
Plan into Ed

Peach Creek (1 week before the Class's trip)

The kids of the Cul-De-Sac had been hanging out by the candy shop, sucking on Jawbreakers. School had ended for them a while back and they were now beginning summer break. Or they wish they could as they sat on the sidewalk with bored expressions on their faces. It had been very quiet ever since the Eds and Eric left for their new school across the seas and it wasn't as lively or energetic as it once was. And just when they had managed to become friends, too

"Sooo... what do guys want to do?" asked Naz.

"Uhhh.... we could go searching for clams in the sewers" said Jonny 2x4.

"Dude, you are so nasty and weird" said Kevin as he continued to eat the candy.

"Perhaps, we could curdle my cattles milk while mama's makes her famous home cooked beef stew" chanted Rolf.

"Dude, you are just all the types of crazy" said Kevin as he then laid down on the sidewalk and stared up at the sky.

Naz saw his bored expression had changed to a thinking one and she asked "Whats up, Kev? What are you thinking of?"

Kevin just sighed as he said "It's just been pretty boring these past couple of months. Makes me realize how much more lively and energetic it was when those dorks were always doing their scams. I mean, we did do things on our own but those 4 somehow managed to make things around here not so boring" as he continued to stare at the sky.

The others then began to grow slight sad expressions as they too began to think back on the times they spent with the Eds and Eric.

"Yea, they were weird but they did know how to have fun, in their own weird way" said Naz as she began to recall all the times they ran into the Eds and Eric and their crazy shenanigans.

"It is true. The Ed boys and Eric, the black eyed boy, were truly strange ones but they knew how to keep themselves from being boring as grandpa's old song singing" said Rolf.

Kev just shook his head as he said " Yea those guys were weird but..." but his thoughts were interrupted by a thundering sound. The group sat up as they looked down the street to their left and saw a dust cloud was heading for them.

This shocked the kids as they stood up in panic as Kevin said "Uh, Rolf.......I think your animals got out again" said Naz as she pointed down the street.

Rolf then jumped forward and said "Do not worry, fellow compatriots. For I Rolf, the son of a shepherd, shall deal with these infernal creatures" as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shepherds cane as he then aimed it like a spear at the dust cloud as it was coming closer.

"Prepare yourselves, you accursed animals. For Rolf shall....." said Rolf as the dust cloud then came to a stop. Rolf shielded his eyes as the dust few around him. The others did the same.

Once the dust settled, Rolf and the group looked to see it wasn't Rolf's animals that was in the dust cloud....

.....It was Sarah, panting hard while she had some papers in her right hand, while she had Jimmy, laying on the ground, in her left hand all while his eyes were spinning round and round in dizziness.

"Oh Ho. It is not my animals, but rather the scrawny Jimmy boy, but also the sister of strong but also dumb witted Ed boy, Sarah. Why were you running fast like my mama when her vegetables are done in her garden" asked Rolf is his weird way.

Sarah was still panting as she held up a finger and said "Let me catch my breath, stupid."

Once she finally caught breath, she let go of Jimmy and he struggled to stand up as he kept mumbling to himself "So fast."

The group the walked over to Sarah as Naz asked "Hey, girl. Why were you running so fast? I thought you and Jimmy were busy playing at your house and didn't want to hang out."

Sarah then walked over to her with the papers in her hand as she said " We were.....until we got some....unexpected news" as she held up the papers.

"What unexpected news?"asked Kev.

Jimmy joined Sarah as he said "We were playing in the living room when Sarah's mother went to get the mail. They then went to the table to open them and she nearly fell over in shock" as he managed to stop his shaking.

This made the kids wonder what was so shocking that made her mom nearly fall off her chair.

"And what could that thing be?" asked Jonny. Sarah then looked at Jimmy and he nodded to her, telling her to share what she learned.

Sarah then stepped up and said "What was in the mail.............. was my brothers grades" in a serious tone.

This made the group pay attention as they knew how "Smart" Ed was. They then knew why his mother nearly fell out of her seat.

Naz sighed as she said "Ok, how bad is it" in a slight sadness tone.

Sarah then looked at the group and said "Actually....... there wasn't a bad grade of him at all. Normally its just all F's, but he had grades higher than an F" as she then showed them his papers to the whole group.

They all stepped up and then went wide eyed at his grades. He actually had grades higher than an F. I mean, they were mainly C's and B's but he had never had those grades on any of his grades.

"Holy crud. I never thought that dork had it in him" said Kev as he looked at the papers as did everyone else.

They looked through all the papers of his classes and they all were shocked at how Ed had grades higher than an F.

"It is amazing. It would appear the bricked headed Ed boy, has finally found his noggin he lost on the bus and is using it once again. Very strange" said Rolf.

"Not as strange as your vocabulary" thought everyone.

"Wow. I never thought I would see the day" said Naz as she saw his grades.

"That was exactly what my mom said and dad too" said Sarah as she explained what had happened.

"She was surprised to see my brother actually having good grades in.... practically since he went to school, she both jumped for joy and almost fainted at seeing them. Dad just smiled that big brother was doing in well in school and he could actually say it this time" said Sarah in amazement.

As the kids looked at the papers, Kevin raised his head and said "Wait" which made the kids look at him, "If your brother is doing this well, what about the rest of them. Did you ever ask their parents?" asked Kevin which made the kids look at her in question if she did.

Sarah replied by saying "No we didn't. We were so shocked by Ed having good grades, that we didn't stop by and asked the other parents of those four. We just had to show it to you all. Should we go ask them now?" asked Sarah in question.

"Yea, come on guys. Lets see how the other Eds and Eric did. Come on" said Naz as she began running down the street.

"Right on" yelled Jonny 2x4 as he ran after her as the rest of the kids followed her.

And that's exactly what they did. 

They went to Eddy's house and had asked to see Eddy's grades. They were weirded out by the strange request but they said that they saw Ed's grades and they were curious what the other Eds and Eric's grades were like.

They finally got the grades and were surprised that Eddy had good grades too. Considering the amounts of things the group had done at school, they never would've thought he'd pick up a piece of paper or homework. They were just as surprised at how much Eddy and Ed had changed.

They knew Double D and Eric had good grades but they were still curious as to how they did as well. They went over to Double D's house and asked his parents for his grades too. They too were weirded at the kids request but they explained themselves to Double D's parents and they were happy that they were curious about how he was doing. No surprise, Double D had wonderful grades.

