
Dear Girl

Lina knew herself well. She was the kind of person to never get attached to something. She couldn't. When she developed an attachment towards someone, she wasn't able to think straight. It was why she had very few close friends, except for Isabelle and Atlantis. 

Growing up in a house dominated by  men, Lina realized the more she became invested in something, the more they wanted it gone. When Lawrence grew fond of Rina, everything concerning her drove him insane. When her father was attracted to her mother, he had set aside his shares to marry Evelyn and arranged a deeply frowned upon shotgun wedding. 

There were too many consequences from loving someone too deeply.

"Yet here we are," Lina muttered under her breath.

Lina woke up in Kaden's arms again. Their position had changed in their sleep. Even in his slumber, he wasn't resting. His brows were knitted, his face fierce as a storm. She wondered what he was thinking about.

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