
Chapter 36

"The Lake is restless," stated the High Lady - referred to as the Lady of the Lake - the most important person on the planet. Also known as Nemmuu, Nema's grandmother.

For once, grandmother didn't exaggerate. The surface of the massive lake undulated, rippling with discontent. An unusual state given it usually sat still without even a single line marring the clear fluid. Nothing swam in its depths. The smooth basin of rock that provided a cradle held not a single plant. Unlike other waters on Avhallonn, nothing ever took up residence in this most scared of places.

At times Nema wondered if that was by purpose or design. Those that guarded the shores and depths of the Lake - that had no other name because when you said the word a certain way, there was only one place that applied - took their duties of protecting it seriously. The Lake represented life. It was an honor to serve it.

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