They then went Eric's and asked for his grades as well. When his mother asked why, they said because they had seen the Eds grades and they were better than they thought they would be so they wanted to know how Eric was doing. Hearing this, Eric's mom cried in happiness that they were curious how they were doing. It made her happy that they cared to know what was going on with her special boy.

Ever since his eye, Eric hadn't made any friends because everyone was weirded out by his face that they didn't want to be near him. She was so sad to see her son being ridiculed just because of his looks. If they got to know him, they would see how much of a sweetheart he can be, at times. And after hearing Eric had made friends in Peach Creek, she was ecstatic. She loved seeing him making friends, though she wish the other kids would play with him too. And hearing the kids now say they want to see how he was doing over seas, made her feel happy.

She gladly gave them his grades and the kids were surprised to see how well he was doing. He wasn't a slacker like Ed or Eddy. Rather, he worked hard like Double D but never got the high grades like him. He had pretty good ones. Not great, but ones his parents could say they were proud of him.

The kids now sat on the sidewalk of the curved road of the Cul-De-Sac, looking through the Eds and Erics grades and were surprised at how well they were doing.

"Wow" said Sarah,

"I know. It's amazing that they're doing fine overseas" said Naz.

"Indeed. The Eds boys and Black eyed Eric have shown us that the noggins we all thought were empty are actually full of brains of intelligence. This would give my nana a heart attack if she ever met them" said Rolf.

"Uh, right" said Kevin in an awkward tone. But he then looked up at the sky in ponder, to which Naz saw and asked "Whats up, Kevin?" to which everyone looked at him.

"Its just.... we're all shocked to see those guys having good grades that it makes me wonder, what exactly does the school they're at do right that our school did wrong?" said Kevin as he continued to stare at the sky.

The kids understood his point and they too began to wonder what exactly what they were doing at that school as they too began to stare at the sky.

"My question is what exactly are they doing now, all the way in Japan" asked Jimmy. Everyone heard what Jimmy said and they too began to wonder the exact same thing he said.

What exactly were the Eds and Eric doing right now?


Back over Seas(To the present)

'What we were doing now was getting ready to kill our teacher. I know that sounds bad but it was the truth. And what others schools didn't have that we had........... was an impossible target, capable of blowing up the moon. And was a damn near perfect teacher.'

The class had become quiet as they were all preparing to assassinate their teacher, Korosensei.

"Okey dokie. What fiendish assassination ploy did you have in mind" said Korosensei as he looked at most of his students since he noticed some were missing.

Isogai pointed at the screen as he said "First, we would like you to watch this video that Mimura made for us, while Double D plays a nice tropical song for you. Then the 8 of us that won the test results will cash in on the promise tentacles. When your out of commission, that's when everyone else will join. How does that work for you, Korosensei" asked Isogai.

"Nuruhuhuhuhuhu. Splendidly" said Korosensei as he wagged his two tentacles back and forth.

"We appreciate you making this for us" said Sugaya to Mimura.

"Eh, it was nothing. It came really close. Had to finish it during dinner" said Mimura. But while they were talking Korosensei was assessing his surroundings.

"Hmm. A remote local completely surrounded by sea water. The walls and windows here are probably treated with an anti-me agent. Escape is too risky. My best bet is to dodge their attacks within the premises" thought Korosensei but his thoughts were interrupted.

"Sir?" said a voice, to which he turned to see Nagisa walking towards him.

"Huh?" he responded.

"I'm going to have to pat you down" he said as he began to pat down Korosensei.

"Sorry, but we can't take the chance if you have a swimming suit on. That would ruin the whole plan" said Nagisa.

"So cautious. Admirable but you need not worry" said Korosensei in a carefree way.

'He sure was cooperative. Swimsuit or not, once things get to working, he could dodge our attacks at any turn. Still with all of us here, he'll have his work cut out for him. Here we go.'



Cue Seishun Satsubatsuron by 3-nen E-gumi Utatan)


{Seishun... Satsubatsuron!}

(The opening starts with the crescent moon as it gradually change to Korosensei's head. Then Ed, Double D, Eddy and Eric appeared upside down with their names shown as they fall and tried to attack Korosensei as he panicked before dust picks up around them as the title appeared.)

Welcome Back, Mr. ED!

{Kuchi ni dasu no wa jikkō suru toki}

{Sore ga kakkoī koto shitteru sa}

(The scene start with Eric waking up in bed as he gets up and gets ready for school. As he walk out of his room, Eddy and Double D were at the living room while the latter was preparing breakfast. He look around only to see that Ed's not up yet so he went to his room to wake him up, only to find that he was not here and saw his window was open.)

{TARGET, sagashite bokura wa satsubatsu}

{Omoi wa mayou mayoedo susumu}

{Migite to migiashi issho ni de sōda}

(Eric panicked and ran out of his room to tell Eddy and Double D that Ed's gone. Eddy groaned in frustration while Double D worried about him, Eric ran back in to his room and came out with his uniform on and a toothbrush in his mouth. Double D quickly pack small breakfast along with their lunches before they head out to find Ed.)

{Nan nanda iraira no hadō wa}

{Bokura no sonzai no shōmei?}

{Tsuki wo miagetakamaru}

{Sā sā! Satsu satsu sattō START!}

(Scene changes to Eric opens a fridge of their neighbor's house and found Ed sleeping in his underwear and half eaten food. Eddy laughed while Eric took Ed out of the fridge and slaps him back and forth to wake him up. Double D look at the time and finds that they are going to be late for school, Eric and Double D panicked while Eddy groaned as Ed woke up from Eric's slapping before he was pulled by Eric and ran out the door along with Eddy and Double D.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Genjō daha wo chīsana koe de yagate zekkyō shitaku naru}

(The Eds and Eric, with Ed now in his uniform, rushing to the train station but they missed the train. As Eric and Double D mope in depression, Eddy yelled at Ed before he had an idea as he grabbed Ed the the other two. They're now at a park as they sitting in a box with a tree that is cartoonishly pulled down like rubber below them while Ed was holding the tree down by sinking his teeth in another tree. Double D was calculating their trajectory while Eddy was getting impatient and Eric was starting to regret it. Double D conclude that they would land in the field behind the building but isn't sure about it. Eddy isn't surprised as he signals Ed to let go as they're launch in the air heading to towards school.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Yareba dekiru sa)}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Kitto dekiru sa)}

(Eddy, Double D and Eric screamed while Ed laugh as they flew through the sky. Then Eric saw Korosensei flying by as he pulled out his anti-sensei knife and tries to kill him but no avail as Korosensei sped up ahead of them.)

