
Marshalling Field Part 2


V: 4000LP

Kaito Tenjo: 4000LP

III: 4000LP

Yuto: 4000LP

"Ah… seems like I was too late." Said the just appearing Red Hat, whose appearance captured all of their attention. She then waved her hand in front of her. "Oh don't mind me, I'm too spent anyway. You boys do your stuff and I'll just watch." She said, as she leaned back on a building, making herself comfortable as she took the role of a spectator.

"Hmph. So be it. Then I shall go first." The long silver haired young man declared, taking the first turn in the battle royal that they had started. "I shall begin by activating the Field Spell, Space Field." V said as he placed the card in his hand on the giant twin triangle-like duel blade. 

The area around them was then engulfed by circuit-like patterns, one that spread to envelop the area around them. Circling them into a giant dome of darkness. Which was then filled by small shining dots of stars and a bright burning sun. 

The ground that they stood on then turned into giant panels, which extended from a giant satellite that hovered in the emptiness of space.

"What the-! This is-!" The black and purple haired young man shouted as he stumbled, his head spinning around as he saw the giant empty field of space that had replaced the area around them.

"Ho? A Field Spell? Haven't someone else played them in a while." Red Hat hummed as she stood and watched them from afar, sitting atop of one of the satellite's now solid holographic panels. Fiddling with their hand as they watched from afar and not at all bothered by the sudden change in their dueling venue. "There's no need to panic, Knight-kun, this is all just a realistic hologram after all."

"I-right." Yuto nodded his head, regaining his composure as he returned his focus on the duel, and towards the other duelists that were in the duel with him. None of which had reacted like he had with the change of scenery. 

"I guess that would make sense since we can breathe normally here. Knight-kun… huh." He muttered as he sent a glance back to her for the nickname that she had given him on the spot. She never did get his name did she? Or did she just forget it?

"With Space Field remaining face-up as the Field Spell, whenever a player performs an XYZ Summon, they draw one card." The silver haired young man said, explaining the effect of the Field Spell that he had activated.

"I then shall special summon Solar Wind Jammer." The oldest of the Arclight brothers declared, placing the monster card onto his duel blade, and the large purple ship with three pairs of sails appeared onto the field. Flying onto the field as it appeared defensively before him.

Solar Wind Jammer - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 800/2400

"That monster." The blonde Numbers Hunter muttered, watching the monster that was summoned essentially for free appear on V's side of the field, not even starting a chain as it was summoned.

"I can special summon Solar Wind Jammer from my hand if I control no monster, but its original attack and defence become halved." The silver haired young man spoke, as his summoned spaceship was enveloped by shining golden light, both its original attack and defence halved as it was summoned by its own effect.

Solar Wind Jammer - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 400/1200

"But he still managed to get a Level 5 monster on the field…" The purple haired teen pointed out, "then the next play has to be…"

"Then, I will activate the effect of Deep-Space Cruiser IX." He declared, revealing the monster in his hand. "I can special summon this card from my hand, by sending one other Machine type monster from my hand."

With that explanation, V then revealed a second card that he would discard to summon the first. "I will discard Planet Pathfinder, to special summon Deep-Space Cruiser IX in defence position."

He then discarded the monster, sending it to the graveyard as the giant space cruiser appeared. The spaceship floated and flew until it placed itself right beside his other monster, its machine humming as it made its way onto the field. 

Deep-Space Cruiser IX - Light/Machine/Level 9/Effect: 900/900

"Pathfinder?" The red hat wearing girl behind him spoke aloud at the monster's appearance, seemingly knowing the card as her hands moved around in front of her. "With a Field Spell already here, it's no wonder it was a discard fodder."

Yet the purple formal attire wearing young man continued on with his turn. "Next, I shall activate the Spell, Iron Draw." He declared, as the Spell card's holographic projection appeared right before him, shining as its effect was activated.

"If I control exactly two Machine Effect Monsters and no other monsters, I can draw two cards." He explained the card's effect, and it was then resolved. With the two cards that he drew additionally, he now had four cards in hand.

"But for the rest of this turn, after this card resolves, I can only special summon once." V added on, tacking the Spell card's restriction at the end of his explanation. "I will set two cards face-down, and end my turn."




All three of them, Kaito, Yuto and the red hat wearing girl let out as the first turn player ended his turn. Ending with two monsters with mismatching Levels, along with two set cards in his spell and trap zone. No cards remained left in his hand.

"Not an… XYZ Monster then?" The dark haired teen spoke out. "But there's still two set cards to be wary off. Be careful Kaito." He said as he turned towards his blonde haired partner for the duel, who merely clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"You don't need to tell me. My turn! I draw!" He declared, beginning his turn with a draw as is the rules of the four-man battle royal that they had started. Beginning with six cards in his hand.

"I will activate the Quick-Play Spell, Photon Lead!" And the blonde haired duelist activated his Spell card right as he began his turn, the Spell card's holographic projection shining right before him. "This card allows me to special summon one Level 4 or lower Light monster from my hand in face-up attack position!"

With the explanation of his card finished, the black trench coat wearing teen then took out a monster card from his hand. "I will special summon Galaxy Wizard!" And he summoned the monster onto the field, the giant cloaked wizard appeared onto the field in attack position.

