
Chapter # 30 Counter Plan

Bob entered in the john mansion. He was so Much aggrieved. John embrace him

"Bob it is part of life. We all have to go" John said with sympathy.

"Terry was like brother to me" Bob bursts into tears.

"we will take revenge,don't worry" John assure him.

"When?" Bob asked.

"Soon, But right now we have to focus on rapidly changing situations in Victoria and Valmura cities" John replied

"The attack at Sheraton and fish market will surely provoked both red eagles and eastern wolves and I am sure they both are now thinking about joining their hands. I got the news that Alex contacted Kevin few days ago. It is clear that they are planing something big. I talked to Alan few hours ago and he told me that there is a huge possibility of a counter attack at Sheraton so I want you to go there and take charge of the Sheraton town" John told him while taking a sip of tea.

"They have lost their storage facility there. I believe they are in shortage of arms and ammunition" Bob shared his thoughts with John.

"You are right but Kevin has complete control over locava arms smuggling. It is possible that Alex asked Kevin to help him in this matter" John replied.

"If that's true then it will be a big problem. we should increase surveillance in Sheraton town" Bob was looked worried this time.

"Not only surveillance. I talked with maximus yesterday he will provide his twenty men, armed with newly arrived German weapons"

"Few days ago you contacted Carl nelson, what's the matter?" Bob asked

"Carl is my old friend. He and his sons are doing their arms business in southeast Asia. They have very good relationships with almost all big arms supplier, secondly he has very strong lobby in the valmura city council that's why his friends in the council never allowed any legislation against him in the council. So I called him to offer a deal" John replied.

"What kind of deal?" Bob became curious.

"We will buy weapons from him and he will help us with his friends in the council against red eagles" John light up cigarette.

"That's a great idea, but Carl does not run his business in valmura or locava, how will he provide us our toys" Bob raised a valid point

"He will use Wellington city port, from there our northern friends will transfer our toys in valmura" John replied

"One of my friend told me that Kevin has sent Marcus to locava to arrange an arms deal there, If it is true then we will have lots of trouble in Victoria city" Bob informed him about the news which he received from his friend Luther.

"That's a terrible news, It means we are heading towards a war" John became afraid, He didn't expect anything like this.

"Brad is also a Kevin's friend it is evident that he will surely help Kevin in this matter" Bob increased John's fear.

"It is true that combine strength of Kevin, Brad and Alex will pose a serious threat to us but don't forget we are the biggest gang in the country" John tried to overcome his fear.

"How many people do we have here in Victoria" John asked.

"Now we have strength of seventy six people" Bob Replied.

"Fair enough, I will ask Alan to provide us one hundred StG 44 assault rifle with five thousands 8 mm caliber bullets" John became relax.

"If we will able to get this then it will be a great advantage" Bob agreed with him.

"OK Boss now I am going to Valmura, please informed maximus and tell him to arrange every thing he promised" Bob left the john mansion.

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