
Chapter 115: Alpha and the Omega, Part 1

Elgin National, Tyler Creek Room, December 18, 2037

Refreshments were brought into the conference room after all had returned safely from Mission Louie. The pilgrims were completely exhausted, dehydrated, and totally spent. Katie lowered the temperature in the room as she could see sweat on some of their foreheads.

When everyone settled down, Cheryl addressed the group. "Drink plenty of water. I won't keep you long. In fact, after this, you all can go home for the weekend. Lesley, I understand you found Louie."

"Yes, I saw him," Lesley began. "He was dressed as an Indian...I mean a Native American. He was living in the year 62 B.C."

"So, when can we go back and get him?" asked Dawn. "Let's go right now."

"Hold on, Dawn," replied Cheryl. "The team wouldn't be able to handle another attempt so soon. We'll try again after the holidays."

"Mrs. C, with all due respect," said Dawn, "ARE YOU CRAZY? After the holidays, that's like two weeks."

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