
Harry, Did You Do Something?

*Younger Roman's POV*

Roman and Harry were out to dinner like usual and the food was taking forever to come out. They had both defaulted to messing around on their phones. He scrolled through Facebook while his friend appeared to be playing some sort of game based on the look of fierce concentration on his face. 

"What are you doing?"

"Playing Words with Pals. I refuse to let Penny beat me again! Who knew that 'qapik' was a recognized word?! I'm more than sixty points behind and need to make this word count for at least twenty if I want any chance of catching up," Harry said without tearing his eyes from the screen. 

Roman frowned. He was playing an online game with Penny? How on earth had that happened? 

"How did you end up playing against her of all people?" he asked. 

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