
Welcome to the World Cup

Godric's Hollow, Aug. 22nd

"Come in!"

Pushing the door open, Sirius practically bound into the room, his excitement tangible. "You ready, kiddo?"

Putting on Viktor's junior national team jersey, Harry nodded. "Whenever you are, Uncle Sirius."

"Good, I promised your parents that we'd be there for lunch with the Weasleys." Seeing his godson frown somewhat, Sirius said, "Yeah, I know they're not your favorite people, and, between the two of us, I think Molly is a bit... well, domineering, but it's not worth the trouble of not showing up. You're lucky your parents didn't make you go with them to the campsite earlier today."

"Mum knows I've been working hard to permanently enchant my room. Not to mention, I think Mum and Dad have finally realized that the less time I have to spend around Ron the better." Harry said uncaringly.

"That's probably true." Sirius agreed. "Of course, it helps to have an incredibly generous uncle who likes to sleep in and was planning on showing up around noon anyway."

"Yeah, he is a pretty stellar guy. It's just too bad that his jokes aren't funny." Harry casually batted aside a weak stinging hex before sticking his tongue out at his uncle.

Grumbling about his precocious, wiseass godson, Sirius led Harry through the house and out the front door. Just before they reached the edge of the anti-disapparation ward, Sirius said, "Before we leave, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Meeting his godfather's eyes, Harry immediately knew what was coming. "I was going to tell them, uncle Sirius, but I couldn't find a good time to do it. I mean, it's not like I can just say, 'hey Mum and Dad, you know my girlfriend? Well she's a Rosier and her relatives were Death Eaters, but she's great, you'll love her.'"

"So you're just going to spring it on them at some point?" Sirius asked, ignoring his godson's sarcasm. "I don't think that's a good idea. When is she showing up?"

"No, I'm not going to spring it on them. I just..., okay, I don't know what I was thinking. I just couldn't think of a way to bring it up." Harry nervously looked at his godfather. "Calypso will be stopping by our tent after the match."

"It'll be okay, Harry," Sirius said, sympathetically, "and, for what it's worth, I'll do my best to help."

"Thanks, Uncle Sirius." Harry said, slightly relieved.

Placing a hand on his godson's shoulder, Sirius apparated them to the designated apparition zone for the match.

"Please step forward, we need to keep the landing area clear," A portly witch said immediately. "What's your last name?"


The witch tapped her wand to a roll of parchment. "Ah, I see. You have a tent for six in the Chimera block. Your balance has already been paid. Do you need directions?"

"No, we're fine. Thank you," Sirius said, leading Harry past the woman.

"Tent for six?" Harry asked. "I thought you were planning on staying with us. Do I even want to know what your plans are for later?"

Sirius laughed. "Nah, nothing like that. Nymphadora won the graduation draw at the Auror Academy. She got the weekend off and a free ticket to the match, so I offered to let her and her friends borrow my tent. Officially, the tent's under my name though."

"Tonks is here?" Harry asked. "Do you think she'll stop by?"

"Ha, sorry kid. I doubt you'll get a chance to see her. Something tells me she and her friends are going to be out partying, probably are right now come to think of it." Sirius grinned unabashedly at his godson. "So, does your girlfriend know about your longtime crush on my little cousin? Maybe I could arrange a quick introduction."

Harry rolled his eyes. He had made the mistake of confiding in Sirius that he thought Tonks was pretty when he was five, and his uncle had never let him forget it.

The two wizards continued to walk down the winding path through the forest until the trees seemed to part, opening up into a massive clearing. Harry's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but be impressed by the massive stadium that dominated the landscape. The virtual city of small tents that surrounded it easily dwarfed the semi-final match he and Sirius had witnessed in Paris.

"How many people are here?"

"The stadium seats over a hundred thousand," Sirius replied.

"This place is huge."

"Don't worry, Harry, I know where we're supposed to go," Sirius said. "Your dad got a spot close to the west stadium entrance. He said it's near the Bulgarian side, but it looks like the apparition point has put us on the wrong side of the stadium. I guess we can either cut through the Irish fans or walk the entire way around. What do you say, Harry? Short or long way?"


"Alright." Sirius gestured towards a massive amount of green tents in the distance. "Think we can manage to get through that lot without someone noticing that jersey of yours? I don't think your parents will be happy if I got you to the campsite with hex marks"

Muttering about it taking more than a few Irishmen to get the drop on him, Harry pushed Sirius towards the tents. Still, he made sure his wand was somewhere within reach. He didn't think someone would be stupid enough to try something with half the Ministry patrolling the area, but he'd be damned if he got hexed by some random, drunken, Irish supporters.

As they made their way into the mass of Irish tents, Harry spotted several people toasting large tankards and laughing uproariously about something. A few people gave his Bulgarian jersey a few looks, but they did nothing more than sneer at him as he and Sirius passed.

"Looks like you're making friends already, Harry," Sirius said sarcastically, spotting the dark looks his godson was receiving.

Seeing a particularly mean looking group of Irish fans leave a nearby tent, Harry began subtly increasing his pace. "Next time, I'll pack a bag and change when I come to one of these matches."

"Might be a good idea," Sirius agreed as they finally began to see the end of the shamrock infested tents. "Do you know if the Bulgarian fans have done something like those shamrocks?"

"Yeah," Harry said thoughtfully. "I think Viktor mentioned that the fans at the last few matches had done something, but I don't remember what. Whatever it was, I don't think he liked it."

