
Chapter 100: Learning and Reflection

There was a smile on William's face; now that he had access to Tom Riddle's diary, he had begun his studies in the dark arts under the tutelage of the younger version of the most powerful dark wizard of the current era.

Perhaps Tom didn't have all the techniques of his mature version, but this was where Voldemort laid the foundations of his magic, something that William needed.

Tom Riddle, within the book, already knew the identity of William Rosier, as well as that of Harry Potter and other characters due to his conversations with Ginny. The girl had simply sought a friend in the diary, and Tom had played his part perfectly, advising the girl in such a way that he filtered his magic into her without her realizing it, eventually controlling her mind with the Imperius curse.

From Tom Riddle's perspective, William was completely different from Ginny Weasley; the truth was, they had no similarities between the two students. Rather, William was similar to himself, but in some ways, they were also different.

The conversations they had over the days about dark magic and the events in their lives gave Tom an understanding of the boy he was contacting through the diary.

Tom noticed that both he and William sought power in the dark arts, although for different reasons. For Tom, the dark arts not only represented the purity of magic and strength but also a way to eliminate humanity's weakness, death. It was the same reason why this diary existed: to eliminate that weakness.

But William, the boy who should have been only slightly more complex than the girl before, sought knowledge in the dark arts to master magic itself, perfect his spells, and create new miracles. In simple words, William was a scholar, and that was also the way Tom was using to enter the boy's mind.

For the William of a year ago, dark magic and power were only secondary objectives. Voldemort himself was not a great threat. Moreover, if he managed to keep the canon as it should be, then Harry would take care of Voldemort without his help, and William could live his life in peace, traveling the magical world and learning things everywhere until he became the pinnacle of magic.

Everything should have followed that path, but Greyback appeared. In the books and movies, Greyback appeared as just another character, although he never had the relevance he deserved. He shouldn't have caused upheaval in William's life, but the wound on his abdomen was a reminder that he was still weak. Even though he learned a lot of magic at Hogwarts, in the end, the only spell that left marks on the werewolf's body was the ancient curse he practiced in secret.

When will something like that happen again?

William always had that in his mind. In the future, he wished to travel the world; there would always be threats, the canon of the story could change, he could be one of the victims in the battle. What could he do if he faced the basilisk?

All those questions always lived in his mind, torturing his normal life. Now he sought knowledge not only to satisfy his curiosity but to face whoever was in front of him.

"The wand movement they teach us at Hogwarts is elegant and at the same time rigid, like in a sword fight, practically fencing," William stroked his chin and then imitated the movements while casting magic once more, but without letting any spell come out. "I remember the members of Castelobruxo did something similar, but their movement was much freer, as if the wand was an extension of their body."

William closed his eyes to recall the movies and books in the canon, then remembered how a certain actor portrayed Gellert Grindelwald. His wand movement was far from the norm; rather, it was elegant and smooth, similar to the movement of a master of ceremonies.

Since William obtained the diary until now, his foundations in dark magic had been strengthened, and his movement in controlling magic had taken a different direction thanks to this simple discovery.

William sat at his desk, Tom Riddle's diary open in front of him. The ink faded and reappeared as he maintained his dialogue with Tom. Every night, he dedicated hours to learning new spells and techniques that young Tom revealed to him.

"Did you know that the wand is not just a tool but an extension of your will?" Tom wrote. "That's why its movement is so crucial. The elegance and fluidity of the movement can determine the power and precision of your spells."

William absorbed this lesson seriously, practicing the movements indicated by Tom. He spent hours perfecting his technique, noticing how his magic became increasingly powerful and controlled.

One night, while exploring more pages of the diary, William found a section where Tom talked about using dark ingredients in advanced potions. "Dark ingredients not only increase a potion's power but can also modify its effect," Tom explained.

William decided to try one of these recipes. Carefully, he mixed the ingredients following the instructions to the letter. When he finished, he looked at the contents of the cauldron: a dark, thick liquid that emitted a faint glow. He poured it into a bottle and labeled it "Potion of Darkness."

"This potion can cloud the mind of whoever drinks it, making them susceptible to suggestion," William read in the diary. "Use it with care."

Using his "Mind's Eye," William was able to visualize the potion's effect without having to test it directly. He mentally observed how the potion affected the mind of the drinker, clouding their thoughts and making them vulnerable to suggestion. The precision of his ability allowed him to understand the extent of the potion's power and how he could use it strategically in the future.

In the following days, William continued his daily routine, although now with renewed intensity. His interactions with Hermione became more frequent, and she noticed a change in him.

"William, you seem different lately. More... focused," Hermione commented one afternoon in the library.

William smiled. "I've been learning new things. There's so much to discover and understand in the world of magic."

"Would you like to share some of what you've learned?" she asked, always curious.

William hesitated for a moment but decided to trust Hermione to a certain extent. "I've been practicing some advanced wand movements and exploring more complex potions. It's fascinating what can be achieved with the right mix of ingredients."

Hermione nodded, clearly interested. "We should compare notes someday. There's always something new to learn."

Meanwhile, Tom Riddle was slowly gaining William's trust. Every lesson, every piece of advice, was designed to lead William deeper into the dark arts, although the young wizard remained constantly cautious.

One night, while practicing in the Expansion Box, William decided to test what he had learned. Using his "Mind's Eye," he mentally recreated the most challenging combat scenarios he could imagine. He visualized confrontations with magical creatures and dark wizards, practicing his movements and spells in his mind with surprising precision.

William watched the mental scene with a mix of fascination and fear. "Tom, this is... incredible."

"It's only the beginning, William," Tom replied through the diary. "There's much more power waiting to be discovered. You just need to be willing to go further."

With each step, William felt he was getting closer to his goal, but he also knew he was playing a dangerous game. Tom's words were tempting, but William kept his own will firm. He wouldn't be easily controlled.

As he closed the diary for the night, William realized he was at a turning point. His knowledge and power were growing, but so was the risk. He would have to use everything he had learned to face the coming threats, including those he couldn't foresee yet.

William's path was full of darkness and challenges, but with each lesson from Tom, he became stronger and more prepared for what was to come.


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