
Receiving Advices

Arion slightly nodded his head and repeated Herbert's sentence to reconfirm what he had just heard, "You will be turning three thousand years old soon? No wonder you are so immature!"

"What?" Herbert wrinkled his nose and raised his voice a tad bit, "I'm not three thousand years old!"

"Then how old are you? Three hundred?" Arion asked while widening his eyes a little.

Herbert scoffed thinking that Arion was mocking him even when he knew exactly how old he was. However, he couldn't raise his voice again because he didn't want to risk being melted by that horse in front of him.

So, without trying to sound rude, Herbert corrected Arion, that is if the latter didn't already know, "I will be three years old." He immediately lowered his head and looked down thinking that Arion would start to bully him even more now that he knew how weak and young he was.

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