{Dōse, to iu no wa kantandakedo}

{Ima wa agaite mitainda kimi to hajikete mitainda}

(Meanwhile in E-Class, Yada was sitting by her desk and glance at Eric's desk in front of her as class was about to start. Korosensei arrives through the window and begun roll call, Yada asked him if he seen the Eds and Eric this morning making Rio teased her about it as she blushed in embarrassment. Korosensei answers as the Eds and Eric crashed through the roof and landed in the floor next to Korosensei, surprising the students.)

{Saredo seishun wa mirai he GO!}

{Sā sā sā! Seishun satsubatsuron!}

(Ed recoiled from the floor as he pulled the other three out with him as the class aside from Korosensei look at them with white eyes and jaws dropped. Korosensei tells them to take their seats as Ed lets go of them and went to their designated desk thus begins class.)


EDventure #21 — "Plan into Ed"

Korosensei slithered his way to the front of the pews and sat down as he said "Well children, shall we begin" but then his voice changed to a serious one as he said "Don't hold back. Come at me with everything you've got."

Everyone just smiled at his confidence as they knew they had him now. With his confidence in full stride, it'll be his down fall.

Okajima then walked over to the light switch as he said "Right. What do you say guys. Lets get things started" as he flicked the lights off.

Eddy then nudged Double D and said "Come on, sockhead. Get to playing those 88 fingers of yours" as he pointed at the stringed instrument in the corner near the exit.

Double D then walked over to his instrument and said "Curse it all. I thought I would never play this accursed instrument again" said Double D as he placed some pics on his fingers and began playing a song while the program started.

He soon began strumming the instrument in the sounds of Hawaii type music, like from a ukulele.

Double D kept playing as best he could but he still hated the instrument as some of the class was shocked at how well he was playing.

"I didn't know Double D could play an instrument" whispered Okuda to Eric.

"Yea he can, but he hates this one causes its annoying and I agree with him" whispered Eric to Okuda.

As they was going on, the tv opened to a hazy white screen as the words "AC" came on the screen as someone whispered the words "AC" while some of the class began leaving the building.

Then the TV said "Somewhere in Tokyo, Kunigoguwa junior high, Class 3-E. An average class room but the teacher is anything but. He is...........a target" but as the video kept playing, Korosensei was still assessing his situation.

"Even through Double D's instrument, amazing job on his part, I can here a few of them shifting around in the dark behind me. A ruse, no doubt, to conceal that some are leaving. Alas boys and girls, I can establish who's outside by the relative distance of their scent. From the direction of the shore, wafts the unmistakeable the smell of our top snipers, Chiba, Hiyame, and Eric" thought Korosensei as he kept staring at the screen.

"This video is very slick. You were editor and narrator, Mimura? Well done, great camera work, compelling score. The viewer is sucked in and.." said Korosensei but then he saw the screen changed to the classroom with Okajima, Maehara, and Mimura, standing in front of the chalk board with Korosensei drawn on it.

"Thank you for joining me. Joining us are two recon specialists with very intriguing info. We'll hear what they saw after this brief commercial announcement" said Mimura as the screen faded to black and then it showed a picture of Korosensei, wearing a dragonfly outfit while he was sitting on the pile of dirty magazines the kids found him reading a week ago.

"When your a confirmed porn addict, bribery is no guarantee against a scandal" said Mimura. But seeing this made Korosensei gasp in shock.

"I GAVE YOU POPSICLES!" yelled Korosensei in shock and embarrassment as he began shaking in his seat or pew as he kept saying that it was all a lie.

Mimura, on the screen, continued saying "Our target's guilty pleasure is the middle aged executive. The shear size of his cute farm cuties orderly collection is mind-blowing."

Korosensei couldn't believe what he was watching and then yelled "Blast it Okajima. What is this?! We had an understanding" as he looked around and saw the class staring at him.

The screen then showed a line of woman going into a building as it showed the long line as Mimura said "At a recent women only cake buffet, a questionable attendee loomed over by" to which the camera stopped on a tall looking woman with a giant round head and small eyes in line while the girls looked at "her" in awkwardness.

"Who was this mysterious woman, you guess it" to which the screen showed it was Korosensei in a ladies outfit but he was getting pulled away by a waiter at the place while Mimura continued saying "Hardly a master of disguise. Makes you wonder how they exposed him without realizing he isn't human."

Hazama then scooted behind Korosensei as she said "Wow, got to hand it to you. Ironically, it takes balls to pull off an outfit like that" in a coy way.

The screen then went to a man, holding a package of tissues in a crate, passing them to people.

"Between pay checks" said Mimura but then stopped as the tissue man was now giving them to a long line of people, which were all Korosensei.

"Our porn addict defrauds the public for complimentary tissues and what does he do with them? The answer might surprise you. He fries them, that's right fries them" as the screen showed him in a chefs outfit, frying tissues in the schools cooking area while he was complaining about not getting paid enough.

Korosensei was beyond embarrassed at how the class was seeing his secret unfold. "As if this poor educator dignity wasn't already in the pits. And that's not all......" said Mimura as Korosensei then exclaimed in shock when he said the last part.

"To truly plum the depth of this creatures depravity, we've prepared a full hour of shocking footage" said Mimura.

THERE'S A WHOLE HOUR OF THIS DRECK??!!!!" exclaimed Korosensei in shock and embarrassment.

1 hour later

After a full hour of all his secrets being shown to the class, Korosensei was now leaning to the side of the pew in defeat as his face seemed drained of life as he drooled and then said in depressed and slight gruff voice "No point in killing me class. I'm already dead. Emotionally,  intellectually, socially, dead" as he just gave up now.

The screen then became a dark red screen with the words "The end" on it as Mimura said,

"Brutal huh? But you've got to admit, it did keep your attention the whole time. Notice anything strange while you watching? Maybe about the venue" said Mimura as he was hinting at something.

Korosensei then realized that Double D wasn't playing his instrument anymore and he was now hearing rushing water in the chapel as he stopped looking glum and then looked down and saw that his tentacles were soaking in water. 

"What the....? I couldn't have possible missed you flooding the place" he said in nervousness as he then thought "Unless....high tide" as water began raising up high and entering the chapel.

He then heard slashing noises of footsteps as he then heard Terasaka say "Weird. Its like someone trimmed down the support pile-ons" as he and his group showed up on one side of his pew.

"Seasick, shamed and water logged. This isn't looking like to be your lucky day" said Rio as she, Double D, Okuda and Isogai showed up on the other side with their guns ready.

"Everything is aspired to slow you down" said Isogai as they all began to raise their guns to him.