Galaxy Wizard - Light/Spellcaster/Level 4/Effect: 0/1800

"That monster…" And this time, it was V's turn to mutter as he scrutinised the monster that Kaito had summoned. "I see. So you have changed your deck after all."

"Kaito…" And Yuto merely whispered out his friend's name as he saw the new monster, while the blonde haired Numbers Hunter ignored both of their comments and continued on with his turn.

"I will then activate Galaxy Wizard's effect!" He shouted, waving his hand forward towards the monster in question who then let out a cry.

"Once per turn, I can increase Galaxy Wizard's Level by 4 until the end of this turn!" He declared, as a bright light began to envelop the white garbed spellcaster, as its Level then changed and doubled due to its power.

Galaxy Wizard - Light/Spellcaster/Level 8/Effect: 0/1800

"And now, I will activate another Spell! the Spell card, Galaxy Expedition!" The teen shouted again, playing a second Spell card from his hand which shone brightly right behind his own monster.

"If I control a Level 5 or higher 'Photon' or 'Galaxy' monster, I can special summon a Level 5 or higher 'Photon' or 'Galaxy' monster from my deck in defence position!" He said, explaining the Spell card's effect.

"That's! So you increased the monster's Level first to summon one from deck!" The dark haired teen beside him noted, as Kaito then took out another monster from his deck that he would summon.

"From my deck, I will special summon Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" He roared as he raised his right hand, the holographic projection of the Spell card before him dissipating into shining motes of light that gathered in his hands.

Which then took the form of a crimson trident, one with a large gem embedded in its centre. Kaito deftly twirled it with one hand, before throwing it upwards towards the sky as it glowed brightly with galactic light.

At the highest point of the throw, the spear halted in mid air, as it then released galactical particles all around it, the monster slowly taking form. "The galaxy that shines in the darkness. Become the light of hope and my very servant. The incarnation of light, descend here!"

With his right hand outstretched upwards, Kaito shouted his monster's name. "Appear now, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" And before him materialised a fierce dragon, one whose eyes was like the galaxy itself, spreading both its bright blue wings of energy as it let out a roar that reverberated throughout the area around them.

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon - Light/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2500

"That's… the main deck Galaxy-Eyes that Shun had told me about." Yuto spoke with a gulp, while the two brothers of the Arclight family stared warily at the galactical dragon, and the other Level 8 monster that Kaito also had on field.

But of course, with two monsters of the same Level at his field, there was only one play that the blonde Numbers Hunter intended to do. "I will overlay the Level 8 galaxy Wizard and the Level 8 Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!"

The galactical dragon roared, and the robe-clad wizard let out his cry as both their forms shimmered with energy, turning into shining pillars of golden light. All while a galactical vortex appeared right before Kaito.

"With these two monsters, I will construct an overlay network!" The dark trench coat wearing teen shouted as the two pillars of light crisscrossed one another, once again entering the galactical vortex that appeared right in the middle of the field.

"O galaxy that shines in the darkness! Become my servant to achieve my goals!" The blond duelist chanted as the whirlpool of power exploded with golden lights. "XYZ Summon! Descend! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!"

The chant soon concluded, and Kaito's signature XYZ Monster then descended from the skies, both of its eyes shining as if they were the galaxy itself as it unfurled its large wings which shined with its rainbow cipher-like pattern. The summoned dragon let out a roar that sent vibrations throughout the empty void of space upon its entry into the field.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 2

"There it is… Cipher Dragon." The silver haired young man spoke as he eyed the newly summoned XYZ Monster.

"Nii-sama." III said, calling to his brother who nodded his head.

"Don't worry III. I understand." V said.

"Cipher Dragon on what's basically turn one? How bold. But I can see why." Red Hat commented, a small smile on her shadowed face as she watched the duel unfold before her.

But with the appearance of the XYZ Monster, the giant satellite that they were dueling atop of shone. Mechanical lights flickering from the giant machine that the Field Spell took form of.

"Then with the effect of Space Field, I will draw a card." Kaito declared, as he then took a card from the top of his deck. Drawing back up to four cards in his hand.

But with the summon of the XYZ Monster however, V then declared as he waved his hand forwards and declared. "I will activate the Continuous Trap, Marshalling Field!" And flipped up one of the two set cards that the purple gardbed young man had.

With the Continuous Trap shining, he explained what it does. "While Marshalling Field is on the field, I cannot special summon monsters, except Machine monsters. And once per turn, I can declare a Level from 5 to 9, and have all Level 5 or higher Machine monsters that I control become that Level."

"What? Level modulating on the opponent's turn?" Yuto spoke out, eyes moving from Kaito's own XYZ Monsters onto the giant pair of spaceships that V had on his side of the field. "But what are…"

"I will declare Level 6, and have both of my monsters turn to that Level." Yet his train of thought was cut off as he declared so, a giant ray of light shone from beneath the two spaceships. Engulfing them in a light as their Levels was changed to his declared Level.

Solar Wind Jammer - Light/Machine/Level 6/Effect: 400/1200

Deep-Space Cruiser IX - Light/Machine/Level 6/Effect: 900/900

"But even with their Levels changed, it won't matter! I will activate the effect of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!" Kaito declared as he extended his arms forward towards his second XYZ monster. 

"Once per turn, I can detach one Overlay Material from it, then I can target one face-up monster you control and take control of it until the end of the turn!" And with the effect explained, he waved his hand forward towards his XYZ Monster. 

And with a loud roar, the dragon unfurled its wings to their full size as it absorbed one of the two Overlay units that it has. Using it to activate its effect.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

Then the blonde Numbers Hunter waved and motioned towards his target of choice. "I will target your Solar Wind Jammer! Cipher Projection!" With its wings spread, the gigantic XYZ Monster rained down beams of light towards the mechanical ship with sails. 

"Hmph, naive! I will activate my other set card!" The silver haired young man declared, raising his right hand as he flipped up his second set card. "The Trap card, Wonder XYZ!" He shouted, as the Trap card's projection shone brightly.

"This card allows me to immediately perform an XYZ Summon using monsters that I control as materials!" He shouted, exclaiming the Trap card's effect.

"That's! An XYZ Summon on the opponent's turn!?" Yuto shouted in surprise, eyes wide at the move that the oldest of the Arclights brothers had made. 

"I will overlay the now Level 6 Solar Wind Jammer along with the Level 6 Deep-Space Cruiser IX!" The silver haired young man shouted, raising his right hand as the two gigantic spaceships turned into shining golden pillars.

All while a black and golden vortex appeared right before him. "I shall construct an overlay network with these two monsters." And the two pillars of light crossed over one another, before they then entered the galactical vortex.

"XYZ Summon! Appear! Numbers 25!" And the giant vortex exploded, erupting in shining lights. And from before him, a giant magenta machine with multiple scopes appeared, its form unfolding and unravelling as it turned into a gigantic camera. A giant numerical 25 shining under the monster's gigantic main lens. 

"Force Focus!" V shouted out the monster's name, as a pair of shining golden orbs orbited along the XYZ Monstet's form. Fully manifesting onto the field

Number 25: Force Focus - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 2800/2400 OV: 2

"Force Focus… so this is your Numbers." Kaito said as he eyed V's summoned XYZ Monster. His fists tightening and curling into balls as he then growled out. "The effect for Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon then would resolve without effect with its target removed from the field."

"And with the effect of Space Field, I will draw a card." V said, as he drew on his opponent's turn with him summoning an XYZ Monster.

The giant dragon with wings of light growled as it pulled back its wings. The light that it had once emitted receding upon doing so, the giant dragon with galactic eyes focused on the XYZ Monster that its summoner controlled.

"But that won't matter! I will normal summon Galaxy Knight!" So the blond haired duelist said, taking out another card in his three card hand, and placing it onto his crescent duel blade. The armoured blade wielding warrior appeared onto the field with a battle cry.

Galaxy Knight - Light/Warrior/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2600

"I can normal summon Galaxy Knight without tributing if I control a 'Photon' or 'Galaxy' monster. Then, if summoned this way, I can target one 'Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon' in my graveyard, reduce this monster's attack by 1000 points, and special summon in defence position!"

"A Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon in the graveyard? The detached monster!" III shouted in realization, figuring out that the blonde haired teen was aiming in summoning the monster back onto the field.

"Then that would mean, two more Level 8 monsters!" Yuto shouted as well, eyes wide in disbelief. "Kaito-you're intending to summon two Rank 8 monsters in the same turn!?"

"With its effect, I will special summon the Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon back from the graveyard!" With that declaration, a wave of light reduced the monster's attack points. All while the white armoured monster raised its blade, releasing a wave of energy from his weapon of choice. 

Galaxy Knight - Light/Warrior/Level 8/Effect: 1800/2600

"Predictable! I will activate the effect of Force Focus!" The formal dress wearing young man declared, waving his hand out towards his own XYZ Monster before him. Activating the monster's effect in response to Kaito's own.

"Once per turn, during either player's turn, I can detach one XYZ Material from this card, then target one Level 5 or higher effect monster that my opponent controls, and negate the effect of that opponent's face-up monster until the end of the turn!" V shouted the monster's effect, as one of the two overlay materials that it had flew right into the giant camera's lens. 

Number 25: Force Focus - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 2800/2400 OV: 1

"What?!" Kaito exclaimed with wide eyes, while V waved his hand down towards his monster.

"Go, Focus Force! Soul Develop!" The giant scope of the mechanical camera zoomed onto the armored white knight, and shot it with a blast of energy that negated its effect. Though in doing so also increased its attack once more.

Galaxy Knight - Light/Warrior/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2600

"Tch!" The blonde Numbers Hunter clicked his tongue, glancing at the cards that he still had in his hand before declaring, "I will set a card face-down, and end my turn." And ended his turn with a board of a pair of monsters, along with a single set card. Two cards left in his hand, unable to move to the Battle Phase due to the rules.

"Then it's my turn. I draw!" And with Kaito passing his turn, III took his place as turn player. Beginning with six cards in hand, the pink haired teen sent a glance at his older brother. "Nii-sama, I will perform that combo."

To which the silver haired young man nodded, giving him permission to do so. And the teen wearing yellow formal wear showed one of the six cards in his hand."I will special summon Chronomaly Crystal Bones!"

He said as he placed the card onto his flowery wing-like duel blade, and a headless skeleton appeared onto his side of the field. Its form is made entirely out of crystals instead of the average bone.

