
Chapter 040

"Welcome to the beginning of your wonderful journey" said Alex. "You will now be selecting your starter or your first partner in your upcoming adventure."

"Hey man! Why are you here?" asked Joseph.

"The Professor asked me to get you started. I will now preside over the choosing of your starters. I will give you the other things and answer any doubts you have after this. You can contact the Professor if you still have any doubts" said Alex.

Alex waited a while, and seeing no one ask any questions, walked to the box filled with Pokeballs.

"So. Let's get started" he had grabbing three Pokeballs. He pressed a button on all three of them. A Charmander, a Squirtle, and a Bulbasaur came out of the Pokeballs.

"As you all know, you will choose one of the three Imperial Starters of Kanto as your initial Pokemon. You will one by one choose one of the Pokemon here, and I will have the Pokeball registered to you. You will choose in the order of your PIT scores in the third round. So first Mary Fairweather, step forward" said Alex.

A girl in the group came to the front.

"Which Pokemon do you choose?" asked Alex.

"Bulbasaur" she said.

Alex nodded and released 4 more Bulbasaur next to the initial one, and beckoned her to choose.

Mary walked up to the group of Bulbasaur. All of them stared at her. One of the Bulbasaur also waved its vines at her. She locked eyes with it and picked it up. She then walked in front of Alex holding it.

"Very well" said Alex, as he picked up the Pokeball belonging to the Bulbasaur, placed it in a machine, and registered it to her name and ID number. He then handed her the Pokeball and said, "You are now this Bulbasaur's trainer. Take good care of it. Next, Frank Burrow, you are up."

One by one the children picked their starters. Joseph picked fifth. He wanted a Charmander. Alex gestured at one of the two stronger Charmander with a Mild Nature. Joseph caught sight of it, and picked the one he recommended.

After everyone had picked a starter and it was registered to them, Alex went up to the box again. He then said, "When I call your name, you can come up here and collect your Pokedex. Your Pokedex can serve as identification, a phone, and used to identify any Pokemon you encounter. There is also a manual for the Pokedex which will be given to you to refer to if you don't understand how it works. Also, you will get 5 unregistered Pokeballs to get you started. You can register the Pokeballs to your name at any Pokemon Center. You can buy more at anytime at the Pokemart in any city" said Alex.

Then, one by one everyone received the Pokedex and their Pokeballs.

"Professor Oak will be addressing you in the evening. After that, you are free to go. But is recommended to wait until tomorrow to start. Any questions?" asked Alex.

"What about the monetary sponsorship?" asked a boy.

"Ah yes! I failed to mention this. An alliance bank account has been made with your information. This was made along with the Pokedex. You will receive the startup stipend shortly, and then you will get a monthly regular stipend for a period of three years. You can access the bank account using your Pokedex. You can also access it from any device after you change the password. If anyone wants to change the bank account the stipend goes to, they are required to submit an application in writing, along with the bank account number, and the stipend will be deposited in that bank account from now on" said Alex.

"Are we required to leave tomorrow itself?" asked a girl.

"The guest house will be open to you for a month. After a month, you can no longer stay in Pallet Town, as the temporary pass granted by Professor Oak expires. Within the month, you are free to leave anytime" replied Alex.

"What about the free Pokemon Center treatments?" asked another girl.

"You can give your Pokedex to Nurse Joy while healing your Pokemon. All Pokedex holders are eligible for free treatment. Similarly, you can use the Pokedex if any official law enforcement organisation asks you for identification. This applied to rangers, Officer Jenny and the International Police" said Alex.

Alex then answered a few other questions that the kids. Then he gave an inspiring speech that he remembered from his last life to thorough motivate the young seedlings.

"Alright. So that concludes this session. Professor Oak will address you at 4 in the evening in this very room. Until then, I suggest you bond with your new partners. Any doubt can be addressed to me anytime when you are still in Pallet Town. After that, you can send your questions to the Oak Corall official email, which you can find in your Pokedex. Good luck to all of you" said Alex.

Second regular chapter of the day!

2 bonus chapters I owe are coming sson

RK9creators' thoughts
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