
Before the promised time (Part:- 1)


HP:- 250/250 MP:- 225/225

Strength:- 45

Mana:- 45 (1 mana point = 5 Mana)

Speed:- 48 Dexterity:- 95

Defense:- 43 Mind:- 65 ( How calm can one remain in a situation, ability to make decisions, etc)

Luck:- -10(+5)= -5 [Auth:-Yup :), Oh and one cannot assign points to luck, some conditions have to be met to get more luck points.]

Charm:- 44

Equipment:- Admantanium Katana (SS), Ancient Brush (Sealed, currently E- grade)

-3 days later-

"Wh..ere am I...EEkkkkkkkkk!?" The first thing Mal saw after waking up was a scary face and it was smiling at him.

"I am dead! This must be hell.." Mal sighed as he closed his eyes again.


"Are you awake?" A deep voice assaulted Mal's peace as he finally woke up.

"Can you please move away from my face?" Mal asked in an annoyed tone.

"Wait aren't you the homeless man, who was sleeping in front of my cave the other day?" After looking at the man in front of him carefully, Mal thought of the man who was sleeping in the bushes.

"Your mum's homeless!' The man wanted to shout out loud, but he forced himself to stay silent, and with much difficulty, he squeezed out a smile. "Yes, I was the one who was sleeping outside that cave of yours.

"Ahhh! I see," Mal nodded.

"So.... Where am I and why are you here with me? Mal still wasn't able to stand up so he asked him while sitting.

"You are at your cave, where else would you be? Oh! and by the way, my name is Theodore, and you can call me Theo." Theo said while thumping his chest.

"My Cave? Isn't it on the opposite side of the city? How am I here?" Mal asked in panic and confusion.

After the fight between the two beasts, he fainted, and thus, he was not able to remember what happened after that.

"The rescue team found you unconscious near a tree and after asking around they contacted me for some reason, and then I brought you here," Theo said

"Oh...." Mal replied absent-mindedly

"Wai...wait!! where are my belongings?? my bag and my weapons???" Mal asked in a panic-stricken voice.

"About that..." Theo hesitated for a moment

"Your bag and the rations in were in tatters when they found it. The only thing left was a katana and a knife." Theo said as he sighed.

"What about my magic weapon?" Mal asked in a calm voice.

"It's gone...."

"I see..." Mal answered in an unbothered tone.

"Well thank you for bringing me here, I will make sure to pay you back in the future. Now can you please give me some space...I need some time alone." Mal said while thinking about the things that had happened the other day.

'I should collect my thoughts and think about what am I supposed to do in the future.' Mal thought as he looked at the katana that was sitting at the corner of the cave.

After Theo left, Mal waited for 10 minutes then stood up.

'Wha...what is this??' Mal was feeling a level of strength in his arms and legs like he had never felt before. The feeling was so surreal that he was lost for words.

He made a fist and with all his strength tried punching the air.


A somewhat strong gale rose because of his punch.

"Ouch!! Fuckk..!!" Mal groaned as he felt a stinging pain in his hands.

'I shouldn't move too much,' Mal shook his head as he lied down.


"I wonder how long it's doing to take...I don't have much time left."

-Next Day-

"I can now move my hands and legs somewhat, should I go to the Alchemia Store to buy some health potions? Nahh, money isn't going to help me in the hell planet, yup becoming as strong as possible in the remaining time is the only way." Mal arranged his thoughts and note down the steps he needs to take.

After freshening himself up, Mal stepped out of his cave.

"I cannot believe I am going there after all this long...Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. The Earthling's Association Of Super Powers or the EASP." Mal had taken an oath to never enter the building but, he was currently standing in front of it.

The building in front of him was shaped like an upside-down sword that was half-buried inside the ground.

"It's time to get myself registered." Mal was thinking that if he should join the organization or not. First, he thought of going around and finding a black market for selling and upgrading his rank, but after some thought, he removed the thought from his brain, one simple reason was 'It Was Dangerous', we have seen many people in novels and manga going to places like these to get some deals but Nah fam I am not going to test my luck here.

'I only care about my survival and nothing else. You can call me a coward, I don't care.' (Auth: -_- Loner).

*Phewwww* Mal took a deep breath and entered the building. "I don't have to wait for anything now, If I am not even able to use my own power then, I shouldn't have this power at all!"

[Welcome To The Earthling's Association Of Super Powers]

Upon entering, the first thing he saw was a huge monster in the middle of the entrance hall, it looked like a huge elephant but the difference between it and a normal elephant was not just the size, the elephant monster in front of Mal was standing on its two feet which were shaped like a duck's feet and it had humanoid hands.

"What the fuck world has become!" Mal couldn't help but lament.

As he passed the grand statue, Mal came across a buzzing crowd.

Mal looked at the crowd and shouted,

"A New Life Here I Come!!!!"



Auth:- I am back! well kinda...I am not still healed, I wrote this chapter in between quarantine on my phone.

I hope you guys will like it!!!

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