Rudra said in all seriousness " I want to establish an academy for recruitment and training of the Elites , I want students from 18-21 age group to enroll . I will provide them with a stable income gauranteed job as a part of the guild once they join ".
Ethan thought for a while , before saying " What exactly do you mean by a academy? ".
Rudra replied " I want to build a university , but for recruitment into the True Elites. There will be three main courses offered :-
A) Elites lifestyle course
B) Elites combat course
C) Elites Logistics course
The courses would all be for a period of 6 months , with classes scheduled both in game and in real life.
There will be limited seats. And gauranteed 100% placement upon graduation ".
Ethan nodded as he said " good idea , what about the faculty? ".
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: