
This is not a novel!

"I think..."

I stood there for a moment, I had no idea what marriage was even like.

"I'm not sure, I think you should ask our parents." I said.

"I see, thank you anyways." said Alice.

"No problem, just know I'll be there for you no matter what."

"Same to you."

With that said, we continued washing the plates as I decided to have a conversation with Yue.

'Hey Yue, can you tell me about that man?'

「 Sure. Alianor Azura, Duke of the Azura Family. He's someone who's forceful and would scheme other families in order to to make the Azura family stronger. 」

'So he's basically a scum.'

「 Yep, he's probably worse than the people in your previous life. 」

'You know about my previous life?'

「 Of course! I was the reason you were even able to have a second life. 」


「 Yep, now you should start worshiping me. O'great Yue, I thank you for giving me a second chance to live. Now repeat that. 」

'Yeah, there's no way I'm ever saying that.'

「 I know your kink- 」

'O'great Yue, please don't say anything else.'

「 You...you gave up quick. 」

'Of course, my kink is something private after all.'

「 It's okay Ena, I won't judge you. *silently makes a pledge* 」

'I don't need your reassurance!'

I really couldn't stand this system of mine, it was already and now it was already worse than it already was. With my past memories, Yue would definitely make fun of her forever.

Kill me please! I wailed in my mind.

"Ena, are you okay?" asked Alice.

Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You were spaced out for a moment, you looked quite in a deep thought."

"Haha...sorry about that. Did you say anything?"

"Un, I was just saying that there might be a trouble coming soon."

"Why is that?"

"Because of what happened earlier, the Azura family is bound to stir a bit of trouble after we hurt their pride."


I had no idea what to say, I had no experience in things like this.

"Don't worry, our family is strong enough to overpower them." said Alice.

"Of course!" I replied.

Alice gave me a soft smile and we continued to wash the dishes.

When we were done, I immediately went towards my dad's room. It took me a few minutes to get to his room, the house was too big and there was simply too much rooms to look through.

Entering the largest room in the house, there was my father sitting on his desk doing some paperwork.

"Dad!" I called out.

"Yes?" he replied.

"I want to train." I said.

When Alden heard what her daughter just said, he nearly spit out a handful of blood, just where did she get this idea from. There was no way her mother was going to let her train, if he let her, she would definitely kill him!

"Where did you get this idea from?" asked father.

"I would always see Alice and Alex always training, so I also wanted to train and get stronger too. I won't want to study all the time." I said.

Although it was a lie, half of it was the truth. I really wanted to get stronger since I didn't want to fall behind my older siblings, plus I wanted to unlock my magic as soon as possible. When they were training, I would always go to the mini library and read countless books, I can't even keep count of how many books I've read.

Though the main reason is because I want to unlock my magic as soon as possible, since it would take about 2 years at most, it would definitely be amazing.

"But you're still young, I'd think you'd want to start training when you're 8." said father.

That wasn't possible, that would mean I would start training at 8 and unlock my magic at 10, there was no way I could wait that long.

"I'm 6 years old now, I'm fine." I reassured.

"*Sigh* I guess it's fine, however, you cannot tell your mother about this." said father.

"Eh? Why not?" I asked.

"Because she would definitely kill me." said father.

"I see, I understand. When should I start training?" I asked.

"Be prepared in the courtyard in an hour, I'll get a trainer for you." said father.

"Thank you!" I said leaving the room.

As I walked through the hallways, I started talking to Yue.

'Yue, will it really take 2 years of training just to unlock my magic?'

「 Of course it is, if you don't get stronger, how will your body and your mana handle it? You'll simply use it once and poof, your mana will be gone. 」

'Are there any easier ways to unlock it?'

「 This is not a novel! That's the last time I'm going to say it. However, if you manage to raise your MP to about 200 in a year, along with improving your physical abilities, your magic will be unlocked earlier. 」

'I guess everything in the world has a price eh?'

「 No kidding, if only you used your brain a little. Maybe you'd have a more understanding of things. 」

'I use my brain all the time and I understand a lot of things! By the way, do you even have a gender?'

「 This is exactly what I mean and yes, I have a gender. I'm a female. 」

'I see, how old are you?'

「 Did your parents never taught you to ask for a woman's age? 」

My head started to hurt when she said that, was she mad?

'Sorry! I didn't know it was that offensive.'