Karasuma just looked at the chapel, waiting for it to happen already.

"Right time to party, teach. Now you made a promise. Don't go backing out now" said Terasaka in a smirking manner.

"This is going to be tricky but I know the direction of where the snipers are so I at least have to keep an eye in that direction" thought Korosensei as began to grow nervous.


Outside, Kayano was looking as her phone, with Ritsu on it in a swimming suit with a clock on it as she said "Commence operation....now"

Isogai heard the call and yelled "Lets go."

Everyone then fired at Korosensei's tentacles, 8 in counting, to which Korosensei grunted in pain as the 8 tentacles were shot off of him.

"Time lapsed five seconds" said Ritsu to Karma to which he, Kayano, Takebayashi, and Hara then started the motorboats they each were on and began driving away from the chapel, with rope tied at the back of each of them.

As soon as they were far enough out, the ropes soon pulled up from the sea, attached to the chapel poles, holding it together. They then began to pull the chapel apart as Korosensei then saw cracks appearing on the walls of the chapel and then the whole thing was torn apart and now, Korosensei was outside in the cold air, which really took him by surprise as he exclaimed in shock. 

The chapel was gone.

Karma laughed at what happened.

"Did it come apart?" said Kayano over the phone.

Takebayashi just pushed his glasses up as he drove away.

"Oh hell yea!" said Hara in confidence.

"Time lapse 35 seconds" said Ritsu as then, from out of nowhere, the rest of the class, wearing swimsuits, began coming out of the water.... and over it.

"Flyboards?!" exclaimed Korosensei as the kids were flying above the water on flyboards as they then all linked their arms together and formed a cage in a quick flash, taking Korosensei off guard.

"A hydraulic cage?!" he said in shock.

"Yea, that's right. We know a chance of environment throws you" yelled Nagisa to Korosensei.

"First you were in a chapel now you're in a cage. Guess it won't be a coffin you die in" said Eddy.

"45 seconds" said Ritsu, to which Double D nodded then pulled out a little remote control and then began fiddling with the controls on it.

But then from another side of the platform, Ed came flying out of the water, on a toy Biplane, while several other toy plane began flying Ice cream scoops, following Ed and firing at him, as he said "I am a swan. A pretty swan" as he began flying around in a crazy manner while the other toy planes kept chasing after him with firing at him with the ice cream scoops, confusing Korosensei.

"Why are those planes firing ice cream. How does that even work?! But please get down, you'll get hurt Ed" exclaimed Korosensei as he saw Ed going crazy.

"If your confused, good. We'll take anything that slows your reaction time" yelled Sugino.

"Go Lumpy Go" yelled Eddy to Ed as he kept flying around.

"53 seconds" said Ritsu.

In that time, the 8 kids, minus Double D, that shot his tentacles came in and began to surround him as Ritsu's artillery box popped out from the sea as she said "Commencing tactic vale" as she opened her side ports and aimed her guns to the side of Korosensei "in 5 4 3 2 1. Fire" as she and the rest of the students open fired on their teacher but to the side of him, keeping him in place behind their bullets.

"Careful guys, shoot around him. Keep in him planted" said Isogai to the others.

"Everyone aim to the right or left by about a meter" said Meg.

"Block his escape with a hail of bullets" yelled Terasaka as everyone kept firing at him.

All while this was happening Rio smirked as she said "Wait for it" as she knew that out in the sea were secretly the snipers of Hiyame, Chiba and Eric, wearing snorkeling gear as they were waiting underwater for the right time to kill him.

'The kill shot went to us. The ones on shore were decoys infused with our scent. He was so focused on the shore, he didn't see the hydraulic cage coming. Now this is how you snipe a Korosensei.'

"And that's game over" said Ritsu as the clock had managed to hit the one minute mark and that was when the three fired their shots at Korosensei. They were whizzing by so fast, Korosensei didnt see them until he turned around too late.

"Oh my......Well played" thought Korosensei in panic as the bullets came closer and closer to his head.


After their shots, a huge explosion of power and electricity came afterwards as a powerful shockwave came after the display of electricity.

Everyone was caught in the shockwave, which caused all of them to go flying back far, and into the sea. Ed was still flying in the air but when the explosion happened, Double D lost his controller and Ed began to fly out of control and crashed landed in the sea.

Soon they all came up to the surface, gasping for air as all the air they had before was gone by their gasp of shock at he explosion.

Eddy came up for air as did Ed who just bobbed up and down like a log then fell over and floated like one.

After hearing the big explosion, Eric through his gun away and swam after the Eds, and of course the others. He wanted to make sure they were ok.

"Are you guys alright?" asked Eric to the Eds.

"Yep" they both said in unison.

"What about everyone else? Are you all ok?" asked Eric to everyone that heard him.

"Yea we're fine" said Sugino.

"We're fine over here" said Yada.

Nagisa popped up next to them as he gasped for air.

"Nagisa" said Kayano as she drove up towards them.

Everyone that came up began to look out to where Korosensei once was and saw nothing.

'This is totally different from our other attempts. Feels like it worked.'

"Don't let your guard down" said Karasuma as he ran up the docks. 

"Its still possible to him to regenerate" as he stopped by the end, he turned to his side and said "Isogai, Kataoka. Go. Keep an eye out for the target" to which they replied with "yes sir" and began swimming underwater.

Meanwhile the rest of the class began to look around to see if they spotted him.

'We should've got him. There was no where he could've gone. We didnt see any whooshing of any kind. We had to have got him. Right?'

While everyone kept looking Kayano saw something in the water and pointed at it and yelled "Hey, look over there" to which everyone turned to see what she was pointing at. There were a few bubbles coming up to the surface.

"What is that?" asked Sugino.

"I don't know?" said Sugaya.

"Could that be his corpse coming up?" asked Eddy.

"Maybe. Guys be prepared. He may have survived it" said Eric as he pulled out one of the hand guns and aimed it at the bubbles.

The bubbles began to form more and more and bigger and bigger.

'What I said might be true. I mean what else could those bubbles be. But it could've been his corpse too. I don't know. I was so nervous. I didn't know what exactly was going to happen now.

The class waited and waited in anticipation at what the bubbles meant. They were all nervous. They had hoped that they had gotten him but they were still nervous.

Soon something seemed to be coming out of the water.

'But what could it be. What could that thing possibly.'

Suddenly, a clear crystal ball came out of the water....... with Korosensei's head inside the crystal ball, behind a sunny backdrop. Wait what?

"Hehe. Hehe" chuckled Korosensei as he kept bobbing in the water.

