
Chapter 34

Rage consumed Logan at what he saw. He'd not wanted to believe Titus when he said he could follow Adara's magical scream. Yet what other choice did he have?

Turned out, Titus wasn't lying. They'd found this place, a ramshackle mansion, long abandoned and remote.

Inside, in a subbasement, Logan found his worst nightmare. Not the zombies huddled en masse in the room. Nor the necromancer with his deadly magic. But Adara, limp on the table, lifeless perhaps. Her body a mass of wounds. Her skin waxy pale.

He killed her. Logan didn't think. He changed. Splitting skin and clothes in a rapid shift that saw his wolf emerging with a snarl. He dove at the unclean things surrounding his female. Tore at their soft flesh. Snapped their brittle bones.

There were many of them. So many. A good thing because his primal rage needed an outlet. He needed to bite and snarl and kill. Kill again.

Tear to shreds until there was only one thing left.

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