"Do you want to take a look?"

"Maybe later. I'm kind of hungry. Besides, I bet Nathan or my parents could tell us whatever the Bulgarians have done."

Nodding in agreement, Sirius led Harry down the small dirt path that led to the stadium. Eventually, Sirius spotted Lily standing outside a tent with the words 'Dursley' above it.

"Hey Mum," Harry called out, causing Lily to turn at the sound of his voice.

"Harry, Sirius, good to see you made it." Lily gave her son a brief hug. "We were just about to floo home to make sure you two were on your way."

Sirius appeared to be offended. "Lily, surely, you didn't doubt my ability to get Harry here."

Lily just rolled her eyes at Sirius before leading them into the tent where the Weasleys and James were talking. Immediately noticing his best friend and son entering the tent, James stood up from the table and went over to greet them both. "Good, looks like everybody is here now. We're just waiting for Nathan, Ron, and Hermione to get back with some water. So, how late did you end up sleeping in, Harry?"

"About ten," Harry replied. "I've almost mastered the enchantments for the more advanced application of the space-enhancement charm. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it down before I go back to Durmstrang."

"Well done, Harry," James said appreciatively. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. Why don't we all take a seat next to Ron's older brothers. I don't think either of you have had a chance to meet them yet. The tall older one with the earring is Bill and the one in the charred-brown leather is Charlie."

Upon hearing their names, both men turned their heads.

"You need something, Mr. Potter?" Bill asked curiously.

"No, Bill," James replied, dropping into an open seat. "This is my best mate Sirius Black, and my son Harry. I was just doing a brief introduction."

Walking over to the table, Harry asked Charlie, "Are you the one my brother sent a dragon to during his first year?"

"Yup. I had some friends pick up Norbert on their way to Wales." Charlie shook his head ruefully. "I really thought they'd gotten away with it. Too bad about that kid going to McGonagall. So, you're at Durmstrang, huh? Any chance you know Krum? He's still a student, right?"

Sirius snorted. "He knows Krum alright. The guy bought Harry a Firebolt for a birthday present. Of course, he had the manufacturer strip the broom of all the enchantments so Harry could cast them himself. How's that coming along by the way, Harry? You get the anti-breaking charms to work yet?"

Ignoring the surprised looks the older Weasley brothers were giving him, Harry said, "No, not yet. The flying charm was remarkably easy to enchant to the broom, but the other spells are a lot more complex. I have no idea how broom makers manage to get the acceleration spell to work in conjunction with the cushioning charm. Every time I've tried it, they cancel each other out."

"Wait," Bill said, suddenly, "You're actually trying to enchant a broomstick? I thought you were Ron's age?"

"I am. It's complex, but it's not the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. Plus, it's been a surprisingly useful way to study how multiple enchantments interact with one another."

"So you've got a bit more respect for broom makers now, Harry?" James asked.

Harry smiled and nodded politely at his father. The truth was while he had originally started to enchant the broom to fly, he had quickly grown bored with the project. Almost a week after his birthday, Harry began enchanting the broom to throw anyone off that tried to fly it and to burn the rider's hands. Better his parents think that he was having trouble enchanting the broom than reveal he was practicing how to curse an object.

"Well, looks like the gang's all here," Sirius said happily as Ron, Hermione, and Nathan entered the tent. "Who's ready for lunch?"

"Where were you?" Harry asked his brother.

"Just went for a look around," Nathan said pleasantly. "There's some really cool stuff out there. Vendors are selling everything."

"Did you get anything?" Harry asked curiously.

Nathan shook his head. "No, but I might go back and get something later."

"Yeah, those Omnioculars sure looked useful," Ron interjected.

"Hello Harry, nice to see you again," Hermione said diplomatically.

"You too, Hermione. So, what do you think of this whole place?" Harry asked, only slightly paying attention. The amount of unease that Ron seemed to be radiating was especially annoying, and Harry had to mentally reel in his passive Legilimency.

"Oh, it's simply incredible," Hermione gushed. "Nathan, Ron, and I were able to walk around a bit before, and I cannot believe how many different countries are represented. We even saw a few people from other magical schools, do you know if there are a lot of people from Durmstrang here?"

Thinking of Viktor's support network at school, Harry nodded. "Yeah, there's definitely going to be a lot of Durmstrang people here. I'm not sure how many, but I'm sure they're around somewhere."

"I still can't believe Mum and Dad let you sleep in today," Nathan grumbled good naturedly. "We had to be up at six, and we've been working this entire time."

"Nathan, you're the one that begged Mum and Dad to go with the Weasleys." Harry reminded his brother. "It's not like it takes long to apparate here."

"Oh, Harry," Lily said from down the table. "Sirius just told us we're finally going to get to meet your girlfriend later."

To the outside observer, Harry was perfectly relaxed, but internally he was struggling to keep his emotions in check. "Yes, she said she'll stop by after the match. I just have to owl her directions on how to get here from the stadium."

"Well, I can't wait to finally meet her," James said enthusiastically. "You've been telling us about her since your first year. It'll be nice to finally have a face to put with the name."

"I'm sure you'll like her."

Turning to his brother, Harry quickly brought the subject back to the upcoming Quidditch match. As Ron spouted off some useless fact about the Irish Chasers, Harry did his best not to think about his parents eventually meeting Calypso.

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