The class just stayed in the water in bewilderment. They had no words for what they were looking at.

Eric just sweatdropped and thought "Really?"

'What in the heck was this thing.'

"Nuruhuhuhuhu. Allow me to introduce my trump card of trump cards. My absolute defense form" chuckled Korosensei to the class.

"Absolute Defense Form" the class thought in question.

"This exterior coating is made of nano matrices made of surplus energy. In essence, my body shrinks down to the size you see now and the compressed molecules create a high density shell around me" informed Korosensei.

"Why absolute? Because its absolutely invincible" chanted Korosensei. Everyone just stared in awe at his new ability.

'Just another one to add to the pile.'

"So basically, you're saying that as long as you are like this, theres nothing we can do" asked Yada.

"Don't fret my dears, it doesn't last long. The crystals in the shell tend to lose integrity in about a day or so. Once the bonds break down, the shell will expand back into its normal empty form and yours truly will turn back into normal size. This form is extraordinarily useful, but the trade off is complete motionless for the whole time I'm in here. I can't propel myself an inch. This itself cares its own risk" informed Korosensei as he then went on to explain his weakness while in this form.

"For example, said immobility would give anyone the perfect time to launch me into space, something I would rather dread. But I've done research into that, however. And there is nowhere on this planet that could get a rocket ready for that flight in 24 hours" informed Korosensei as he face then turned to his green striped one.

This made everyone realized that he was once again, one step ahead of them. Eric grunted in anger that he had such an indestructible form. He then thought about their other plans. Even if those ones before had worked, he could've easily changed into that form and kept himself safe.

'He got us. All that and he got us again. We exploited all his weakness and still nothing. What could we do now if he has that form at his disposal.'

This made Terasaka annoyed as he said "Ugh that's crap. Nothing is invincible if you just wack it hard enough" as he pulled a wrench from out of nowhere and began hitting the ball.

Korosensei then began mocking him as he made a pouty face while he said "You're wasting your time. A nuclear blast wouldn't leave so much as a scratch."

"Oh I see" said Karma to which Terasaka stopped his hitting and turned to him.

"Well I guess that's it were out of options then" said Karma as he waved his hand, signaling for him to give him Korosensei.

Terasaka did so and Karma managed to catch him and then brought his phone close to Korosensei. On it was Korosensei reading dirty magazines.

"AGH. You monster. I can't bury my face and hands in this form" yelled Korosensei in embarrassment.

Karma just smirked as he giggled as he said "Oh I'm sorry about that. Here let me see if there is anything to fix that" as he reached behind him and placed a sea slug on top of him. 

"This sea slug do the trick for you" asked Karma in a coy way.

"UGH" exclaimed Korosensei in disgust.

"Anyone know where I can find a creepy old beach bum. I want to shove Korosensei down his pants" yelled Karma to the class.

"Someone help me please" yelled Korosensei, wanting to escape his clutches.

"I'd never take that form with a bunch of kids" said Kayano with an awkward expression.

"Yea not exactly a smart move especially with Karma" said Nagisa with the same expression.

But then Karma had a brilliant idea. He reached into one of his pants pockets and pulled out some gravy packets he had gotten from the hotel and began pouring them on him.

"Ugh. What now? First you embarrassing me again now you're blinding me" yelled Korosensei as the gravy began to drizzle down and cover Korosensei's eyes.

"Oh no, teach. Nothing like that. I'm just testing your defenses in this form" said Karma in his devilish way.

He then used his free hand to yell out "Ooohhh EEEEDDDDDDD~" in a song voice.

This made everyone grow a nervous look as they now knew what he was doing.

"I have some delicious gravy for you. You want some~" said Karma in a teasing way.

Ed then shot out of the water as he yelled "OH GOODY" as he then began running on the water towards the docks. Ed jumped and landed on the docks and began panting like a dog.

"You want the gravy, boy. Huh, do ya" teased Karma.

Ed then pulled off his unibrow and placed it on his back and it began wagging like a dog as he opened his mouth to be fed.

Korosensei grew nervous as he know knew what he was doing since he couldn't see what was happening. "Wait, Karma. Lets talk about this. Lets...."

"Bombs away" said Karma as he smiled his devious smile then let go of their teacher....

..... and let him fall into the pits of Eds stomach.

This made the other Eds and Eric turn pale white in shock. They knew how much Ed could eat and the fact the Karma just threw him down into his stomach, Korosensei was going to be in for a big surprise.

Double D then swam over to the docks and said "Karma, that was uncalled for. I know Ed has been known to eat a lot, but its still not ok to just throw our teacher down in there. You've tortured him long enough. We don't need you scarring the guy for life" as he made his way on deck and opened Ed's mouth and began fishing for their teacher.

Everyone just groaned in disgust at Double D digging deep into Ed's digestive system.

Finally, he managed to pull him out of Ed's stomach. Korosensei now had his white, blank face on.

"I have known about the human body for years. The internal structure to the outside structure, but never have I seen such a monster like Ed's stomach. I have no words what I saw in there. I don't even know what lives down there in his stomach" said Korosensei in his neutral tone.

"I can believe that sir" said Double D with a awkward expression.

Karasuma then stepped up and said "Ok that's enough. Class dismissed. For this one, I think we'll let HQ decide the best course of action" as he took Korosensei from Double D and put him in a bag he had in his pocket.

Korosensei then changed back to his yellow face and said "Nuruhuhuhuhu. Your superiors will opt to toss me into to a vat of anti-me liquid, I'm sure. Good luck with that. The energy displaced would explode just like before and everything would be blown sky high, even your superiors" said Korosensei in a mocking way.

Karasuma just grumbled at how easily he managed to think of everything. Korosensei then looked out and saw his students were feeling down, especially Eric right now and smiled.

"Still you should be proud boys and girls. Entire armies the world over couldn't have gotten the closest to killing me as you've done tonight. This was by far the cleverest assassination attempt that I have ever encountered. I'm especially proud of you Eric and the Eds" said Korosensei, which grabbed their attention.

"Why is that sir?" asked Double D.

"I'm proud at the amount of work you managed to make with your whole class. I can definitely tell this has the Master Plan written all over it. You used all of you failed attempts, crossover with Nagisa's weakness notebook, and managed to use it all to break me into using this form. The amount of work and knowledge you put into making this assassination attempt gives me pause. The Eds and Eric from Peach Creek could never have done this, even on their own. Which is why I'm especially proud of you 4. You've really come a long way and as a teacher, that means the world to me."

