
Ch– 31:She is Chaos Pt-2

Logan took in charge of the first group to tackle the front lines while his second in command fall back a bit to tackle the enemy soldiers those break through the front block. Rosa took this confused moment to disappear into the dust. She ran really fast conserving enough energy to strike the enemy before her. She jumped and avoided the group of soldiers, only stopping to tackle the soldiers who sense her presence. She took advantage of the fighting confusion around them and moved to her target.

She pulled her swords out of the sheaths and moved to cut the soldiers in her path. Like most of the time her path would attract stray soldiers she could cut off quickly and move forward. Rosa kept her head down and moved through the coverage leaning on her running speed. Blotches of blood was on her cloak and armor making it look like someone took a large brush, dipped it into the red pain bucket and flicked it on her to create dots of red on her.

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