Chronomaly Crystal Bones - Light/Rock/Level 3/Effect: 1300/400 

"If my opponent controls a monster and I control no monsters, I can special summon Chronomaly Crystal Bones from my hand." III said, explaining the monster's built in summoning condition.

"And when summoned this way, its effect activates! Allowing me to special summon one 'Chronomaly' monster from my hand or graveyard except another 'Chronomaly Crystal Bones'!" The pink haired teen exclaimed, waving his hand as the headless skeleton's body shone with alien light.

"I will special summon Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet in defence position!" He said, revealing another monster in his hand, the monster  made off of andesite in shape resembling a catapult with limbs appeared. Its dark body glints under the lights of the stars.

Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet - Earth/Rock/Level 4/Effect: 0/1800

"A monster with 0 attack? And it's another set of monsters with differing Levels." Yuto muttered at seeing III assembled the pair of monsters, already wary for what was to come after seeing what V had done the turn prior. "Is it move withLevel modulation?"

"No, that's not quite it." Red Hat spoke, watching as III continued on.

"Now I will summon Chronomaly Tula Guardian!" The pink haired Arclight shouted, placing the card on his duel blade as the giant a statue appeared onto the field. The giant monster resembling a Telamon Tula statue then roared as it began to move, eyes glowing red as it waved its limbs as it took a stance against the opposing XYZ Monster.

Chronomaly Tula Guardian - Earth/Rock/Level /Effect: 1800/900

"If there is a face-up Field Spell Card on the field, I can special summon Chronomaly Tula Guardian from my hand." III said, explaining yet another one of his monsters which could be summon with its innate summoning condition.

But he wasn't finished yet. "And I'll special summon Chronomaly Moai as well!" He declared as he summoned a giant statue of moai with shining markings. The giant floating piece of stone hovering over him defensively.

Chronomaly Moai - Earth/Rock/Level 5/Effect: 1800/1600

"Chronomaly Moai can be special summoned from my hand in defence position if I control a 'Chronomaly' monster in defence position." The pink haired boy said, once again explaining another of his monster's innate summoning condition.

"Another monster that can be summoned for free?!"

"Two Level 5 monsters!" Both Kaito and Yuto said one after the other, both noting how III had managed to summon an almost full field of monsters, and two of them sharing the same Level.

"Now, I will overlay the Level 5 Chronomaly Tula Guardian and the Level 5 Chronomaly Moai!" The formal dress wearing teen shouted as he raised his right arm. The two monsters of stone shining as they turned into brown pillars of energy. All while a giant black and gold vortex appeared before him.

"Here it comes." Red Hat noted aloud, knowing what was to come.

"With these two  monsters, I will construct an Overlay Network!" He declared as the two pillars of light continued to cross one another in the sky, before they swerved and entered the shining galactical vortex.

"XYZ Summon! Appear, Number 33!" And created an explosion of light. "Appear! The grand megalopolis of monsters, Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech!" Then the monster appeared, descending from the sky already in its complete form was a giant city-scape.

A giant monster in the form of a floating city, with pieces of rubble and stone floating and orbiting around it, all centred around the glowing blue orb on the centre of the monster. A pair of golden XYZ Material shining as they orbited around the XYZ Monster.

Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 5/EffectL 2400/1500 OV: 2

"Another Number!" Kaito said through gritted teeth.

While Yuto gaped at the appearance of the giant monster that filled the emptiness of space around them. "33… Just how many of these cards are there?" He spoke aloud, noting the giant blue numeral on the monster's underside.

"Then with the effect of Space Field, I will draw a card." The formal dress wearing teen declared, drawing a card from his deck due to the Field Spell's effect. Returning up to two cards in his hand.

"And now, I shall activate the effect of Chronomaly Cabrera Trebuchet!" III declared with a wave of his hand. "Once per turn, I can tribute one other 'Chronomaly' monster, then target one face-up monster that my opponent controls, and its attack becomes 0 until the End Phase!"

Then he waved his hand. "I will tribute Chronomaly Crystal Bones," He said, as the mass of crystal bones turned to shining dust, "and I will target your Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, and reduce its attack to zero!" Then pointed towards his target of choice, that being none other than Kaito's singular XYZ Dragon.

The trebuchet-like monster then used its arms to grab what remained of Chronomaly Crystal Bones. Solidifying the residual particles that it has turned into before absorbing it, and shooting it towards the giant galactical dragon.

Kaito could do nothing as he saw the attack hit, his own dragon letting out a roar of pain as it struggled, its attack points dropping and being reduced to virtually nothing due to the effect of III's monster.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 0/2500 OV: 1

"But you can't go to the Battle Phase." The blonde duelist muttered in confusion, eyebrows furrowed as he turned towards his pink haired opponent. "What are you planning III?"

The formal dress wearing teen let a smirk form as he heard Kaito's confusion, waving his hand as he declared as follows. "Now, I will use the effect of Machu Mech!" He shouted, as the giant monster flying above him radiated power.

"Once per turn, I can detach one XYZ Material from this card, then target one face-up monster that my opponent controls, and inflict damage to my opponent equal to the difference between its original attack and current attack!" He said, explaining his XYZ Monster's effect.

"Damage equal to the difference!? Then you're target is-!" Yuto gasped as his head swerve to Kaito's monster.

