
Chapter 074

Alex was really tired. He had let Charmander and Magnemite to train by themselves in the ranch, and had totally invested himself in the task at hand. Every morning, as soon as he woke up, Alakazam would teleport him to a secret room in a basement somewhere. There, he would use the computer and bank details he had previously gotten, to instruct the black market vendors or wholesale supplies dealers to purchase King's Rock. On the first day, he managed to get a huge haul for very cheap. But on the subsequent days, the price slowly started rising. Eventually, he bought out all the stock available after dozens of negotiations, silent treatments, mind games, and a whole list of other tactics. Finally, during the time he had to receive the King's Rocks he had purcheased, he was asked to wear a ridiculous outfit made out of strange materials. On the flip side, it totally hid his body shape and characteristics though. Also, Alakazam was also wearing one just like him.

Alakazam held several Psychic Gems, which could increase the power of Psychic moves once and then would be crumble as all their energy was consumed. All of the Gems were used to teleport to the pick up location, get the King's Rock, and teleport back.

After doing this several times the warehouse in the basement of the laboratory was full of King's Rocks.

Alex held back a yawn as he waited for Professor Oak. He wanted to go to sleep now, but he also wanted to hear what a Dark was.

Professor Oak soon entered.

"Professor, please tell me about Dark" said Alex.

"Of course, " said the Professor. "As you know, sometimes humans can get some extraordinary powers that the average human does not have. Examples of this would be the Psychic humans, for example, the family line of the Saffron City Gym. There are people who have Aura, a special and wonderful detection power. Some people born near the bigger forests like the Viridian Forests may also get forest blessings. While the people who have these powers are fundamentally no different from the rest of the human, the special abilities set them apart. One of these special humans are Dark" he said.

"Psychic type Pokemon are extremely valued in this world. This is not just because of the rarity or versatility in battle. It is more because of the things they can do outside of battle. Psychic type Pokemon are outstanding sentries, as they can sense a large area while stationary. Psychic Pokemon can perform a degree of divination, thus perceiving the location and intentions of your enemies. They can read minds, this screening out traitors or infiltrators. Also, most astonishingly, when they are powerful enough, they can see some glimpses of the future!" said Professor Oak.

"And Dark are immune to them?" asked Alex realizing.

"Exactly! While a Dark is helpless if directly in front of a Psychic type Pokemon that wants to do any of the previously mentioned things, when they are out of sight they are virtually invisible to the Psychic Pokemon. They do not register in the sensing range of the Psychic powers. This is the reason you were able to climb up the Power Plant undetected back them. In no way is that place easy to break into. Also, divination regarding matters involving Dark tend to exclude them, reading of minds without forceful intrusion is not possible against them, and the glimpses future seen by the Psychic Pokemon do not include them" said Professor Oak.

"Is that why you had me do all the work regarding the King's Rock transactions?" asked Alex.

"Exactly. If I or anyone else who is not a Dark were buying King's Stones, a simple divination by a reasonably strong Psychic type would lead to me. I would the be obstructed by ill wishers, suppressed by those who dislike me, and questioned by the league. While I could probably still make a decent profit, even a quarter of the amount we have gotten when you were the performer of these transactions would not have ended up in my hands" revealed Professor Oak.

"So, Dark are rare? And they have utility outside such chores right?" asked Alex.

"Indeed. Dark, with their immunities to mind reading, given sufficient training can construct false memories and thoughts to be read by Psychic types. They are also a blind spot for any kind of predictive countermeasures. This makes Dark fearsome tools of infiltration. In fact, I am convinced that there are at least a couple of Dark in the laboratory" said Professor Oak. "Also, if not for the fact that you were only 10 and obviously an untrained Dark, and that Alakazam personally cleared you and your entire history is known, I would never have trusted you and would have believed you were an infiltator."

Regular Chapter 1

RK9creators' thoughts
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