
Chapter 48 - Back To The Swamp

"What are you doing?" The queen asks. There was fire everywhere but they're not burning at all.

Mi Young smirks at the queen before she answers. "Do you think I didn't know about your dirty little secret?"

"Secret?" The queen asks.

"The Seelies are afraid of fire." Mi Young whispers but enough for everyone in the room to hear. "You're not looking for someone who has dual elements but the truth is you're looking for a Pyro user."

Mi Young stops for a minute as she coughs out a couple of blood from her mouth. She stands up as she grips her sides where the huge cut was. Mi Young grits her teeth as she continues her sentence, "You're looking for a Pyro user for your experiment because you want to know how you can have the Pyro element so you and your people can become fireproof. Am I right?"

"Nonsense!" The queen shouts. She even let out a fake laughter as she looks at Mi Young.

But Mi Young smiles at her actions, "The Seelies don't know about this. That is why there's no single torch in your kingdom because you're afraid that everyone might get burned because it is their weakness. That's why you abducted lots of creatures so they can do the work for you and your people because you're afraid they might discover that they can burn easily. You tried to hide this from them because you yourself know that once they find out about this, they will abandon you and look for somewhere away from fire."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The queen shouts. She looks at all of her subjects who are now looking at each other with uncertainty. "Don't listen to her, my people! If what she is saying is true then we should have died a long time ago. Look at these fires, they can't hurt us!"

"I made it so my fire couldn't burn them…yet. They deserve to know the truth before they all die." Mi Young says with a smirk. Although she was having a hard time breathing, she still manages to sound confident. "One thought from me and your whole kingdom will burn down into ashes."

"You…" The queen starts to say. She sends a strong gust of wind from Mi Young but then a scream from one of her servants stops her.

That's when she realized Mi Young was slowly burning them using her thoughts. The queen looked at Mi Young like she was mad. "What are you doing?!"

"I told you. I will burn down this kingdom until it's nothing but ashes."

"Stop that!" The queen shouts.

"I don't think shouting at me can help you." Mi Young says before she sets another Seelie on fire.

"Stop that!" the queen says, this time there was pleading in her voice. "I lost. I admit defeat!"

"Swear on your oath." Mi Young says through gritted teeth.

The queen's eyes widened upon hearing Mi Young's words. "You…"


The queen sighs deeply before she fixes herself. Although the arrogance and pride in her body language was still present, she couldn't hide her pale face anymore, and the hysterical look on her face made her look like she aged in just a short amount of time. And with hateful eyes she said to Mi Young, "I swear on the sacred oath."

"Good." Was all Mi Young said before she distinguishes her fire.

Mi Young's companions let out deep sighs as they realized the battle was finally over.

Se Heon immediately ran up to Mi Young to assist her because the black haired girl looked like she was about to pass out any minute soon.

"I want you to get out of my palace! I never wanted to see your faces anymore!" The queen shouted before she disappeared from the sight of everyone.

The remaining Seelies look confused and lost. It was their first time seeing their queen embarrassed like that.

Maybe it was also the first time the queen admitted defeat.

But Mi Young couldn't care less about them as she turns to Se Heon who was looking at her with pure concern.

"Let's go home."

When they finally got out from the Seelie kingdom, every creature that was released was already waiting for them outside.

Kah La Kee immediately ran up towards his people as they all hugged him. Mi Young even saw him crying while hugging and kissing his son's forehead.

Every other creature thanked Mi Young for her braveness to which the other girl just answered with a smile since she can feel the excruciating pain in her body.

They were all happily talking and greeting each other when the ground suddenly shook.

Then slowly, the illusion of the small garden that cloaked the whole Seelie kingdom vanishes, revealing the real look of the palace.

The palace started shaking as well before it slowly turned into dust.

Mi Young heard an elf child ask where the kingdom went and his mother replied about something going underground.

The black haired girl hoped that it was true.