"But that's not all! Because if I do, Chronomaly Machu Mech can then gain attack equal to the damage that is inflicted!" He shouted, with a grin, and then waved towards Kaito's XYZ Monster.

"I will target Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!" III declared, as one of the two shining golden overlay materials of his giant mechanical XYZ Monster was absorbed into its core. Empowering the monster and granting it the use of its effect.

Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 5/EffectL 2400/1500 OV: 1

"Go Machu Mech! Infinity Cannon!" And with his command the giant mechanical floating city obliged, firing from the many cannons it had in its ring. Shining beams of golden energy pouring down all aimed towards Kaito.

"Kaito!" Yuto shouted as his friend was engulfed by the golden rays. The effect of the Numbers XYZ Monster landing against him as it shot damage that was equal to the difference of attack points that his monster had possessed.

The clouds that the blasts soon disappeared however, and shown the blonde Numbers Hunter to be… still standing. Scuffed and marked by the blow, yet he stood firm as he glared at his opponents.

"So you withstood the attack." III remarked, noting Kaito's resilience. "But you still took a heavy blow, you only have… what?!" The teen shouted as his eyes went wide, seeing the remaining Life Points that Kaito still had.

"How! Machu Mech should have dealt 3000 damage!"

"From my hand, I activate the effect of Kuriphoton." Kaito declared as he took a breath, explaining as he kept his eyes on the pink haired teen. "As a Quick effect, I can send this card from my hand to the graveyard and pay half of my Life Points, to make it so that I take no damage until the End Phase!"

Kaito Tenjo: 2000LP

"So that's why you lowered my monster's attack points." The blonde pointed out, understanding his opponent's strategy now that he had seen it. "Don't think that it will work again, III!"

"Tch!" III clicked his tongue, gritting his teeth as he saw that his offensive was not as successful as he thought.

"Calm down, III." His brother called out to him, taking his attention. "Though you didn't manage to fully deal 3000 damage, Kaito is still only left with half of his Life Points. That is enough."

"Nii-sama… Right." The pink haired teen said with a nod, calming himself thanks to his older brother's words as he continued on with his turn. "I will set a card face-down, and end my turn."

To which he set one of the two cards that he had remaining in his hand. Then proceeded to end his turn with a field mirroring to that of Kaito's own. A pair of monsters and a singular set card, while he only possessed a single card in hand.

"And in the End Phase, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon's attack would return to normal." He added on, as the galactical dragon's attack points returned to what it once was.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon -  Light/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 3000/2500 OV: 1

"Then it's my turn! I draw!" Yuto shouted as he finally began his turn, drawing a card from the top of his deck as he started with six cards in hand. The dark haired teen glanced at the cards that he had. "Alright, I'll-"

"A small piece of advice, Knight-kun." Their one spectator spoke aloud, drawing his attention. "You don't have a Battle Phase after all, but in the next turn your opponent will. So it would be wise to prepare for that."

Though his opponent did not verbally speak against the advice, V shot a look towards the red garbed duelist. Who, under the glare of the oldest brother of the Arclight family, merely shrugged. "Don't think that I would give you any other freebies though."

"Right!" Yet that advice was seemingly enough for the dark haired duelist, as he nodded his head and turned to focus back on the duel before him. "I will set a card face-down, then activate the Trap card, The Phantom Knight of Shade Brigandine!" 

So Yuto said, setting a card face-down and then immediately activating it. The Trap card's holographic projection appeared before him and shone as he explained its effect. "Shade Brigandine can be activated the turn that it was set if I have no Traps in my graveyard!" He said, explaining as to how he can immediately activate the Trap.

"Shade Brigandine can special summon itself in defence position, as a normal monster!" He continued on, moving the Trap card from the spell and trap zone onto his monster zone, as a ghoulish black armour possessed by a flaming blue spirit manifested from the trap card's projection.

The Phantom Knight of Shade Brigandine - Dark/Warrior/Level 4/Normal: 0/300

"Then I will normal summon The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor!" And he continued on, playing a monster card from his hand for his normal summon of the turn. The armour of a fallen warrior and its lingering spirit appeared beside the shade.

The Phantom Knight of Fragile Armor - Dark/Warrior/Level 4/Effect: 1000/2000

And having managed to summon forth two Level 4 monsters in quick succession, Yuto raised his right arm and shouted aloud "I will take my Level 4 The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine and the Level 4 The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor, and overlay them!"

The declaration was followed by both ghostly warriors glowing and becoming dark purple pillars of light. For the fourth time this duel, the ever familiar vortex of black and gold appeared this time before Yuto. "With these two monsters, I will construct an overlay network!" 

And he then began his chant. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, descend, here and now!" With his words, the vortex of energy then exploded into darkness, and the silhouette of the monster appeared beneath the dark clouds that it generated.

Dark purple orbs and bright molten gold eyes shining and seen even through the dark thunderous clouds that clad it upon its summon. "XYZ Summon! Arise! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!" 

The dragon let out a roar that sent chills down to her spine, and flapped its wings and pushed away the darkness that cloaked it to reveal its full form. Two glowing purple orbs orbiting around the dragonic XYZ Monster.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 2

"And with the effect of Space Field, I will draw a card." Yuto said, as he drew with having conducted an XYZ Summon. Once more returned to having five cards in his hands.