But even when he was complementing the class, they still felt down. All of them. The class didn't say anything as they either swam back to shore or onto the docks. They all couldn't help but hang their heads.

Eric just kept walking without lifting his head as he felt a hand on his shoulders. He turned wheel still having a sad face as he saw it was Yada.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

Eric just looked at her and held his head down as he said "No" and just kept walking on.

Yada felt bad. She didn't like seeing Eric sad. She had hoped that the journey would further make him feel better after all the crap she learned he went through. She hated herself that she couldn't do anything. The only thing she could do for him now was just to be there for him.

'Even though he praised our ingenuity, we still felt like nothing was won here. Even though he keeps talking about how we've changed and how we pushed him this far, deep down, we knew we blew it. This was our best shot. How do we top this. How can we come back if he has that form at his disposal. Never mind, I didn't want to think on it. I needed sleep.'


Short Timeskip

The class had managed to dry off and get into their summer clothes, but now they were hanging outside in the eating area and were all still felling bummed about their failed assassination attempt.

Eric was sitting with the Eds while Yada joined them, trying to lift their spirts as best she could but to no avail. Eric was looking through the Master Plan to see what he could've done to prevent Korosensei from changing into his Absolute defense form.

Chiba and Hayami were sitting at the same table, facing away from each other as they kept thinking about their firings.

Chiba then pulled out his phone as he said "Ritsu."

Ritsu then showed up on his phone in a swimsuit as she said in her happy tone "Hi Ryo."

"You recorded it, right?" asked Chiba.

"As faithfully as I could with high speed camera filters. Would you like to see?" she asked.

"The moment I fired, part of me knew the bullet wouldn't be hit. It was like..... I knew he couldn't be killed" said Chiba then some computer sounds came over his phone.

"I can only be approximate. The time it took to change into his absolute defense form is unknown. However by my calculations, if your shots had been .5 seconds quicker, Hiyami's shot 30 cm to the left, and Eric's shot 18 cm to the right, odds of target neutralization would've increased by 59% at minimum." informed Ritsu.

Chiba and Hayami seemed to be distraught as Chiba looked down at the floor as he said "The whole thing was so easy in rehearsal. I was so sure of myself. I even fired from a less stable shot and nailed it" as he then lifted his finger up and twitched as he said "But then, when it came time, my fingers froze and my vision went all blurry."

"Yea, same with me" said Hayami as she rubbed her arms.

"I just caved under the pressure. Too much was on my making the shot" said Chiba.

"The moment of truth was nothing like we practiced" said Hayami, which made Chiba bit his lip.

Hearing this, Eric then began to flip through his note book in an anger way.

He then yelled "AH, THIS IS SHIT" as he slammed his hand on the table, shocking everyone around him as they didn't see that coming.

Eric stood up from his chair and stormed away from the group, into the dark areas the light wasn't shining on. Everyone just kept their eyes on his fleeting figure as their expressions changed to somber ones. They knew why he was mad.

Toka became worried at his sudden outbreak and as he began walking away, she stood up from her chair and said "I'll go talk to him. Try to calm him down" as she began following Eric.

"Shouldn't we go after him too" said Double D as he wiped some sweat from his forehead.

"I would but I feel too tired to go. He'll come back, don't worry about it" said Eddy as he laid his head on the table in fatigue.

'Little did I know that while I stormed off.....'


Eric was still storming away from the group with the Master Plan clenched in his hand. He gritted his sharp teeth in anger as he kept processing what had happened.

"All of that time we spent making this and he still was one step ahead. Why did I think this was going to work? If he had enough time to think about the rocket launchings like that, then he's probably thought of what might happen if we manage to break into using the form again. All this time, was he mocking us? Honestly what's the point now" said Eric to himself as he kept walking along side the beach.

As he kept walking, he saw a glowing light ahead. He followed the light and saw that it was one of those bon fires that they have on the beach.

Eric stood there in ponder and then he looked down at the Master Plan. He clenched it in anger as he closed his eyes while gritting his teeth again. He then stopped his anger and began heading over to the fire. He only had one thing to do.

'What was the point anymore? Even if we managed to come up with a better plan than the one today, it still wouldn't have mattered. With a shell that not even a nuclear blast could leave a scratch on, what could we even do? We lost our only chance to take him out. Even though me and the Eds don't like the idea of killing some one, we didn't have a choice. Come March of next year, there won't be a home to go back to for us. So whats the point of trying to assassinate him again if he could easily change into the form? Even if we could, he probably has thought of something to counteract the whole "Launched into space" thing. What was the point of even trying now.'

Eric had finally made his way to the fire. He stared at the blazing colors as he lifted the notebook to look at it. Eric just scoffed at the book and swung his arm back and then swung it forward and then let go of the notebook, tossing it into the fire.............

...........Only none of that happened. The Master Plan wasn't in his hand anymore. It was gone.

This took Eric by surprise as he then heard panting behind him. He turned to look at the culprit, only to see it was Yada who had snatched the journal from his hand and holding it close to her.

"Eric, what are you doing?!" asked Yada in a serious and scared tone.

Eric just glared at her and said "What does it look like? I'm getting rid of the Master Plan. Now hand it over" as he waved his fingers, telling her to give it to him.

Yada shook her head as she said "No. I won't, Eric. Why would you want to throw it away. This has all of the attempts we failed at and used to make our plan tonight. Not to mention you made this with the Eds. Why would you....."

"Because its uselesss now!!!!" yelled Eric, scaring Yada making her step back.

"What do you mean?" asked Yada.

Eric ran his hand over his face in frustration as he said "What's the point of it now. We made it to learn from our failed attempts and use them to try and make a better plan to kill Korosensei. What a fool I was" said Eric as he clenched his hands in anger.

Yada saw this and was worried as she said "What do you mean by that."

"I now see that it was stupid to even try and use it all against him. He's had that form this entire time and if it is as impenetrable as he says, then theres no point in even using what we learned today to use it again. Anything we use now, he can just change into that form and be fine. Even if we managed to do that again, he probably already has a plan for the whole "Launched into space" thing. Face it, Yada. We lost our only chance to get him. We'll never get another chance like this. Why even bother trying..."


Eric's speech was stopped by a painful slap on his cheek, courtesy of Yada.

Eric was surprised by this as he never she her as the physical type. He held his pained cheek and turned to see her glaring at him.

