
Cap 139: Blessing of the Fairies

It's all dark, there's nothing around, I can't even tell you the directions or how long I've been here, all I know is that I feel several wounds all over my body that keep hurting, these wounds seem to be superficial but are hurting more than that they should. 

  I don't know how long I've been here, but the pain only increases as time goes by, the last thing I remember was finishing that Fairy's transformation process. 

  "Did I manage to save that Fairy?"  (I) 

  "If I'm not mistaken I think I named her before I lost consciousness."  (I) 

  "I think the name I chose was Layla, the meaning of that name was night in Arabic, it was the name I chose for a Fairy Queen in one of my games."  (I) 


  "It brings back memories."  (I) 

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