
Chapter 19

"Even with a cog, or even two, males are dumb." - Today's Modern Female Siyborgh

Hitting Wulff proved about as effective as punching a wall. All it managed to accomplish was a throb in her fist and a sobering reminder that Wulff - a man who liked to call himself the abused adopted brother in her family - didn't need gears to be tough. He'd always been strong. Stronger than the others in their group. Darker and more brooding, too.

Not her type at all. Not anymore at least. Perhaps as a young girl she'd fancied him for a while, but eventually her pride was stung by the constant rejection and she had moved on. And kept moving. It seemed she only ever seemed to meet males who bored her quickly and never lasted longer than the few days she spent in port. They didn't engage her mind, rarely could master her body, and, when they whined, left her feeling cold.

Only one male ever managed to heat all her parts. And left her frustrated.

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