"Whoever you are, give me back Eric. This isn't the Eric I know. The Eric I know wouldn't give up on anything. On his friends, on assassination attempts, nothing. He has always come up with a plan. Heck, he was able to help make the plan we used tonight. He's always worried about others and put them before him. That may be admirable but to me, that's like saying your life isn't worth anything, which is far from the truth. Eric's life is important, not just to the Eds, but to al of E-class. It's important to me. So whoever you are, go away. This isn't the Eric that I..." yelled Yada but then stopped and closed her mouth with her hand before she said anything else.

Eric saw this and wondered why she did that as he asked "That you what?"

Yada soon blushed as she realized the hole she just dug herself into.

"Did I really almost say that" she thought as she lifted her head to look at him and saw how distraught and confused he was right now. She then felt those same butterflies in her stomach from before.

"I wasn't sure if it was real. With Eric, it felt different. He was different from any other boy I knew. He was kind and caring, yet fierce and full of grit. He was truly one of a kind. I knew he hated being called freak and I never knew why, but when I learned the truth about his eye, it made me feel worse than before. I knew it was sensitive to talk about for him. And I could see that revisiting his most traumatic moment made him feel angry and sad. When I learned of his eye, I felt even more guilty. Asking about his eye, now knowing how he go it, really brought back the worst moments in his life, I felt awful for bringing it up. I guess that's why I gave him that ticket to the carnival. Because I knew he was in pain when he met Akira again, and if he was, then so was I. I hate seeing him sad. So much so that I would've done anything to cheer him up. So I guess it is real. I really do...."

"GUYS" yelled a voice, bringing Yada out of her thoughts, to which heard it from his pocket.

He pulled out his phone and saw Ritsu with a panicked face.

"Ritsu, whats wrong?" asked Eric.

Yada joined him as she looked at his phone as Ritsu said "Hurry back to the Hotel. We're in troubled. Some of out classmates have been poisoned."

Hearing this, Yada and Eric looked at each other and then began sprinting back to the Hotel.

'....... my friends were being poisoned.'


Eric and Yada made it back to the hotel area and gasped as they saw some of their classmates were on the floor groaning in pain. Eric's eyes widened as he looked around at his classmates like this. Ritsu wasn't wrong. They were poisoned. But as he looked over his classmates, his eyes set on something he hoped wouldn't be the case.

The Eds were sweating like crazy and were laying on the ground as well. They too had been poisoned.

"GUYS" yelled Eric as he ran over to the Eds on the ground while Yada followed him.

Eddy slowly lifted his head and groggily said "Oh.....Eric.... you're back" as he looked towards Double D and said "See.....sockhead....... I told he'd be back" as he then coughed up blood.

"EDDY" yelled Eric in panic. He didn't know what to do. He was panicking. He looked over at the other Eds and saw that they weren't looking too good either.

Eric then looked over at Nagisa, who was looking after Rio.

"Nagisa!!!" Yelled Eric, to which he turned to him and saw how panicked and angry he was.

"Who did this?!" asked Eric in a demanding tone.

"Uhh, we don't know. They all just collapsed while you were gone. I told Ritsu to bring you here but they've been like this for a few minutes" said Nagisa.

"What about an ambulance?" asked Eric.

"Its going to be a while. They said the closest ER is on the mainland. So it'll be a while" said Nagisa.

But just as he said that, Karasuma's phone began to ring. He picked it up but gasped that it was an unknown number.

Karasuma answered it and said "Hello" and waited to hear the person on the other line.

"Hey teacher man. I'd say you're students are in a bad way right about now" said a deep voice on the other line.

Karasuma jumped at the voice and said "And who is this."

Hearing this, Eric turned to Karasuma at the way he spoke his words.

"Take it easy, man. There's no need for you to know who I am. Just know your squad of snot nosed punks aren't the only ones aren't the only ones trying to hit their mark" said the voice again.

"You mean you're the one for making them sick" said Karasuma.

The voice chuckled as it said "You're good but they're a hell of a lot more than sick. They're bodies are hosting a lab manufactured virus. Incubation period and symptoms vary but the end result is the same. After a week, cells rupture and vital organs become jelly" as Ritsu had managed to connect the line to the other kids cell phone. Eric gasped at what the man said as did Yada and everyone else listening.

"The only known antidote is also lab made. Lucky for you, I'm its soul possessor. Trouble is, I'm lazy. If you want you'll have to come get it yourselves" said the voice as Karasuma ushered Eric to come forward as Ritsu had managed to track the phone call to a place at the top of the island.

"There's a hotel on this islands highest peak. Bring me your precious cargo and we'll talk" said the voice as they looked at Korosensei, still in the bag as he sweated in nervousness.

"Top floor within the hour, no tricks and because you seem the type of man I wouldn't want to tango with, send proxies. 2 students. Mainly the kids that came up with the plan to kill the target, out of whoever's still standing. If only one remains, then send in someone that that kid trusts the most. Gotta hand it to whoever made the plan, it wasn't half bad. There's a concierge desk across from the elevators, have them go there. If all goes well, you'll have the antidote, I'll have the bounty. Now this goes without saying but  contact outside help or show up late and the antidote goes bye bye. The infected die" threatened the voice, which made the others worry and gasp in shock. As for the tallest boy, Eric was the only one besides Ed that was the tallest. And Kayano was the shortest girl there that was still standing.

"Hey you guys did well. With the target immobilized, the hards part done. I can't thank you enough. Lady Luck is definitely smiling down on our cause" said the voice as the call ended.

After the call ended, Karasuma then slammed Korosensei down on the table in angry, shocking the teacher,

"Damn it. Of all the times for some psychotic bastard to sabotage us" thought Karasuma in anger.

Eric then looked at his friends and then he looked at his phone.

'Within the hour?! Shit, we're running out of time. We had to think of something and fast.'


A few minutes had passed and the class had managed to get everyone onto some sheets to get them conformable. Eric hadn't left the Eds side as he waited for Karasuma to get back with the info on the hotel above.

Suddenly a lady came out running as she said "Mr. Karasuma, I'm afraid they're not cooperating with us, even when we play the government card, the hotel owners maintain they have the right to protect their guests identity"

This made Karasuma annoyed as he said "Naturally."

"Intolerable" stated Korosensei in a fit of anger.

"But not surprising. The resort our mystery man has chosen is a known side for all sides of manner of illegal operations" informed karasuma.

"Remote, shady history. There's all the trappings of an ideal randevu point"said Irina as she could tell the kind of place the hotel was like.

"The owners have connections with higher ups in the government. Law enforcements knows to leave it alone" said Karasuma.

Karma sighed as he said "So, basically, there's no way to know who it is before we even get there."

"Are really going to take this psychos word for it if he's lying to us about the antidote, we're all going to die" yelled Yoshida in anger.

