
Emmisary of Church(2)

The third part of the quest was a bit tricky. The hideout of the culprit was not specified by the solver of the previous quest.

The only thing Rudra knew for sure was that it was somewhere between Thol and the capital city in the open woods and that the clue to the quest location was given by an old witchcraft practitioner in the village.

Rudra had to do this quest the proper way as having incomplete knowledge was more dangerous than not having any knowledge at all .

If he wanted to do it he needed to do it right. Hence he went to the old witch's hut in the village's outskirts to talk to her about the quest.

As he knocked on the door, the door opened like a horror house in modern times,

Creaking and with a witch like laugh.



'I definitely did not sign up for this.'

Actually Rudra was scared of haunted houses, when he was little he went to one with his father and ended up peeing his pants, it was embarrassing. Hence he had some psychological trauma entering the place.

With quaky steps he passed through the doorway.

"Hello, anybody home.....??" he said with an extremely shaky voice.

He walked slowly observing every inch of the house ..... Praying just purely praying; 'please god please don't let some creepy thing pop out of nowhere PLEASE!'

The situation did not call for it however he started chanting all mantras he knew to pray to the gods as he walked along.

"Jai hanuman gyan gunsagar...

Om namah Shivaay...

Allah hu Akbar...

In the name of the father the son .....

I don't really know if Buddha works against witches. He is such a cuddly fellow."

Then suddenly his foot squashed something squishy as he lifted his leg slowly he saw that he accidentally stepped on an eye.

Aggghhhhh..... Grossss...screw the quest I'm out... He ran towards the exit.

But before he did he was stopped by an old hag at the door. '' Welcome to my humble abode adventurer Ahehehehehehehehhehe!" The witch had appeared.

Yep the old hag was everything you think when you think evil witch .....

A tall pointy hat ( check)

Old wrinkly face ( check)

Baggy black robes ( check)

Very creepy house ( check)

Extremely evil laughter ( check)

Conclusion : 100% Authentic ... Grade A certified practitioner of dark arts ... A witch!

"Please Mrs. Witch I am only here to ask for help in a task I received from your village chief, please don't cut out my eyes to make soup for dinner."

" I'm a witch not a cannibal :| son, sit lets talk."

Rudra sighed the witch seemed normal.

" Hehehehahahahaha!"

Almost normal .... well as normal as you can be after being a witch.

Rudra then explained to her about the recent occurrences in the village and asked her how to trace the merchant who sold the infectious mushrooms. He proceeded with providing her with a sample of the mushroom.

The witch took the mushroom and started doing some weird incantations ..... The mana intensity in the room increased by a drastic amount, and even a knight like Rudra could feel its presence.

The witches eyes rolled back into her head.

UNDERTAKER MOVES! thought Rudra as he waited patiently for her to do her stuff..... apparently she was using her skills to do some kind of revelation magic.

About 2 mins later her eyes popped back and she looked at Rudra ..... " 30 mins out from Thol village going towards the Capital there is a white oak tree leave the road there and proceed for 10 minutes till you see a cave ... The perpetrator is somehow related to that place.

Rudra bowed and thanked her for her help... Despite the fact of her being so weird she was a very useful ally to have. Anyhow he had respect for her skills.

Well now I know the location ... I know what I need to face once I'm there.... I should buy darkness dispel one time use spell papers in advance, and also buy as many silver weapons as possible.

What lied in the cave was part of the Main Quest storyline of the game ..... An organization lurking in the darkness ..... One of their factions was the dark werewolves.

They can only be hurt by light spells and silver weapons, ordinary weapons can not even scratch them.... this was why the player in his 'Past life' could not complete this part of the quest. The difficulty was out of this world.... You basically had to be incredibly lucky and posses light based attacks and silver weapons to clear the quest, and as you only had one try the difficulty was SSS rated, meaning next to impossible.

Rudra with his reincarnation knowledge was also only about 80% confident..... He would prepare for all possible contingencies and only challenge it carefully.

There was no second chance, hence he would use his hard earned gold to buy as many light spell mass destruction spell paper's as possible ..... even the most basic ones cost about 10 gold each.... Accordingly, he could only buy 2-3 at his current wealth.

If he returned to the capital and sold his stock of weapons he could purchase 5 more, although it would take longer for him to complete the quest, he wanted to make as many preparations as possible before attempting the quest.

Well, not that there was a time limit specified, taking longer might deduct from the final performance rating, but who cares ..... even getting a D is gold compared to getting an F.

His future plans would all depend on whether or not he could crack this quest, because if he failed, the failure would set him back about 20 to 30 days in his plan for setting up a guild and then all those plans thereafter.

It was far too early for him to suffer setbacks, there was no point in making a guild for elites if all the elites he wanted had already joined big guilds first.

He needed an item from the Church's Warehouse that can only be obtained by clearing the quest....

The quest rewards are too important for failure to be an option.

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