He glanced at the cards in his hand, before glancing back towards the red garbed spectator. Closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them once more. "I will use the effect of Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!" He declared.

"I can detach 2 materials from this card, then target one face-up monster that you control, and halve its current attack! And if I do, this card will then gain that lost attack!" He said, explaining the XYZ Monster's effect.

Raising his right hand along with his own dragon raising its head for a roar, the black and purple haired duelist shouted his target. "V! I will target your Number 25: Focus Force! Treason Discharge!"

And the dark dragon roared, its wings morphing and releasing purple electricity as it absorbed its two overlay units to empower itself and use its effect.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 2500/2000 OV: 0

And shot a torrent of thunder towards the gigantic camera-like monster that V had on his field, striking it and halving what attack points that it had.

Number 25: Force Focus - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 6/Effect: 1400/2400 OV: 1

Only for his own XYZ Monster to be empowered by the same amount that its opponent has lost. The dragon of darkness let out a roar as its strength grew, almost reaching the threshmark of 4000 attack with its effect.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon -  Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 3900/2000 OV: 0

"3900! But you can't attack this turn!" III shouted out, pointing to the fact that Red Hat had warned him of at the beginning of his turn.

"Yeah, that's right." Yuto acknowledged his point. "But that wasn't what I was aiming for. I will activate the effect of the Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor in my graveyard!" He declared, waving his hand outwards as he did so.

"I can banish Fragile Armor from my graveyard and send one 'Phantom Knights' card from my hand to the graveyard, to draw one card!" He said, explaining the monster's effect as he revealed another card in his hand to cycle with.

"I will discard The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak, to draw one card!" He declared, discarding the monster card in his hand to get another draw. Cycling and remaining with five cards in hand.

Yet he still continued. "Next I will use the Spell card, Foolish Burial Goods!" Yuto shouted, placing the card onto his golden duel blade and manifesting its holographic projection before himself.

The card brought a small frown from V. "Foolish Burial Goods?" His muttering was lost to all but the spectator that watched their duel.

Then the dark haired duelist began explaining its effects. "This card allows me to send one Spell or Trap from my deck to the graveyard!" He said, explaining its effect and revealing an appropriate target as none of his opponents responded to the card's effect.

"I will send the Continuous Trap, Phantom Knights' Sword from my deck to the graveyard!" He shouted, showing the card to his opponents before sending it to his duel disk's graveyard slot.

"And I will use its effect!" He continued on with a shout. "I can banish Phantom Knights' Sword from my graveyard, to target one 'The Phantom Knights' monster in my graveyard, and special summon it!" Only to then remove it as he activated its effect. 

"Come! The Phantom Knights Ancient Cloak!" The dark haired boy shouted with a wave of his hand, as the spirit of a warrior possessing an ancient and tattered cloak appeared onto his field. Summoned forth from the graveyard to aid his XYZ Monster.

The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak - Dark/Warrior/Level 3/Effect: 800/1000

"But if summoned this way, The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak is banished when it leaves the field." Yuto added on, noting the added restriction that the revived monster was now under.

"And since I control a 'The Phantom Knights' monster, I can special summon The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from my hand!" He declared, immediately summoning the monster in his hand, the ghostly figure silently appearing right next to his Ragged Gloves in attack position.

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots - Dark/Warrior/Level 3/Effect: 200/1200

He raised his right hand and shouted. "I will now use the Level 3 The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak and the Level 3 The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots and overlay them!" He declared.

Both monsters then turned to purple pillars of light that crisscrossed one another, and he continued his chant. "With these two monsters, I will construct an Overlay Network!" And both lights eventually convened in the dark gold and black and golden vortex that appeared between the two of them.

"O soul of knights felled in battle, stand once more with light that cuts through darkness!" He chanted as he swung his hand down, and the spiral exploded in light. "XYZ Summon! Appear! The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!"

And theXYZ Monster then appeared, the monster itself being a ghostly apparition that seemed to be a combination of a knight and its trusty steed, wielding in its right hand a broken and chipped greatsword, as its two dark purple overlay materials orbited it.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 3/Effect: 2000/1000 OV: 2

"Two XYZ Summons in one turn!?" III exclaimed with a gasp as his eyes widened.

While V watched the black and purple haired teen with keen EE's as he spoke. "And due to the effect of Space Field that means…" 

"I get to draw another card!" Yuto shouted, drawing another card from his deck, and remaining with four cards in hand. Having benefited from the Field Spell that V had set face-up as it had replenished his hands, and letting him draw into the pieces that allowed him to extend this far.

Again, he sent a glance at the card that he had drawn. His mind whirling at the new possibilities that it had given him when played alongside the rest of the cards that he had in his possessions.

Yet the advice of the red hat wearing duelist echoed in his head, and he sent a glance back towards them. Red Hat noticed his look, and merely tipped the tip of her hat, features still hidden under its rim as she sent him a knowing smirk.

In truth, it quite unnerved him, both the look and the advice that she had given. But he also knew that he should always take in as much advice as possible if he wanted to grow. The perspective of a duelist in the middle of a deal and a duelist watching as a spectator would always be different, they were experiencing two different things after all.

But in this case, the Red Hat as an outsider also knew far more than he did regarding these Numbers Monsters. That, and for some reason she also seemed to be familiar with their opponents' cards. Giving her more insight than they ever could regarding their opponent.

