
Chapter 88 – What Are You Doing Here?

"Hey, long time no see." The other party says while flashing Mi Young and Kwang Soo his famous grin.

"What are you doing here?" Mi Young asks, shock evident in her face and voice.

The man sighs before saying, "I tried to bring you here with me earlier but you won't listen to me. But either way, you somehow found your way here so it's just the same. So? How did you find this place anyway?"

Mi Young looked at Kwang Soo who was just staring at the man with his usual blank face. "I bought her here."

"Obviously. But I asked 'how' did you find this place? I mean, you're not from this city and this place is located at a place no visitors should have known unless…."

"Are you suggesting that I'm a spy of a certain movement?" Kwang Soo finishes his sentence without even batting an eye.

The Vice Captain of the guards laughed bashfully at him, "I didn't say that but if you really are, I  should probably throw you to the dungeons right now."

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