"Calm down, dude. It's fine. We came to be killers, not victims. Look how far we've come, we'll figure this out" said Hara, trying to calm him down.

"Ok I'll try to stay positive" said Yoshida, calming down.

"No way we just do what he tells us to do. I mean send the runt as a proxy" said Terasaka but then he began hitting Eric on the head as he said "Send him in to close the deal and we might as well roll over and die."

This made Eric groan in pain and annoyance at what he said.

Terasaka stopped his yelling as he said "Ok that was rude. But I'm just pissed that someone has us by the balls" as he then pointed to his friends and said "and my friends lives are in danger? Forget about it."

"We're so going to die" said Hazama.

"Yea" said Muramatsu.

Terasaka slammed his hand on a table as he said "I vote we ignore what he says and just get everyone to the hospital and forget this happened."

"Bad idea" said Takebayashi.

"Huh" said Terasaka.

"If we are dealing with man made virus, a hospital would be a waste of time. Not even the most state of the art ER is equipped to handle this, theres no way for them to treat everyone. We'd be dead before they figured out what we have" said Takebayashi as he walked over to the Eds.

"Seriously" exclaimed Terasaka.

"I vote we focus on easing the symptoms for now" said Takebayashi as began putting ice packs on the Ed's foreheads.

"You better start heading to the randevu point" he stated.

"That's the only way huh" said Terasaka.

"Of course it is" said a voice, which turned out to be Eric. The group looked at him as they knew he had something to say.

"Whoever this guy is, clearly knew that we were coming here if he knows about Korosensei. So we might be dealing with a professional assassin or just someone who has connections. Either way, he's poisoned our friends and if you think I'm going to take that lying down, then you are wrong. He crossed a line when he poisoned the first real friends I ever had. The ones that treated me as me and not my looks. So I say we get there and we teach this guy for poisoning our friends. Cause I'll be damned if anyone dies today" said Eric as he looked at the others.

They were surprised by his words but they knew he was right.

'Our hands were tied. If Korosensei could move, we might have had a chance. I starting to wish our assassination plan hadn't gone as well as it did.'

Karasuma looked down at Korosensei as he said "At the end of the day this is all happening because of you."

"Gotta wonder if these kids are willing to surrender their query so easily" said Irina. 

Karasuma held his forehead with one hand as he thought "One hour. What the hell can we do?"

His thoughts were then interrupted by Korosensei saying "I think I might have a solution."

Karasuma looked at him and just as he did, everyone phone began to ring. They all picked them up and they saw Ritsu, wearing an orange one piece suit and smiling as she said "Korosensei everything is ready, sir" as she gave then the OK hand signal.

Korosensei smiled as he said "Excellent. Ritsus finished the prep work I asked her to do. Now, if the healthy students could step closer please, be sure to wear something you don't mind getting dirty" said Korosensei in a thrilled voice.


The class had driven up in three cars and had finally made their way to the hotel at the top of the  island.

The class all stepped out as they looked up at how high it was.

"So high" said Kimura. The students all got out of the cars and kept staring at how high they had to climb. Suddenly all their phones began to ring at the same time.

They all opened them and Ritsu popped up on their screen.

"I've successfully infiltrated their network" said Ritsu as she held a picture of the buildings schematics.

"These are the proprietary architectural schematics of the premise with guards locations. The highest concentration of guards is in and around the main entrance, where its impossible to get in without passing by the front desk. But there is an alternate point of entry along the buildings side just on top of this ledge. The terrain doesn't permit easy access. So security, while present, isn't strong" informed Ritsu as the class looked back at the mountain side.

"You don't want the mad man to have his way do you. Courage children" said Korosensei, trying to lift their troubled spirts.

"13 of your classmates are ill, 2 left behind to care for them, that leaves you to operate on their behalf. You must sneak in surprise our mysterious adversary, and steal the antidote" chanted Korosensei.

'We were down to the wire. We couldn't waste any more time. We had to get up that mountain. My friends were on the verge of dying. No more tricks, no shenanigans. Its time to get serious. I wasn't about to let them die on my watch. And I'll make sure of that. No one dies today.'


{Playing Welcome Back by John Sebastian}

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into a scenery of Tokyo, Japan.

[Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out] The scene then cuts to the Eds and Eric walking on a sidewalk. Eddy in front of Ed, who was in front of Double D, with Eric behind him. They didn't seek to each, as they went to school.

[Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about] The next scene cuts to them in class with the other students as Korosensei teaches the class. The camera was positioned in the back of the room, so all you saw was their back and Korosensei teaching them.

[Well the names have all changed since you hung around] Korosensei's attention was caught by the bell and his speed out and back in with an arm full of sweets and candies, making the students sweat-drop anime style at him.

[But those dreams have remained and they've turned around] The next scene shows the Eds and Eric gathered around Double D's decks, with the smart Ed boy discussing a new plan from assassination, pointing to a piece of paper in his hand as he talked.

[Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)] Eddy points to paper and asks a question. Double D answers him with a smile.

[Back here where we need ya (Back here where we need ya)] With Korosensei out of the room, Double D was at the front of the class, stating the next plan for another assassination, as the class watched and listen.

[Yeah we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot] The scene then cuts to Ed, Eric, Isogai, Kimura, Maehara, and Chiba outside in front of the open window of the classroom that Korosensei used to exit when he wants to go to a far off place, putting up a large sheet of plastic to cover the open window frame.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Double D, who was in the class as they worked, shows a description of the plan on the blackboard. Showing that when Korosensei came back, the sheet of paper would act as a trap to tangle him up, so they could jump him and kill him.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] The boys that were working outside came in through the classroom door, with Eric said they were done with a thumbs up. Everyone quickly sat down in their seats.

[Yeah we tease him a lot, welcome back, welcome back] Korosensei ripped through the sheet of plastic with his Mach 20 speed, and stood at the front of the class, shocking the students.

[Cause we got him on the spot, welcome back, welcome back] Korosensei then lectures them about their failed assassination attempt, as they all look down.

[Yeah we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot] The camera cuts to a hand holding a small yellow notebook with the description of the assassination, and a number to indicate what attempt it was. It was crossed out by a red marker.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] It is shown to be Eric who was holding the notebook, with the Eds around him. They signed in disappointment, as the sunsets.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] They look at each other and shrugged with a small in an 'Oh well' manner. Eric then flipped over to the next page and put down the next number for the next assassination plan.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] The Eds and Eric are then seen walking back home before everything fades to black.

Next time: EDventure #22: "Mission EDpossible part 1"

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