
Chapter 16

Heading away from Adara - resisting the urge to snuggle on the couch with her - Logan pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit the number one on his speed dial.

"I need a cleanup," Logan said as soon as his second answered. He stood in the kitchen and resisted the urge to peer through the archway to see Adara. Apparently, it wasn't enough that he had her in his home, his wolf wanted him in the same room, too. He fought the magnetic pull.

"Where?" Kevin knew better than to waste his time with stupid shit like asking what happened.

Logan gave him the location of Adara's apartment. "I'm also going to need rotating pairs to watch my place."

"Have the teenagers been acting up again? I thought you scared the piss out of them the last time they tried to jack your truck."

"It's not the teens." They knew to avoid his place. "There might be trouble. So send pairs with fighting experience."

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