So he decided to follow her advice for now. "I will set another card in my hand face-down." Which was why his next move was to set one of the cards that he had in his hand face-down  in his spell and trap zone, with three left remaining in hand.

"Then I will use the effect of The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!" Yuto declared aloud. "Once per turn, I can detach one material from this card, then target one card that I control and one card that you control, and destroy both of them!"

And then waved his hand and pointed towards his target. "I will target both your Force Focus and my own set card!" Yuto declared the two target's for Break Sword's effect, intending to destroy the already weakened XYZ Monster along with his own newly set set card.

With his command, the Dark Warrior XYZ Monster then activated its effects. Raising its broken blade as it absorbed one of the two glowing purple overlay units that orbited around it.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword - Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Rank 3/Effect: 2000/1000 OV: 1

And the headless armored warrior swung its blade, using its ability to destroy both Yuto's own set card along with V's singular XYZ Monster. Destroying and sending both cards to the graveyard, and in doing so revealing that Yuto's set had been The Phantom Knights of Tomb Shield.

"Alright! Now his Numbers Monster is gone!" The dark haired teen said as he pumped his fist beside him, while V looked unperturbed by the disappearance of the XYZ Monster that he had summoned.

"Then I will use the effect of The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots in my graveyard! Banishing it to add one 'Phantom Knights' Spell or Trap card from my deck to my hand!" He declared, banishing the monster from his graveyard to add one of his archetypal Spells or Traps from his deck to his hand.

And he took out his target and revealed it for all to see. "I will add the Trap, The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring from my deck to my hand!" So he said, adding the card to the other three cards that he had in his hand.

"I will then set all the cards in my hand face-down. And end my turn." Then proceeded to set it along with all the other three cards he had in his hand face-down in his spell and trap zone, almost filling in entirely, and ended his turn.

Ending with a board of two XYZ Monsters, and an almost full spell and trap line up as his backrow. One of them being the known The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring. While no cards remained left in his hand.

"Two XYZ Monsters, and four cards in the spell and trap zone." The silver haired young man spoke aloud, noting the board that Yuto had made. A formidable board especially by the standard of the level of duelists.

An XYZ Monsters whose attack almost reached 4000, and another that would float into two other monsters, or would have had Yuto not just banished one of the materials that it had detached to search for one of his set backrow. Thus leaving it as a mere 2000 attack beater.

The four set cards however, was something that they had to worry about. A possible end board that was only achievable due to the dark haired duelist taking advantage of V's own Field Spell, and extending as much as possible without any interruptions from his opponents.

"Not bad at all, Knight-kun." Red Hat, hummed with a small smile. And let out a small giggle and a lopsided smile. "Though you certainly could have chosen a better choice of archetypal backrow, this is certainly an improvement."

"Then it is my turn, I draw!" V shouted, beginning his turn with a draw. Starting out with two cards in his hand, having drawn one from his XYZ Summon on Kaito's turn with Space Field. Starting out with a field without anything but Marshalling Field.

"Now then, it would seem that I have to get serious." The silver haired young man said, narrowing his ocean blue eyes as he shouted. "Then prepare yourselves! I will normal summon Arcjet Lightcraft!"

And as he placed the card onto his unusual duel blade, a futuristic spaceship entered the battlefield. Its silvery hull shone as bright golden lights shone from the ship's windows and its core. Flying high above all of the monsters on the field.

Arcjet Lightcraft - Light/Machine/Level 9/Effect: 0/2100

"A Level 9!? Normal summoned without tributing!?"  Yuto shouted his eyes wide from the monster that V had just summoned.

"Arcjet Lightcraft can be normal summoned without tributing if I control no monsters." V said, explaining the monster's effect. "But that is not all, if Arcjet Lightcraft is normal or special summoned, I can target one Level 8 or lower Machine monster in my graveyard, and special summon it in defence position!"

And the purple formal wear dressed teen young man waved his right hand forward. "Return, Planet Pathfinder." And he summoned back a monster that he had discarded on his previous turn. The giant rover-like machine monster appeared right before him as it was summoned by the effect of Arcjet Lightcraft.

Planet Pathfinder - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1000

"Then if I special summoned it, I can change its Level to become 9, but negate its effects." A golden glow enveloped the six wheeled giant rover, its Level being increased to be the same as the monster that had summoned it onto the field.

Planet Pathfinder - Earth/Machine/Level 9/Effect: 1000/1000

"Two Level 9 monsters!" Kaito shouted.

"And he didn't even need to use Marshalling Field to change their Levels too!" And his partner for the duel also pointed out, with the oldest Arclight not needing to use the effect of his Continuous Trap to even change their Levels.

"Now, I will take the Level 9 Arcjet Lightcraft and the now Level 9 Planet Pathfinder, and overlay them!" And V continued on with that shout, raising his right hand as both machine monsters transformed into shining gold and brown pillars of light.

The silver haired young man then began to chant as the two pillars of light twisted before him, while a giant vortex of black and gold appeared before him. "With these two monsters, I shall construct an overlay network!" 

The two pillars of light then entered the dark vortex, and created an explosion of light that engulfed the entire field. "XYZ Summon! Appear, Numbers 9!" V shouted, and continued to chant for the summoning of the Numbers XYZ Monster.

