
Crystal [#7]

[+18 Description]

[Kink List - Riding, Cock Warming, Cum Inflation, Breeding]

Since day 11 was "wasted" on teaching Jason- or rather, being taught by him -Kaleb decided that day 12 would be focused on building the new cabin! Or so he wished, because after being fucked for more than 10 hours, he passed out just to wake up the next day with a dick inside him still. Seriously, Jason had been suppressing his sexual desires for far too long, and now he has an outlet (read = him) to fuck. He is going to use him and make him his fuck toy- not that he minds it, in fact, he quite liked the idea. Waking up with a dick deep inside him was a novel experience, mostly because he knew that Jason had found his new passion-

Cock warming.

"Hm..." With a huff, Kaleb felt Jason's hand wrap around his waist as he turned him around, dick still fully inside, so he could be laying on top of his burly manly body instead of the torn and destroyed bed: "...you really need to learn how to make a better bed." Grumbling a bit annoyed, Kaleb moved his body- the moment he sat down, Jason's eyes widened. After all, Kaleb was looking down at him with such a mischievous look that his dick throbbed inside him! "Want me to ride you, Jay~?" With a roll of his hips like he was Shakira herself, Kaleb grinned when Jason simply nodded fervently: "Well then..." With a bit of an effort, he lifted his body- he had to get his feet on the bed and fully get up for the fat, huge dick to be completely out of his body! He angled his body right above the dick, grinning when he saw the despair within Jason's eyes behind his mask, his desire to fuck growing: "-I hope you're ready."

With that, he allowed his body to fall right on top of that dick- It slipped inside with barely any resistance, and Jason's eyes widened.

"Fuck~!" Kaleb's mouth hanged open, saliva dripping out of his mouth as he stood there, mouth agape. His legs started to shiver, there was no pain, only pleasure- Suddenly, the pink thread appeared once more! This time, it thickened, stretched, and began wrapping around their bodies... Kaleb was so distracted that he did not notice Jason's hands reach out and grasp his waist until it was too late. The big big boy started to absolutely wreck him and at that moment all he could think of was that this- This was so good people would call it a religious experience. Jason's dick was his heaven, Jay's body was his temple, Jason was his God, and sex was the way he worshiped him. "Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck~!"

And what a God he was.

He was already coming undone- it was inevitable, Jason was a natural at this and there was no fucking way he could last long with him doing so good! He hoped, with every fiber of his being, that Jason becomes so dependent on him, so addicted to his body that he never, ever leaves him alone for the remainder of his days~! "Jason~! Oh fuck, uhhh~♡!" The sharp and strong thrusts broke his voice into a soft loud moan, and Jason seemed to really enjoy his noises because the sheer brutality of his thrusts seemed to grow with each little moan that escaped Kaleb's mouth.

And that was exactly what he was doing. With his big arms wrapped around Kaleb's body, he became excited each time a little sound escaped from his mouth- Jason felt really fucking hard, his cock was but a blur of movement, and he couldn't help but groan each time he heard the loud wet noises of Kaleb's hole accepting him whole. He wanted to do something more, as he held Kaleb's body, he turned him around so he couldn't see his face and allowed his mask to move out of the way as he bit down. He couldn't help it- he wanted to bite him hard, as hard as he could, hard enough to draw blood. Thankfully Kaleb couldn't see his ugly deformed face because he would hate it- everyone does.

"Jason, Jason, Jason~!" Like a prayer, Kaleb cried out the name of his God- who answered by thrusting into him like he wanted to kill him. Jason was about to cum hard enough to dray his entire balls inside his small wife, his arms having gone a bit slack enough for him to turn a 180°- Jason's eyes widened when he noticed Kaleb look at his face. He felt his heart break for a moment, until he was silenced. Kaleb was kissing him like his life depended on it, like he was a breath of fresh air- Like he needed him. Jason felt his heart melt as his eyes watered when Kaleb looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you."

Jason cummed immediately after hearing those three words.


The afterglow lasted for one and a half hour.

Jason had absolutely destroyed him after he kissed him uncaring for his facial deformity. After Kaleb said he loved him, Jason began to fuck him like he was a wild animal- if Jason had been brutal before, the moment those three words left his lips, it was like the last thread of control he had was gone! Kaleb was crying like a little bitch from how raw he felt. His body was covered in sweat from head to toe, he had snot coming out of his node and tears out of his eyes. The tight grip that Jay has on his body would've been enough to break the bones of other people, but all it left behind were bright red bruises.