「 Whatever, we systems have no age. We're just here to look over matters that I cannot tell you. 」

'Yeah, yeah. I don't care about those matters anyways. Also, is there any advice you can give me?'

「 Yep, use total concentration breathing from that anime, it works. 」

'You're lying.'

「 I'm actually dead serious, the breathing technique allows your lungs to expand meaning you can take in more air as well as increasing your stamina. You can use this to help you get last longer while you're training. 」

'You...you just gave me something helpful.'

I was surprised, this Yue didn't speak shameful or nonsense for once. How amazing would it be if Yue was always like that, but I guess that makes her, her. If she talked like a robot, I wouldn't know what to do. It was as if she was also another human, it wasn't that bad

「Tsch, I'm always helpful, you just never realize it. 」

'Like I'd believe that.'

「 Whatever, you should probably go to the courtyard now, it's almost been an hour. 」

'I forgot about that!'

I snapped out of my thoughts and immediately ran towards the courtyard.

(Author POV)

When Ena arrived, there was a woman with slithery silver hair and brown eyes waiting for her as she walked in.

"Sorry I'm late, I was a bit in my thoughts." said Ena.

"It's fine princess, I had just arrived here too." said the lady.

"Alright, let me introduce myself. I'm Ena Von Quintus, the third child of the king and queen." said Ena.

"I'm Mary Avyanna, I'll be the one training you from now on." said Mary.

"Avyanna? That name sounds familiar..." said Ena,

"We are ranked 5th on the rankings and we're quite acquainted with your family, princess." said Mary.

"That was it, I've seen the Avyanna name on one of the books about the history of Fiona. They're specifically known for their talent in magic and physical abilities right?" asked Ena.

"You're quite informed princess." said Mary.

"Haha, you guys are amazing!" said Ena.

She really believed they were amazing, they've never had a family member who wasn't talented in magic or were their physical abilities lacking. The Avyanna familly simply deserved a better ranking, Ena believed there were some schemes behind the rankings.

"You think too highly of us, princess." said Mary.

"Nope, I'm just stating the truth after all. What type of training will we be doing?" asked Ena.

"I see, getting right into it aren't you? But before we start, I have some things to tell you. Your father has given me permission to be strict with you even if you are the princess and since you're only 6 years old and your body is still fragile, we won't be doing any training that would harm your body. Do you understand?" asked Mary.

"I understand, but please do call me Ena instead of princess. My father has already given permission anyways." said Ena.

"I understand prin- Ena." said Mary.

"That's that, so what will we be doing?" asked Ena.

"We'll be doing a training to basically make you stronger. Improving your physical abilities, fighting abilities, since you can't use magic. It'll be 25 push ups, 25 sit ups, 25 pull ups, along with 3 minute breaks every 5 since I'm not sure if you could do all of that at once." said Mary.

Ena suddenly felt uneasy about this, she's never worked out before and never experienced the after math of it. Nevertheless, she got into the push up position Mary instructed. On the first three push ups, her arms were already starting to hurt.

'Oi, oi! Why didn't you tell me it was going to be like this?'

「 You never asked, if you want to get stronger and unlock your magic. Quit complaining and focus on the workout. 」

Before Ena could even reach 15 push ups, her stomach lied flat on the ground. She felt no strength in her arms and started sweating bullets. The clothes she wore was soaked as she felt fatigued all over.

"This is too hard..." muttered Ena.

"Come on Ena, the training isn't over yet." said Mary clapping her hands.

This instructor of hers was simply a demon!

But her determination to unlock her magic took over her. A light fire burned in Ena's eyes as she got up and started the training once again. Over the next couple hours, she did her training without any complaints. When she finished, she laid flat on the ground, exhausted, and her heavy breathing filled the silence.

"I'm...i'm finally done." said Ena.

"You did amazing, Ena." said Mary.

It felt as if she did something amazing, as if she broke a world record and was being acknowledged by it.

When they were finished, Mary went to her father and Ena decided to get in a cold bath. The temperature of her body was above average due to the heat of the sun hitting her while she was training.

When she entered the bath, the cold water flowed onto her body and external limbs, it constricted the circulation on the surface of her body. This allowed her blood in her deeper tissues to circulate at faster rates to maintain the normal body temperature. It would also help her her muscles ease up.

The cold sensation helped her relax as she made small bubbles on the surface of the water with her mouth.


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