"My burdensome fate, let the gigantic world capable of swallowing an entire galaxy descend right here and now. Behold the Canopy Star! Number 9: Dyson Sphere!" And he swept his hand out, as the monster made its way onto the field.

Only… no monster had appeared before, behind, nor above the silver haired duelist. All around them was still the vast emptiness of space, only decorated by the shining stars and a burning sun.

"What the-where is it?" Yuto spoke, his head moving left and right in search of V's newly summoned monster. "That Numbers Monster, where is it?"

"What sort of trick is this, V?" Kaito growled, his hands balling into fists. "Just where is that monster that you summoned!?" 

"I will say, if it is a trick, it is quite the fancy one." Red Hat from her perch, sitting languidly cross legged as she held a hand above the rim of her hat. "Even as a hologram, looking at it for too long would just hurt the eyes. Though I do see the appeal, yes."

"What are you… talking about? That's-!" The dark haired teen spoke out, following her line of view towards the giant ball of fire floating in space. And seeing that his forced partner had paused, Kaito followed suit. His head trailing upwards towards the sun.

Or rather what was behind it. What encompassed the burning star.

With these many eyes on it, the monster then revealed itself. From behind the giant burning star, its absolutely giant silhouette began to be seen. The many panels that had mirrored the stars of space flipping themselves to show the futuristic mechanisms that it held within. Revealing that all this time, the giant burning star in the vastness of space was but a mere centrepiece to an even larger mechanism.

Five giant petal-like panels bloomed, golden circuitry flowing akin to large rivers moving in towards the giant machine's centre. The now revealed flower-like gigantic dyson hovered high above their heads. Its size is far larger than even III's own Machu Mech.

Such was V's Number Monster. His true Numbers Monster. As his own words described it, it was the Canopy Star, the Dyson Sphere. The numeral 9 shines near the monster's core, dwarfed by the monster's own enormous size.

Number 9: Dyson Sphere - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 2800/3000 OV: 2


"Dyson… Sphere…" Both Kaito and Yuto said in awe, words losing meaning as they stared up towards the insanely large monster. A monster unlike anything that they have ever seen before in size.

"B-but that's still fine!" The dark haired Phantom Knights duelist regained his wits as he shook his head. "No matter how large your monster is, our monsters has more attack than your Dyson Sphere!" He said, followed by his signature Dark Dragon spreading its wings and roaring. Kaito's own Cipher Dragon also doing the same.

Yuto's words did not shake V however, as he declared simply with his eyes closed. "With Space Field's effect, as I have XYZ Summoned Dyson Sphere, I will draw a card." He said, drawing a card from his Field Spell's effect.

"Yuto was it? Then I shall show you that attack points aren't all that matters in a duel!" The young man declared aloud, his eyes opening as he swung his arms upwards towards the monster high above him. "I will use the effect of Dyson Sphere!"

The declaration was followed by the giant mechanical monster flashing, the many golden circuit-like markings that the monster had shining brightly as its effect had been declared. "During my Main Phase 1, if my opponent controls a monster with higher attack than this card, I can detach one material from this card, to make it so that Dyson Sphere can attack directly this turn!"

The giant flower-like machine absorbed one of its two massive overlay materials. Its core powered by a burning star shining even brighter as it let out a humm of machinery, the mechanical monster empowering itself to attack directly.

Number 9: Dyson Sphere - Light/Machine/XYZ/Rank 9/Effect: 2800/3000 OV: 1

"That's!" The blonde haired duelists eyes went wide as he saw the effect activate, watching the many lights of the giant XYZ Monster flash as it prepared itself to attack directly.

"What!? A direct attack with 2800 attack!? But with Kaito's Life Points-!" And once again, Yuto snapped his head towards his partner, whose Life Points had already been lowered during the previous few turns. 

"Now behold! Battle! Dyson Sphere will attack you directly Kaito! Brilliant Bombardment!" The purple formal wear dressed young man declared as he shouted and waved his hand outwards, the giant man-made megastructure flashing its many mechanical lights as it prepared its attack.

Said flashing lights then came closer, and closer, as a veritable hail of attacks befell Kaito. All launched from the gigantic XYZ Monster, aiming to take him out of the game immediately with its attack.

The blonde watched the attack with wide eyes, before preparing himself as he pulled his right hand back and declared-

"I will use the Trap, The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring!" But whatever he had wanted to activate would be moot as Yuto had activated something first, chaining one of the many cards that he had set at the attack.

"When an opponent's monster declares an attack, The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring allows me to negate that attack, and then special summon this card in attack position as an effect monster!" The dark haired teen said, explaining the Trap card's effect.

Then proceeded to place the Trap card on his duel blade, moving it from his spell and trap zone and summoning it as a monster. A robed monster carrying a giant glowing magnet ring, one that seemed to pull in all of the attack that was aimed towards Kaito. Pulling in and making all of the attack that was launched toward Kaito disappear.

The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring - Dark/Warrior/Level2/Effect: 0/0

"Hmph. Then I will set two cards face-down, and end my turn." The silver haired young man said, ending his turn as he set two more additional cards in his spell and trap zone. Ending with an XYZ Monster, two new backrow, and no remaining cards left in hand.

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