"How did you manage to find out their weakness?" Se Heon whispers beside Mi Young.

"I didn't." The black haired girl answered. The other party placed her down on a rock a few meters away from the crowd so she could breathe in some fresh air.

"You didn't? You mean you just got lucky?"

"No. It was all made up."

Se Heon looks at her, confused. Mi Young sighs before she gently smiles at Se Heon. "There was no such thing as fire being their weakness."

"But the Seelie queen reacted when you burned her people."

"I did burn them using a secret technique I found out. It was a killing technique so they didn't die because fire is their weakness." Mi Young explains.

"So you mean to say that the queen was telling the truth? That fire is not their weakness?" Se Heon questions. Mi Young nodded her head. "But the Seelie people…"

"They were alive and they listened to their queen all their life so when a stranger said something they heard for the first time, they immediately became unsure. I just used the lack of torches in their surroundings to add more details about my lies." Mi Young says with a wink.

"You clever…wow." Se Heon says in amazement. Mi Young laughed at the boy's expression. "How about the scared oath thing? Why did you let the queen swore to it?"

"Lady Ning Gwang once said that the people from before, in this time actually, are bound by a sacred oath. Anyone who swore on the oath and fails to fulfill them will suffer grave punishments from the gods. That includes all living organisms." Mi Young explains.

Se Heon was bout to ask something but their small moment was broken off when the leader of the dwarves, wolves, and Cyclops went to where they were standing.

"Mi Young, I don't now how to thank you." Kah Moon Tii starts to say. "You're such a great help to us and to everyone in the Silent Forest. You didn't just let us remember our forgotten language but you also reunited us with our brothers! And I feel really grateful for that."

Mi Young smiled at chief Kah Moon Tii, "It was nothing. I promised you I would help you, I'm just fulfilling my promise."

"Mi Young, I am out of words with how much you helped me and my tribe." Kah La Kee starts, he kneels down so he can become eye to eye with the black haired girl. "Accept these violet lamp grass as a token of gratitude from me and my people."

Mi Young looks at the basket full of violet lamp grass. "This is too many…"

"Please, we will give you the honor to plant it in your garden so you can enjoy its powers anytime you want. This is nothing compared to how much you helped us." The Cyclops insisted. "Plant this at night and water it two times every night so it can fully bloom into its full potential."

"Thank you." Was all Mi Young can say as she looks at the leader of the Cyclops.

Then Kah Ih Doo steps forward, he gives Mi Young a necklace with a fang pendant on it. "Take this. This fang can take you anywhere you want if you just offer it a small drop of your blood. This is what I use so I can venture out in the vast world around us. This is the only thing I can give you after helping me and my brothers."

"This is...thank you." Mi Young says, out of words.

Then chief Kah Moon Tii steps in as well. He gave Mi Young a book. "This is nothing compared to what my brothers offered you but this is a battle technique used by our ancestors. This is a book that contains a Geo battle technique. But it also has a secret technique for Pyro users."

Mi Young's eyes widened upon hearing what the chief of the dwarves said, "I…I will accept these with my deepest gratitude."

Although she couldn't fully bow with her body because of her injury, she still managed to bow her head in front of the three leaders. When she looked up to them, all three had a proud and grateful look on their faces.

"I hope you find your Moon Goddess and release your giant brothers from their curse."

"I'm sure we will, now that the violet lamp grass are back and that we are now one again." The chief of the dwarves says.

"Mi Young, it's time…" Se Heon whispers beside her. She knows what the other party means. It was Medusa's last day so they needed to go home already.

"You can use my fang to teleport back to where your friends are." The Alpha says in a gentle tone.

Mi Young nodded her head as she tried to swallow the lump forming in her throat. She doesn't want to cry in front of the three so with glistening eyes, she thanks them one more time before she pricks her hand using the sharp fangs.

"Back to the swamp." Mi Young whispers before they finally vanished in front of the leaders.

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