
Episode 16 - Behind the Reason (2)

Izana saw him carefully from the top to the bottom because there is something strange with the person in front of him and glanced his eyes to the side, crossed one person in his memory, not the other is the woman who is engaged to him.

Then looked back to the person who currently owns the gaze of upset about something. Izana was immediately know what is happening and try an experiment.

"Then can we talk in your room? It was a safe place to play, can I?" Izana said confidently.

Yeah, I do this also because there is a choice. It was all because in this place. I don't have another place in addition to my personal room.

This is located outside of my plan. But hopefully he would let me use his room.

Varest replied, "Okay, Your Highness."

Yes! He agreed!

"...But there's one problem, Your Highness."

"What is it?"

Varest holding his own hands while he turned his face to the other direction.

"It's fine. Just tell me about it."

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