Jason had gotten off on manhandling him into variois positions, trying to look for the one he felt was the best for him- and they ended up with a good old Mating Press as Jason refused to let go of him, sweaty or not. In fact, he started to kiss him like a beast. Sloppy and with no technique, so Kaleb took upon himself to teach the horny beast of a man all about kissing-

And Jason learned quickly.

-once he understood Kaleb did not give a shit about his face, he began to do all kinds of things with his mouth. He even ate his ass to clean him of all the cum he had- It was crazy, Jason had become this sex hungry beast and all Kaleb could do was endure and enjoy, it drove him insane with how fucking good Jason was! Even as he had his throat fucked raw and he almost passed out from lack of air, he couldn't help but feel pleasure coursing through his body like he was being electrified. So yeah, day 12 was also mostly "wasted" because Jason learned what anal sex was and he couldn't stop fucking him.

At the dawn of Day 13- ironically enough,it was a friday, but not a friday 13th. It was August 6th, 2010. This month, next friday, is Friday the 13th though. But today is the 13th day ever since Kaleb appeared in this world, which made his appearance be on the month of July, 25th 2010 -he woke up, feeling Jason's cock still inside him like his hole was giving his cock a warm embracing hug. He didn't really mind, if Jason liked it then he could keep doing it! However, today they couldn't waste it all away by fucking like rabbits- he was sore from yesterday, where he had to endure his throat and ass being fucked raw before he sat on Jason's lap and had his hole fucked by his big fingers, and then- Okay, better stop there, he can feel his dick growing interesed in it all.

He pushed himself out- or tried to, because the moment he moved to pull the dick inside of him out was the moment the arm around his waist pulled him back, Jason groaning with a huffing snort sound. "Okay, Jay- I love you, but I am so fucking sore from yesterday- If you wanna fuck again, you'd have to wait until tonight. We gotta finish the cabin- please? Gotta work on the walls, the insulation, the tubing system, and so many things... Please, love, let me go for now, okay?" It took him a few moments, but he soon felt Jason's hands release his waist.

It took him a few moments to use [Mending] on his torn underwear and pants that Jason destroyed to push his cock inside him- Yes, he had put on his clothes to sleep because it got really cold at night and Jason's body didn't have a lot of warmth to it. Next, he used [Prestidigitation] to clean himself and everything else before he helped Jason put on his clothes- and by help, I mean he took a knee and swallowed Jason's cock until the big boy fucked his throat and cummed. It was necessary for him to put on pants without tearing them apart! And it gave Jason something- he felt like he was spoiling him, but he has been sexually suppressed for years now, might as a well give him some nice moments, right?

After that, Kaleb took him back to their cabin, or the skeleton of a cabin.

The whole structure was designed with a 4 bedroom home in mind. Or that was the design Jason was able to find in a printed article about home design, so that was the one they were building. "Perceft for a small family." He chuckled again after reading that one small description at the bottom of the magazine. The space itself was approximately 188 square meters, Jason measured it using a saw blade so give or take a few centimeters! Kaleb continued working on the roof for the first floor while Jay worked on the ground floor (even though he kept insisting it was the first floor and that the basement would be the ground floor, but Kaleb argued the basement would be the underground floor) by placing the walls around like they measured.

After a few hours of work and him using [Mending] to make the skeleton become whole instead of the sum of its parts, their cabin now had a more home-ish look. It had walls and holes for window, although they did not have glass windows yet. Nor did they have electricity, running water, a bathroom, or anything fancy that other homes would have- but hey, they had the skeleton of a house!

So on August 6th, 2010, the very first step of their home was completed: Built the house skeleton before filling it with blood vessels, meat, nervous system, and internal organs- also known as water pipes, insulation, electrical system, and the furniture. Jason just stared silently at the home before them and he pulled out a paper and gave it to Kaleb, who confusedly looked at it.

It was a letter.

[To - Kaleb (Wife)

From - Jason (Husband)

I... don't know how to say this.

Thank you for loving me? I don't understand how it happened, I just remembered trying to kill you- I don't remember why, but I tried to. Then you freed me from the Entity and took me into your arms, you gave me something I've been lacking, what I craved for.

Family... love... a home.

I'm glad I met you. I don't know how or why, but I'm glad I met you and I'm glad you love me and I'm glad you kiss me and I'm happy- I don't know how happy feels, but I think it feels warm, like I'm feeling right now?

Am I sick? I don't get sick.

I think I love you? I don't know how love feels, but I can only imagine it feels like this.

I don't understand love. Can you teach me?]

"...of course I'll teach you, love-" Kaleb too Jason's hand: "-I'll teach anything you want."

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