
The Ambush : Part Two

While Oliver took down a warship by himself, a swordsman covered in stark-white armor from head to toe appeared 20 kilometers away. 

In front of this being with bright blue eyes, another warship with hundreds of magic cannons and thousands of people manning it appeared 5 kilometers away in the sky. 

"Attack!!" ordered the captain of the warship and all the cannons charged themselves to attack and pulverize this warrior who seemed to be a legitimate 4th stage saint. 

This was none other than Omega in Moonlight Armor. 

But before the warship could launch its magic cannon beams made of different elements… he quickly unsheathed Raijin, the lightning katana. 


He grabbed the hilt with both hands and made a vertical slashing attack using the curved sword that had blue lightning running its blade. 

However, nothing appeared out of this blade and no attack was released yet the swordsman slowly put it back in its sheath. 


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