heard a loud knock on the door. Vasili and I both looked at each other with large eyes and I immediately fell to the other side of the bed so no one could see me from the door. My fall was not at all graceful and I had to bite into my knuckles to stop myself from groaning out in pain. 

Soon the door burst open, "Vasili! Come one it's time to ride motorbikes on water!" I heard Arsenio shout followed by a giggle from him and Pablo. 

"I'll be there in a minute," Vasili answered trying to normalize his breathing. 

"Where's Edward?" Pablo always had to be so damn nosy!

"I saw him go downstairs," Vasili lied. 

"Okay! Be down in five minutes!" Arsenio and Pablo left soon after. 

I sat up and rubbed my surely bruised arse. Vasili chuckled and helped me up. "We should probably change," he said looking down to my shorts. 

Just like his I also had a wet patch in front. For an unknown reason I blushed scarlet and nervously chuckled. "Yeah. Let me... uh go change," accidentally I hit my toe against the corner of the bed. 

"Ed are you okay?" He reached out to me as I danced around trying to hide the pain. 

"Yeah yeah. Let me just go," with that I quickly ran out his room to mine. That was so embarrassing!

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